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Are you considering tape-in hair extensions? Tape-in hair extensions are a popular choice for many women because they are quick and easy to install and allow you to add length and volume to your hair in a matter of minutes.

However, there are some things you should know about tape-in hair extensions before you make your final decision. In this blog post, we will discuss the pros and cons of tape-in hair extensions so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not they suit you.

Pros of Tape-In Hair Extensions

1. Tape-in hair extensions are a quick and easy way to add length and volume to your hair. They are also a great option if you’re looking for a temporary solution or if you’re not ready for the commitment of traditional hair extensions.

Tape-in extensions can be applied in just a few minutes and last for up to six or eight weeks, making them a popular choice for busy women who want to change their look on a whim.

2. Tape-in hair extensions are relatively inexpensive, especially when compared to other types of hair extensions. They can be found in most beauty supply stores, and they are easy to apply at home with the help of a friend.

3. Tape-in hair extensions are comfortable to wear and cause no damage to your natural hair. They are also easy to apply and remove, making them an excellent option for those looking for a temporary solution. They are easy to care for and can be worn for weeks.

4. Tape-in hair extensions are easy to care for and can be styled just like your natural hair. They can be washed, blow dried, curled, and flat ironed like your own hair. Just use a little bit of extra care when brushing and combing to avoid damaging the bonds. Tape-in extensions should be replaced every six to eight weeks to maintain a natural look.

5. Tape-in hair extensions can be reused. They are a popular choice for many women because they are relatively affordable and easy to apply. Plus, they can be reused multiple times if they are cared for properly.

6. They are best for people with thin hair. They are easy to use and make your hair appear thicker and fuller.

Cons of Tape-In Hair Extensions

1. Tape-in hair extensions can be visible if not installed correctly. If the tape is not applied close to the natural hair’s root, it can create a bulge visible on the scalp. The extensions can also slip out of place if they are not installed correctly, which can cause them to be visible. This can happen if the extensions are not appropriately blended with the natural hair, resulting in a noticeable line of contrast.

2. Tape-in hair extensions can be difficult to remove if you do not have the proper tools. The wrong tools can cause damage to your natural hair and your extensions. Make sure you have the following before you begin:

  • A wide tooth comb
  • A rat tail comb
  • Hair scissors
  • Clips or pins to hold back your hair
  • Extension remover/oil

First, you will need a rat tail comb. This comb has a long, thin handle that is useful for reaching small areas. You will also need some sharp scissors. Finally, you will need some extension remover or oil. However, if you don’t have one, you may use rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover (Make sure it is acetone-free!).

Start by using the rat tail comb to gently loosen the tape holding the extension in place. Once the tape is loosened, you can use the scissors to cut through it carefully. Be careful not to cut your hair!

Once the extension is loose, use a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol or acetone-free nail polish remover to help dissolve the adhesive residue that may be left behind on your hair and scalp.

3. Tape-in hair extensions can cause damage to your natural hair if they are not installed properly. If the extensions are not installed correctly, they can pull on your natural hair, leading to breakage. In addition, if the adhesive used to attach the extensions is not strong enough, it can cause the extensions to slip out, also damaging your natural hair.

4. Tape-in hair extensions can be difficult to style if you do not have the proper products. The right shampoo, conditioner, and styling products can make all the difference in keeping your tape-in extensions looking their best. Here are some recommendations for the best products to use on tape-in hair extensions:

  • Gentle Shampoo: A gentle shampoo is vital for tape-in hair extensions. Avoid shampoos with sulphates as they can dry and strip your hair. We recommend using a moisture-rich or colour-safe shampoo to keep your tape-ins looking their best.
  • Conditioner: Conditioner is essential for keeping your tape-ins hydrated and healthy looking. Again, we recommend avoiding conditioners with sulphates as they can be drying for your hair. Instead, opt for a moisturising or colour-safe conditioner to help keep your tape-ins looking their best.
  • Styling Products: When it comes to styling products, less is more when you have tape-in hair extensions. Avoid heavy oils or creams as they can weigh down your hair and cause the tapes to loosen over time. We recommend using a lightweight leave-in conditioner or serum to help protect and style your extension.

