Light and Shadows (Thranduil's story post BOTFA) - Ambys contest 2023 - Chapter 31 - Cineva999 (2024)

Chapter Text

The army from Gundabad was now surrounding the fortress, trying to penetrate through the elven enchantments and get closer to the walls. Thanduil's forces led by Gilros and Celledrim were fighting them off and keeping them at bay while at the same time his generals were fighting off the Easterlings deep inside the forest, making them unable to advance. The sounds of war were everywhere. There was no news of his other two generals, Callon and Hador, and Thranduil hoped they were keeping at bay the Easterlings at the South-Eastern border and that they were still alive.

'Have my subjects been safely gathered to the depths of the fortress?', Thranduil asked Aldon, who was now by his side with his first-in-command within his company, the warrior elleth Maeredith.

By their side, Alma, Miriel and two other maidens working in the royal halls arrived. They all had their weapons, bows and daggers, attached to their clothes.

'They are safe, my lord', Maeredith spoke, 'and well-guarded.'

'Maeredith has personally ensured that they are evacuated from the places where an attack might harm them', Aldon said, looking into Thranduil's eyes.

'Good. I want my people to be safe.', Thranduil replied and then looked towards the other elleths. 'Prepare the way for them to take the passage leading to the mountains in case this fortress is penetrated', he said and paused before continuing, 'though I doubt this will happen.'

'Yes, my lord.', the three elven maidens replied with a quick bow of the head and rushed away.

He turned away, keeping his hand firmly on his sword, and walked towards his other captains, including Tauriel.

'Come', he said. 'We will join the defence.'

He saw a shadow of fear for the first time in ages on his captains' faces, even on Maldir's face. A Nazgul was no easy foe to fight off but they had a kingdom to defend. Then, he noticed something else in their eyes - worry. Worry forhim, that he might not return and that it was highly dangerous for him to venture outside yet none dared contradict him. He was Thranduil, the great Elvenking, and if he did not defend his people then who would?

As he walked past them to lead them and their troops, he saw Tauriel by his side to his right. He turned his head, stopping briefly before her. Their eyes met and he said in a lower voice:

'Stay close to me.'

Outside, the fires of war were shining through the trees, though the entire forest would have been lit by then save for the elven enchantments that were somewhat stopping the flames from spreading too fast. Tauriel took her two long elven blades in her hands and Thranduil took his own next to her as they dived in the battle, with an urgency to kill all the foul invaders. Gilros, Thranduil's first general, and his troops were doing a marvellous job in keeping their position steadfast and not allowing any enemy to come too close to the palace.

It seemed that the enemy sent all they got as the numbers of the foes was great and still more they were, deep in the shadow of Mirkwood. If Callon and Hador could not hold off the Easterlings and they advanced towards the fortress joining the Gundabad host, then perhaps they would be outnumbered. Though it was clear that his generals' host was still battling them as smoke and lights were seen far in the distance and sounds of drums and horns were heard.

Thranduil ordered his flanks, sending his other two generals to ensure there were enough elven forces all around the fortress. He led the defence at the palace entry, crossing the bridge that was now well guarded by both enchantments and his soldiers and going into the wood, through the trees, where the enemies were lurking. There he immersed himself into fighting, as orcs came from all directions. He cut through them like hot knife through butter, his sharp blades spinning deadly around his body. Not too far, Tauriel was also spinning her two blades, fighting with their soldiers and advancing through the enemy lines.

It was complete chaos under the trees. As they cut through the enemy lines, more orcs came, attempting to surround them and more were killed by Thranduil and his host. Firebombs fell from the trees as the elves shoot their arrows, killing the ones who were throwing them.

It felt again like survival and all Thranduil could think was to kill. Only a few times in his life he felt like fighting for his survival and the survival of his people and that included the infamous Battle of the Five Armies and the Battle of the Last Alliance where he lost his father. Hehadto defend them, he could not let his realm fall; no, he wasn't going to fall. The sounds of fighting were filling the air, he, Tauriel and the rest of his troops letting out angry sounds as they slew orcs with their sharp elven blades and daggers.

