Acrevalue Missouri (2025)

1. Missouri Farmland Values Opinion Survey - MU Extension

  • 1 nov 2023 · Farmland values (dollars per acre) based on 2023 Missouri Farmland Opinion Survey. Cropland, Pastureland, Timberland, Hunting or recreation land.

  • Find Missouri cropland, pasture, timberland and hunting or recreation land values reported by surveyed agricultural lenders, rural appraisers and farmers. | /**/ Editor’s note For historical information, view opinion survey results from previous years. Juo-Han Tsay Assistant Extension Professor, Agricultural Business and Policy In Missouri, land sale prices are not required to be reported to any government or public agency. In turn, it is challenging to understand current prices and forward-looking projections for the state’s farmland values. This report summarizes results from a web-based survey conducted by the Agribusiness and Policy Extension Program at the University of Missouri, which aims to provide insight into perceived changes in land values across Missouri’s farmland market. This information supplements state-level estimates published by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). The most recent survey was conducted in October 2023 and collected 322 responses. Of the 322 responses, 33% were from farmers or landowners, 24% were from lenders, 19% were from government employees, and 24% from other occupations. Each respondent was invited to report land values for cropland, pastureland, timberland, and hunting/recreation land for up to three counties based on their knowledge of a sales transaction that occurred in the last 12 months. The survey captured 1,776 land value observations.   USDA Agricultural Statistics Distric...

2. Acre Value by State 2024 - World Population Review

  • Missouri, $7,233, $4,150. Kentucky, $7,209, $4,350. Arkansas, $6,739, $3,550. Iowa, $6,590, $9,400. Oregon, $6,503, $3,040. Colorado, $6,462, $1,770. Maine ...

  • Map Options

3. AcreValue Expands Throughout Corn Belt - Hay & Forage Grower

  • AcreValue's Automated Valuation Model, or AVM, was first available in Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado and Texas. With the new ...

4. Missouri Farmland Values | MU Extension

  • 21 jun 2017 · Table 2 provides the average market value of these agricultural land classes for the state of Missouri since 1950. Understanding USDA data.

  • Find farmland values for Missouri and its counties from USDA since 1959. Learn methods of estimating historical county values for years not reported. | /**/ Editor’s note See the County Land Value Estimator spreadsheet (XLSX) for related information. Ryan Milhollin Assistant Extension Professor, Agricultural Business and Policy Juo-Han Tsay Assistant Extension Professor, Agricultural Business and Policy Individuals and businesses often need an estimate of the value of a piece of land. A properly done appraisal provides the most accurate estimate of a piece of land’s value. Appraisals attempt to estimate value from comparable sales. Comparable sales should be nearby, have sold recently and have similar characteristics. It is not always feasible to get an appraisal on a piece of land, particularly when a historical value is sought. A historical land value is often needed to calculate taxes and settle estates. When appraisals are not feasible, estimates from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) data might be an acceptable option. USDA agricultural land values The National Agricultural Statistics Service of the USDA collects and reports information on the market value of agricultural land and buildings. The Census of Agriculture is conducted every five years and seeks responses from every farmer. The published Censuses report the market value of farmland, including buildings, for each county in the year the information was gathered. Table 1 provides the average market value...

5. About TSH Enterprises, LLC | Sell Land For Cash | Acrevalue

  • Meet TSH Enterprises, LLC. Steve Mallory has been around land his whole life. Growing up in a small farming community in Central Missouri, his father owned ...

  • What is your lands Acrevalue? Do you have questions about how to sell your land? We want to give you a fast and simple solution that will put cash in your pocket now!

6. Water Use Calculator - Missouri Department of Natural Resources

  • Choose a crop to set an average annual inches per acre value or provide your own actual amount below. Corn [26], Soybeans [16], Rice [23], Cotton [39], Barley ...

7. AcreValue start-up evaluates the landscape of farm data

  • 11 jan 2022 · AcreValue, an online farmland information and evaluation platform, seeks to collect disparate land data and make it easily searchable for ...

  • AcreValue, an online farmland information and evaluation platform, seeks to collect disparate land data and make it easily searchable for investors, farmers, brokers, and bankers.

8. AcreValue, farmland information, evaluation unit, bought by Ag ...

  • 5 okt 2021 · 30 the acquisition of AcreValue, a farmland information and evaluation platform, from Granular, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Corteva Agriscience ...

  • Ag-Analytics, a farmland data technology software provider, announced Sept. 30 the acquisition of AcreValue, a farmland information and evaluation platform, from Granular, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Corteva Agriscience.

9. MWU - Major Water Use - Missouri Department of Natural Resources

  • Water Used for Irrigation by Inches Applied. Choose a crop to set an average annual inches per acre value or provide your own actual amount below.

  • Water Used for Irrigation by Inches Applied

10. Jeffrey Nazuka - Carbon By Indigo - LinkedIn

  • 15 aug 2023 · ... AcreValue®, watch how quickly you ... Here's a real life example in Gentry Co, Missouri. ... Using sales data on AcreValue, we compiled the ...

  • AcreValue® is working with Carbon by Indigo to help farmers enroll in a carbon program and create a new income stream for their farm through carbon credits…

11. AcreValue Adds Farmland Sale Prices - Successful Farming

  • 13 sep 2016 · AcreValue will include land sales from 2,500 of the 3,000 U.S. counties. Some states, such as Missouri, do not have open record laws that ...

  • Granular’s AcreValue continues to add new features and data points to the one-year old farmland value platform, including land sale prices.

12. [PDF] Land Values 2022 Summary (August 2022) - USDA NASS

  • 5 aug 2022 · Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Ohio. Northern Plains:......... Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota. Appalachian:..

13. Acres | Analyze and Value Land With Confidence on

  • Find nationwide land sales data, listings, plat maps, and parcel-level insights all in one powerful land research platform,

14. AcreValue - Facebook

  • AcreValue, Miami, Florida. 25774 likes · 157 talking about this. Welcome to AcreValue, your go-to source for detailed land data and insights! Explore...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

15. Average Farmland Prices in Missouri (MO) - AcreTrader

  • Find out the current price per acre of farmland in Missouri and how Missouri farmland has appreciated in value over time.

Acrevalue Missouri (2025)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.