5. Tape-in hair extensions can be uncomfortable and irritating if they are not installed correctly. If the adhesive is not strong enough, the extensions can slip out, which can be painful and damaging to your natural hair.

In some cases, tape-in hair extensions can also cause allergic reactions. Before you decide to get tape-in hair extensions, be sure to consult with a professional stylist who has experience installing them.

How to Prolong Your Tape-In Hair Extension

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your tape-in hair extensions:

1. Invest in high-quality tape-in hair extensions to ensure they last longer and look better.

2. Be sure to clean your scalp and hair thoroughly before applying the tape-ins to avoid irritation or discomfort.

3. Be sure to wash your hair with a gentle, sulphate-free shampoo before having your extensions applied. That will help ensure that the adhesive used to attach the extensions will adhere properly.

4. Be sure to use a heat protectant spray on your hair before using any heated styling tools. That will help to protect your hair from damage.

5. When brushing your hair, use a soft-bristled brush and be gentle. Start at the bottom of your hair and work your way up.

6. To help keep your extensions looking their best, use a deep conditioning treatment on your hair at least once a week.

7. When sleeping, tie your hair in a loose ponytail or braid to help prevent tangling.

These simple tips can help ensure that your tape-in hair extensions last longer and look their best.

Tape-in Hair Extensions Tips & Tricks

If you’re considering tape-in hair extensions, then you’ve probably already done your research and know they’re an excellent option for getting longer, fuller hair. But you may not know all the little tips and tricks that can improve your experience with them.

Here are some tape-in hair extension tips and tricks that you may not have heard before:

1. Use a clarifying shampoo before your appointment. This will help remove any product build-up or oils from your hair, creating a better foundation for the extensions.

2. Don’t wash your hair for 24 hours after the extensions are installed. This gives the adhesive time to bond with your hair fully.

3. Be gentle when brushing your hair. Use a soft-bristled brush when brushing near the roots where the extensions are attached.

4. Deep condition regularly. This will help keep your hair healthy and hydrated, especially if you have colour-treated hair.

5. Don’t sleep with wet hair. This can cause the extensions to come loose. If you must sleep with wet hair, tie it up in a loose bun or braid.

6. Be careful when using heated styling tools. Too much heat can damage the extensions. If you must use heat, use a heat protectant spray and keep the temperature low.

7. Don’t wear your hair in a ponytail all the time. This can put too much tension on the roots and cause the extensions to come loose.

8. Get your extensions professionally removed. Tape-in extensions can be reused, but they need to be removed by a professional. Trying to remove them yourself can damage your natural hair.


Tape-in extensions can be an excellent option for those looking for a semi-permanent way to add length and volume to their hair. With proper care, tape-in extensions can last six to eight weeks and can be reused multiple times. However, if you’re considering tape-in hair extensions, it’s essential to do your research to find a reputable salon and stylist who has experience with this type of extension.

Looking for a way to add volume and length to your hair? Check out Foxy Locks hair extensions! We have the best hair extension brands in the UK and various types of extensions available, including tape-in extensions, in different lengths and colours to suit your style. Browse our collection today to find the perfect hairpiece for you!

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What are the negatives of tape in hair extensions? ›

Cons of tape in hair:
  • You can't wash your hair or excessively sweat for 24-48 hours after application as the bond needs time to cure and adhere properly to the hair.
  • The use of any silicone or oil based products directly on the adhesive may cause the bonds to slip.
  • Tape-ins require more maintenance than clip ins.
Sep 27, 2022

What to know before getting tape in extensions? ›

If you're considering giving tape-ins a try, here are some things to keep in mind.
  • There's Something for Everyone. ...
  • The Installation Process is Pretty Simple. ...
  • You Can and SHOULD Wash Your Hair. ...
  • Tape-Ins Will Add Weight to Your Scalp. ...
  • They Last Pretty Long. ...
  • This is not a PROTECTIVE STYLE. ...
  • Tape-Ins Can be Costly.
May 24, 2022

Can you wear a ponytail with tape in extensions? ›

With the help of tape extensions, you can transform your ponytail into a head-turning hairstyle with added volume and thickness.