Then, in the midst of the night, after many hours of fighting, it seemed like the orcs retreated, trying to regroup their forces deeper in the forest. Thranduil stood still, watching as the enemies diminished in number around them, breathing heavily and holding his two blades in his hands that were now covered in dark blood. He led his troops back to the fortress, also trying to regroup and sent forth a new party to kill the invaders. His captains, including Tauriel, were also covered in blood and tired from the fight.

They had succeeded in their first attempt to disperse and vanquish the Gundabad troops. Thranduil walked back to the fortress through his elven lines of defence held by Gilros and Celledrim, leading back his valiant host. They crossed above the river on the bridge towards the walls of rock, as his troops, of which many wounded soldiers, walked back inside in the safety of the palace.

Then, just as he, his soldiers and commanders were gathered near the walls, a cry was heard. A wicked, evil, unnatural cry and they all knew what it was. Wings were heard flying above the fortress but nothing could be seen in the darkness of the night.

'Make haste inside!', Thranduil ordered his soldiers, while he stood still, looking up towards the night sky, his hands firmly holding his blades.

Tauriel also looked up, alongside Maldir and Feren. Thranduil wished she would also take cover inside, but he could not order her to abandon her post while his other captains were near him. The sounds of wings were heard again, this time much closer. In his heart, Thranduil felt a terrible malice all of a sudden, a darkness of old, a shadow of old grief and torment that has come again. He took a few steps forward, towards the bridge, with fierce eyes, leaving the others behind him.

A few screams were heard as Khamul descended upon his winged beast, close to the elven bridge, facing now the elven lines and Thranduil in front of their palace. Thranduil's heart started beating faster, not with fear, but with anger. He looked upon the Ringwraith, the same evil creature as the King of Angmar, that had slain Ellerian many centuries back. He heard Maldir behind him rushing the soldiers inside while a few more screams were heard as Khamul was now facing Thranduil, only meters apart.

They stood still for a few moments, Thranduil watching the black-hooded creature which bore no face, though he could feel his eyes looking straight at him, holding the winged beast he rode on in his direction. The beast let out another threatening cry and Thranduil could see its sharp teeth. It did not intimidate him and he held himself tall, ready to put his blade through it. He had fought dragons in the past and was ready to fight the most loyal servants of Sauron even through the fires of hell. He frowned as the Nazgul still held silence, watching him.

'It is over', a guttural, chilling voice was heard as Khamul finally spoke. 'Surrender or die.'

Behind Thranduil, the elves held their breaths, watching the daunting confrontation. Many soldiers had terror upon their faces. Tauriel held her swords tightly, a frown between her brows, as if ready to dive in if needed. Maldir, Thranduil's oldest captain, watched with his mouth slightly open, also holding his sword tightly.

Thranduil looked at the Nazgul with cold eyes, and replied with an admirable calm, powerful voice that also had a threatening tone:


He took a step closer to the Nazgul with his blades raised and heard voices behind him. Khamul also took out his blade. The beast he rode spread its wings, moving them threateningly. Thranduil did not know what wicked devices and what powers Sauron's servant had. Perhaps he was not a match to them - he did not have a Ring of Power - but he was a legendary warrior and he was going to fight with all he had.

Then, Khamul raised his sword to the sky and a black smoke surrounded it, like it was gathering a sort of dark power within itself. The black thread then reached high into the night sky, starting to become as lightening. It was truly intimidating but Thranduil did not let himself be intimidated. The Nazgul did not unmount his beast. Instead, he directed his sword at Thranduil and it was as if his blade travelled to him, a black wave crossing the distance between them rapidly. Thranduil felt the hit as if the power of 10 blades came at him at once but he repelled it with all his might with his own silver blade.

'Elbereth', he muttered, as he invoked the name of the Queen of the Valar, the very name that would instill fear in a Nazgul.

He crossed his two elven blades in front of him like a shield as an angry cry came from the Nazgul and a second dark wave came quickly. With a sharp move, he uncrossed his blades and repelled the second hit with them as his fea was now lit, starting to gently illuminate his body as if he was covered in moonlight. His figure looked now more than that of a regular elven lord, but like that of a hero of old with powers from the Valar, as his armour shone on his body, his silver hair illuminating in the night and holding his long blades fearlessly towards the Ringwraith, ready to fight back.

