Bikini Line: How to Safely Remove Hair (2024)

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The bikini line or pubic hair region can be a tricky area to groom. But there are things you can do to help you avoid razor burn, ingrown hairs, itchiness, dry skin, and rash.

Read on to learn how to groom your bikini line and what to do if you’ve already gotten an ingrown hair or other skin issue from hair removal.

If you’re planning to trim or groom your bikini line, try these tips before removing hair from this area:

  1. Make sure your razor is clean and sharp.
  2. If you need to trim pubic hair before beginning, make sure the scissors are sharp and clean. Trimming the hair can make shaving or waxing easier and less painful.
  3. Before removing hair, soak in hot water to soften the skin, which may make hair removal easier.
  4. Use shaving cream.
  5. Use a mirror if you’re having trouble seeing your bikini line.
  6. Shave in the direction of the hair growth, not against the grain.
  7. Hold the skin taut for a smoother shave.
  8. If waxing, make sure the wax is evenly heated and not too hot.
  9. Leave depilatory creams on for the shortest amount of time possible.
  10. Use an alcohol-free moisturizer afterward.
  11. If you feel any burning or discomfort, apply aloe vera.

The following are some common complications from removing hair in the bikini area, plus what you can do to reduce your risk.

Ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs happen when hair grows back into the skin instead of straight out.

To avoid ingrown hairs, make sure your skin is exfoliated, and soak your bikini area in warm water for a few minutes before removing hair.

To treat an ingrown hair, apply a warm compress on and off until the hair emerges. This may take a few days.

You may need to use a steroid cream, like hydrocortisone, to reduce inflammation. You should also clean the area with benzoyl peroxide to avoid infection.


It’s not uncommon to get a rash or razor burn after shaving or waxing the bikini line. It can be itchy and uncomfortable.

To prevent razor burn, make sure you’re using a sharp, clean razor, and apply an emollient to clean, dry skin after shaving.

Razor bumps

Razor bumps occur when curly hair gets stuck in the hair follicle. To prevent razor bumps, keep the delicate skin around the bikini exfoliated and moisturized.

If you get razor bumps, try applying aloe vera or a steroid cream to the affected area. Reducing the frequency of shaving may also help.

Dry skin

Removing hair from your bikini line can actually remove a layer of dead skin, so it’s unlikely to cause dry skin.

If your skin is very dry or sunburnt to begin with, skip the hair removal. Always be sure to moisturize after hair removal.

There are many ways to remove hair from your body safely.

When grooming your bikini line, remember that the hair is a bit coarser than in other areas. The skin is also very thin and sensitive, which is why it’s prone to irritation.

Here are several methods you can use to remove the hair.

1. Shaving

Shaving requires a razor and shaving cream, but it’s a quick, reliable method for removing hair.

Be sure to shave in the same direction as the hair growth, and moisturize afterward. Always use a sharp razor.

2. Waxing

You can use wax at home, or you can get a bikini line or a full Brazilian wax in a salon.

When waxing your bikini line yourself, be very careful that the microwaved wax isn’t too hot before applying it.

One study showed that 38 percent of people attempting to wax at home ended up with burns, often on their right hand from pulling the wax out of the microwave.

Apply the wax in the direction of the hair growth, and pull it off in the other direction.

3. Sugaring

Sugaring is similar to waxing, in that it pulls hair from the root. It’s made from a mixture of sugar, lemon, water, and sometimes honey. Unlike waxing, sugaring pulls hair out in the same direction that it grows.

It’s best to get sugared by a trained professional.

4. Depilatory creams

Depilatory creams, like Nair, use chemicals to dissolve the hair off the skin. While the hair shaft is removed, the root remains, just like with shaving.

Because depilatory creams burn the hair, they can also cause burns on the skin if not used properly or if left on for too long.

Make sure to always follow the instructions carefully. Start by keeping the cream on for the shortest recommended time until you know how your hair and skin will react.

Also, make sure to fully rinse the cream off of your skin when you’re done.

5. Epilator

An epilator is an electric tool you can use at home that plucks out multiple hairs at once, removing them from the root.

Make sure to exfoliate the skin first, then loosely hold the epilator and move it in the direction of the hair growth.

6. Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is a procedure that’s done by a professional in-office. It heats up the hair follicle, which stops new hair from growing.

It’s not totally permanent, but when the hairs do grow back, there will be fewer of them, and they should be finer.

In rare cases, laser hair removal can cause hives or purpura, which are purple bumps on the skin.

If you’re looking for a permanent solution for hair removal, you’ll want to see a trusted aesthetician who specializes in laser hair removal.

If you find that your bikini line doesn’t seem to be healing, or if you see blisters, oozing burns, or a possible infection, check in with your doctor as soon as possible.