It was clear that the Nazgul did not expect such resistance from the Elvenking. Its beast cried aloud and Khamul held silent for a moment. Thranduil felt his threatening presence piercing through the air between them. Then, the Nazgul raised his sword again towards the sky but elven horns were suddenly heard in the distance. They were not horns of Mirkwood, not those of Callon or Hador who were still fighting deep within the forest. These horns were coming from a greater distance and were faint to hear even for elven ears. Still, their crystalline, distinct sound was perceived by both the elves and the Nazgul.

Khamul turned his head towards the edge of the forest and Thranduil watched towards the horizon, far away, a white light illuminating the night sky in the distance in flashes. That white light was coming from the direction of Lothlorien as if it was hovering above it. Thranduil wondered if they too were being attacked or if it was just a protection coming from Galadriel who had probably sensed the presence of the Nazgul over Mirkwood. The light grew in intensity above the region, illuminating the night sky. Then, more horns were heard from far away, as if it was a call to battle.

This itself distracted the Nazgul and both he and Thranduil stood still for a few moments, listening to the horns of Lothlorien and gazing upon the light in the distance. Then, with a quick movement, the Nazgul flew away from the bridge and above the forest of Mirkwood with a loud cry, heading towards Lothlorien.

Both Thranduil and the host behind him looked amazed at the sudden turn of events. He stood still, as the Nazgul disappeared from sight, looking at the forest. Flames were still illuminating the trees and vegetation both near their fortress and further away where the Easterlings were. For now, the enemy's host was dispersed and only a few arrows flew here and there from behind the dark trees, but they were too far from them.

He turned towards his host. He hoped they had refuged inside but, to his surprise, most of his army was still there, arms in their hands, watching him with frozen expressions and slight bewilderment. Thranduil turned his eyes towards Gilros.

'Send Callon and Hador reinforcements.', he ordered. 'And use water from the river to put the fire out as much as we can from the surroundings. Do not venture far as the enemy is still lurking.'

Gilros nodded and ordered his men as instructed. Thranduil led his troops inside and was astonished to see a massive crowd of elves gathered together, waiting for him. It seemed as though his people had come out of their hidings and were gathered at the entrance hall with expressions that showed they already knew what had happened outside. Even though they were not soldiers nor part of the Mirkwood army, the elves each had weapons in their hands, ready to fight for their realm. Seeing them there moved something within Thranduil's heart. Wood elves were known to be valiant and tough and the fact that they were not properly equipped for war did not stop them from coming out of their hiding.

'We shall stay here for now.', Thranduil ordered. 'Celledrim, guard the fortress well and kill any enemies you see. Blow the horn in case of another attack.'

His general nodded saying 'Yes, my lord', and took part of the army outside the gate, while the wounded soldiers were taking refuge inside.

'What about Khamul?', Tauriel asked, coming close to Thranduil.

'He headed towards Lorien. There, the power of Galadriel's Ring will hold him off.'

'But he might return', Tauriel continued with a frown of worry.

'Yes...he might.', Thranduil answered. 'And if he does, we need to be ready.'

He turned towards Alma, Miriel, Maeredith and a few other elleths in his service who were also waiting in the hall, weapons in their hands.

'Help the wounded soldiers. Heal them fast, they need to be ready to fight again as soon as possible.'

The elven maidens bowed their heads and took the wounded elves, leading them towards the healing halls.

As the first light of the sun came out at dawn, the sky was heavily covered in grey clouds and smoke and felt as if it was still night-time. The forces from Gundabad were still surrounding them, ready to attack with full strength once again. Arrows were still flying towards the soldiers from behind the nearby trees where the orcs were lurking and they were being met with elven arrows flying back at them.

'No news from Callon and Hador?', Thranduil asked Girlos.

'No, my lord. We have sent them the reinforcements. It looks as though they are still holding off the Easterling forces further South.'

Thranduil came out of the fortress. He breathed in the cool, crisp air mixed with the smell of burnt and ashes. Lines of soldiers were surrounding the fortress. As he gazed further away towards the depths of Mirkwood, he could faintly hear the sound of soldiers but could not tell if they were of his host or of the enemy. Perhaps both. A few lights were still lit through the trees but much less than before. It seemed as though his two generals had some success in destroying the enemy's attack.

Another sound was heard, distant and chilling, and Thranduil recognised it right away. It was the sound of the beast Khamul rode and was coming from the horizon though the Nazgul was nowhere to be seen. As he gazed in the direction of Lorien, flashes of light were still crossing the gloomy sky which meant there was also a battle taking place there.

Some hours later, a new attack started unexpectedly and fast. Gundabad horns were heard loudly and a large orc commanding the army signalled them to move towards the elven realm once again. The orcs appeared from within the dark, devastated forest, getting closer to the river and the fortress. Even though Thranduil and his elven host killed many in the first attack, it seemed like they were still great in number. Thranduil led his army again with Tauriel, Maldir, Feren, Aldon as well as his two generals, Gilros and Celledrim, joining him in battle.

Thranduil's host met them outside of the palace, under the trees of Mirkwood, trying to put a stop to their invasion once again. Another fierce battle started, a long battle that seemed to have no end. As Thranduil killed the orcs with his deadly blades, there were always more to come, more to be slain... Anger took him as the blood he was spilling was not enough, not enough to drive them away, not enough to protect the forest and his people. He wanted it to be over but all he could do in that moment was kill...

The orcs were trying to create chaos and distract the elves by trying to burn the forest they held so dear. The enchantments though were holding fast and the fire was not holding as bright as it should have nor was it spreading as fast. However, their burning arrows and firebombs were creating havoc among Thranduil's soldiers, wounding them and distracting them.

'Retreat towards the gates', Thranduil ordered, seeing as the chaos was spreading again.

He took his soldiers and commanders, dirty from orc blood and ashes, and they crossed the river, where the flames could not reach them. There, in front of the gate, Maeredith was waiting with the gate open, soldiers surrounding her and Thranduil's subjects behind her.

'My lord', she started a bit scared, 'they did not want to refuge. They say they want to fight.'

Thranduil gazed behind her at his fearless subjects, many of which wood elves holding weapons in their hands, were ready to fight alongside with him.

'Aldon', he commanded while quickly turning towards his captains, 'ensure that the rest of the population is safe within the palace.'

Aldon nodded and went past the many elves waiting by the gate, going to inspect if the place was safe for the others though it seemed that only the elflings were not present there and had been left in hiding. It seemed as though the entire kingdom had come out, unwilling to flee or yield.

Thranduil regrouped his forces and led his people once again in combat, as the orcs were holding position around the river, this time being joined by hundreds of his subjects armed with bows, arrows, daggers and swords. They crossed the river and headed into the forest and a fierce fight started once again between Thranduil's forces and the Gundabad orcs.

Then, the tide finally started to turn in their favour as his valiant people were slaying the enemies one by one, preventing them from being able to set any more fires and reducing their numbers significantly. As they were slowly but surely winning, Thranduil heard the sound of horns and of soldiers headings their way. He, Tauriel and the captains who were with him remained still. The orcs also seemed confused. If the Easterlings were joining the orc force, the elves could not handle such an attack. However, Thranduil right away realised they were not Easterling horns but elven horns. His generals, Callon and Hador, were coming from the depths of the forest, leading their troops back and were joining them in battle.

The grey, gloomy sky turned even darker as the shadow of the night was quickly approaching. Thranduil and his people returned to their fortress, this time victorious, having destroyed the orc flanks completely.

'Quickly, put out the fires.', Gilros ordered, while the soldiers started to take water from the river and head to the burning trees around them.

Thranduil turned towards Callon and Hador.

'I am grateful for your efforts.', he said with an intense gaze.

'My King, we fought the Easterling for long.', Callon spoke. 'They were valiant and determined to take that part of the forest but we have crushed their army and the rest of them fled South, towards Lorien.'

'That is where their commander, Khamul, has gone.', Thranduil said with a low voice.

His generals looked slightly shocked.

'This attack has been orchestrated. They wanted to destroy the elven Kingdoms.', Thranduil continued.

'My lord', Feren said, coming next to Thranduil, 'there are still orcs scattered through Mirkwood.'

'I will send a party to hunt them.', he replied and turned towards one of his generals. 'Celledrim, I want you to inspect the area where the Easterling came from. Make sure there are no other forces coming from Mordor and ready to enter Mirkwood.'

'Yes, my lord.', Celledrim said, bowing his head quickly in acceptance of the order. 'I will let the soldiers rest a little and then will lead them into the forest and inspect every single area.'

'Salvage what you can for now.', Thranduil said towards Feren. 'We need to put out all the fires.'