There’s no health benefit to removing hair from the bikini area, but you may choose to do it for aesthetic reasons.

There are many ways to remove hair around the pubic area, including:

  • shaving
  • waxing
  • sugaring
  • applying a depilatory cream
  • using an epilator
  • undergoing laser hair removal

To minimize painful aftereffects, always use clean tools, and use shaving cream when appropriate. Apply moisturizer or aloe vera after removing the hair.

Bikini Line: How to Safely Remove Hair (2024)


Bikini Line: How to Safely Remove Hair? ›

Make sure your razor is clean and sharp. If you need to trim pubic hair before beginning, make sure the scissors are sharp and clean. Trimming the hair can make shaving or waxing easier and less painful. Before removing hair, soak in hot water to soften the skin, which may make hair removal easier.

What is the safest way to remove bikini hair? ›

Electrolysis is your best option for permanent hair removal, but it can be expensive. For more permanent results, laser hair removal can also help you remove pubic hair for a hefty price. You can also opt to do occasional grooming with trimming or tweezing to avoid going completely bare.

What is the healthiest way to remove pubic hair? ›

Trimming is the safest option because it shortens your pubic hair without cutting close to the skin, which can lead to injury or infection. You can use scissors or a trimming tool marketed for use on pubic hair, or even tools made for trimming beards.

How do I get rid of little hair on my bikini line? ›

If you want to avoid the stubbly look you can get from shaving, you can use depilatories or wax. A depilatory is a cream or liquid that removes hair from the skin's surface. Depilatories work quickly, are available at drugstores and grocery stores, and are painless.

How do you shave your bikini line safely? ›

Shave in one direction

Without adding too much pressure, downward blade strokes work best. With a superior 5-blade women's razor, one pass is usually enough to remove the hairs easily. Gently stretching out the skin with the other hand makes a smoother surface for easier shaving. Avoid re-shaving over delicate areas.

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Wash and Exfoliate the Area

Shave in the shower after you've cleansed the area and exfoliated. Exfoliation removes dead skin cell buildup that can trap hairs beneath the skin (leading to ingrown hairs and bumps) and helps lift the hair away from the skin for a smoother shave, explains Yadava.

What is the best form of hair removal for bikini area? ›

Shaving, waxing, and sugaring are among the most common forms of hair removal for the bikini area. Deciding between these three options can come down to lifestyle, accessibility, skin sensitivity, and even the texture of your body hair. That being said, hair removal is optional.

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It's also okay to decide not to shave your pubic hair at all! It's quite normal to let it grow out, though you must wash and dry it properly. Otherwise, you can cause itchiness and rashes from dried-out skin or clogged pores.

Is it better to wax or shave pubic hair? ›

For bikini areas, waxing is more precise and can result in less razor bumps because of the delicate skin area.

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In general, we recommend shaving every two to three days if you want a clean shave; three to five days if you want to simply style or trim; and if you want to just let your hair grow, then simply stop shaving.

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A majority of the credit goes to waxing services, especially preferred for its convenience and lasting effects. Waxing, specifically bikini and Brazilian waxes, is the secret weapon of many celebrities when it comes to fighting unwanted body hair.

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Begin by shaving in a downward motion with the grain of the hair. Next, to achieve a closer shave, run the razor against the grain of the hair upwards; making sure go slow to reduce any razor burn. After shaving rinse the area with warm water and pat dry. 5) Protect and moisturize!

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Okay, onto her tips:
  1. Use conditioner instead of shaving gel or cream. ...
  2. Shave with the hair growth. ...
  3. Make sure your razor is sharp, not dull. ...
  4. Pat on some witch hazel after you shower. ...
  5. Apply a little coconut oil over your freshly shaved bikini line to help moisturise your skin.
Nov 14, 2018

How do female swimmers deal with pubic hair? ›

Swimmers maintain their bikini line and underarms on a weekly basis as they are practically living in a swimsuit 12 months a year. Shaving down is saved for the competitions where athletes are expected to perform their best. Such as the Olympic Games or World Championships. Generally this occurs only 1-2 times a year.

How to get smooth pubic area? ›

Whether you're shaving or waxing, here are our tips on how to keep this area smooth and hair free!
  1. Exfoliate pre and post hair removal. ...
  2. Tone and moisturize your bikini area. ...
  3. Don't pick at ingrown hairs. ...
  4. Diminish discomfort before-hand. ...
  5. NEVER shave on dry skin. ...
  6. Pay attention to your bikini area for the next 24-48 hours.

Is hair removal cream safe for private parts? ›

You can use depilatory creams to remove hair on almost every area of your body. Some creams are specially made for sensitive places, like your face and bikini area. Your hair will grow back quickly after you remove it with a depilatory cream. New hair will usually appear within a few days.

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