Orders were being heard given from captains to scouts and from generals to soldiers.

His brave people were looking at him, dirty from all the fighting, as Thranduil himself and his soldiers were stained with dark blood. Thranduil looked towards Tauriel and Maldir who were by his side, waiting for orders.

'Come with me', he said, 'we will go hunt some orcs.'

Thranduil, followed by Tauriel, Maldir and a large party of soldiers, as well as many of his subjects, followed him into the forest, as Feren and Gilros were trying to put out the fires and were guarding the palace. The night had now fallen once again over the realm though the lit trees and torches were guiding their way. As they encountered the remaining orcs, they killed them one by one and what remained of the fowl creatures were now trying to run away from the attack of the elves. They advanced a bit more into Mirkwood that was now filled by their soldiers as well as Celledrim's host who was surveying further away, making sure no enemies were left.

They stayed as long as they encountered orcs to kill until it seemed there was none left. Only then, Thranduil and Tauriel returned to the fortress, alongside Maldir and their troops, and as they crossed the bridge, a loud cry was heard in the distance.

The many elves standing at the entrance of the realm, both soldiers and commoners, came to look. It seemed as though Khamul was fighting with the power of Nenya, Galadriel's Ring, as the night sky lit up and flashes were seen again from the direction of Lorien, on the horizon. The elves could perceive with their sharp ears the loud, angered sounds of the Nazgul. Flashes of light continued to illuminate the dark sky, flickering above Lothlorien like strikes of a blade.

It looked as though the battle was intensifying and Thranduil and his people remained with their eyes lost at the horizon, watching in awe. One of Celledrim's soldiers returned from the forest and reported no sign of enemies heading towards Mirkwood nor left in Mirkwood. They were safe for now. Though Thranduil was still unsettled within himself at the prospect of the Nazgul returning to the Woodland Realm.

The elves now watched as the last of the resistance of darkness was still trying to destroy the Eldar. Here and there, deep within Mirkwood, smoke and ashes were rising from the patches of the forest that had been affected by fire. A boom was heard and the light at the horizon intensified. It reached high into the sky, seemingly penetrating through the thick dark veil of clouds. The Woodland elves spotted a lone, dark figure, flying far away. Thranduil gazed with his eyes just as fascinated as those of his subjects. It was Khamul, on his winged beast, now flying further away from the blazing light.

With an angry cry, the dark figure turned East, flying away on the lit sky, further and further away towards Mordor. What wonder to be able to use a Ring of power, Thranduil thought, still, he never desired to have one. He had held his realm protected without one for ages and this battle was yet another proof. He had a force within himself that was perhaps stronger than that of any magical object. Still, the light from Lorien that finally drove the Nazgul away was wonderful to behold.

The light then gradually started to fade from the night sky. The clouds and mist were dispersing, leaving way for the first stars to appear. Then, a pale moon crept from behind them, illuminating the dark sky with its gentle light. A deep silence was held for many moments, with the elves watching the sky. Then, cheers gradually started, as the elves inside the kingdom also poured out, clapping in joy at their victory against Sauron's forces.

Tauriel came next to Thranduil, as she also gazed upon the now beautiful starry sky, unclouded by shadows. A smile was upon her face. The Woodland elves were loudly cheering the victory and a renewed hope and strength was within each of them. For now, the battle was over...

Thranduil let his eyes fall down, close to the bridge, looking now at Tauriel who was by his side. Her skin and clothes were splashed with orc blood, the collar of her green tunic was widely open, almost revealing her ivory chest, and her hands were holding the two beautiful elven blades to the ground. She looked fairer than ever. Tauriel turned her eyes towards him, meeting his gaze. There was a fire in her eyes and it was all burning for him.

Then, Thranduil turned towards her, lowered his head and they kissed in the midst of the crowd and their cheers. One of her swords fell to the ground with a loud sound, as she clasped her hand onto his arm, holding his tunic tightly and kissing him back hungrily. For once, they did not care that the entire kingdom was watching them and they did not care to look around them. Thranduil pulled away and they both stood still next to each other, smiling, gazing again upon the bright stars that were now shining above them, a symbol of the light triumphing over darkness.

Light and Shadows (Thranduil's story post BOTFA) - Ambys contest 2023 - Chapter 31 - Cineva999 (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.