Why is my hair so thin after tape in extensions? ›

Unfortunately with repeated use, hair extensions can cause your hair to become thinner by putting serious and/or sustained pressure on your hair follicles. Over time, this action causes the hair follicle to stop producing hair, leading to small bald patches.

Are tape in extensions bad for thin hair? ›

While generally tape-in extensions don't pull or tug your hair, be sure to buy a set that isn't too heavy for your fine hair. And rest assured that the adhesive will not cause damage to your hair since they're made to be gentle and kind to your natural hair.

Can your hair grow with tape in extensions? ›

Tape-In extensions help promote healthy hair growth. During the duration of your install, you're able to receive hair and scalp treatments every two to three weeks. You're able to wear your tape extensions for six to eight weeks, within eight weeks you would be able to experience one inch in healthy hair growth.

Can you brush your hair with tape in extensions? ›

How do I brush my tape-in extensions? Use a special hair extensions brush to gently brush your hair with one hand on your scalp so you know you aren't pulling too much. Never use a comb or brush on wet hair as this can be too aggressive.

Can you wash your hair normally with tape in extensions? ›

When you get tape in extensions, make sure to avoid washing your hair before 72 hours after they're applied. If you wash your hair too soon, the adhesive won't set in time which can result in premature slippage and potential wefts falling out.

How much is a full head of tape extensions? ›

The price of tape-in extensions varies depending on the salon you visit, the length and quality of the hair, and other factors. In general, though, you can expect to pay anywhere from $200 to $600 for a full head of tape-in extensions.

How do you hide tape extensions in thin hair? ›

How To Hide Hair Extensions In Thin Hair
  1. Step 1: Choose The Right Extensions. ...
  2. Step 2: Create A Base For The Wefts. ...
  3. Step 3: Find Your 'Safe Zone' ...
  4. Step 4: Decide On Your Weft Positioning. ...
  5. Step 5: Prepare Your Wefts. ...
  6. Step 6: Tease The Hair On Your Crown. ...
  7. Step 7: Finish By Styling Your Hair.
Sep 11, 2023

How hard is it to do tape in extensions at home? ›

They do not require special heat tools, so they can be applied at home without the assistance of a stylist. You will first need to section off the top portion of your hair. Then, slowly tape in the extension one by one. You will have to be careful while wearing the extensions, as they're very prone to tangling.

What extensions do the Kardashians use? ›

obviously, Kim Kardashian has custom made wigs and extensions, but when she's not wearing the wigs, she wears this brand of extension. it's called sad hair, and they are beaded extensions. and it's all natural human hair.

What is the best type of hair extensions for thin hair? ›

Hand-tied extensions are perfect for thin hair, as they create natural-looking results. These extensions offer lightweight and seamless blending, making them virtually undetectable. Hand-tied extensions can add both length and volume to fine hair, creating a fuller and more voluminous look.

How long do tape in extensions take to install? ›

Putting the extensions in depends on how much hair you're using, but the actual "install" typically takes about 30 minutes for a full head. Important to note that hair needs to be clarified and blown out before putting extensions in through so that time may need to be added on.

What are the most damaging hair extensions? ›

The truth is that regardless of how professionally they are applied, micro-links will cause a great deal of tension and stress on your natural hair. Additionally, micro-link hair extensions are prone to becoming knotted and matted.

How long can you keep in tape in extensions? ›

One of the best parts of having tape hair extensions is the fact that if they are cared for correctly, they can last between 6-8 weeks. That's 2 months of fabulous, long, and thick locks. After that time, you can come into the salon for your refit which is charged at a discounted cost.

Can you swim with tape in extensions? ›

Tape-in hair extensions are one of the best hair extensions for swimmers! This is because they're less likely to fall out of your hair while swimming (compared to clip-in or band-style extensions.) Even worse, when you swim with clip-in hair extensions, the attachments can get knotted up with your strands.

Are tape in hair extensions hard to maintain? ›

For the most part, no! It's important to be mindful not to put any oils or conditioners close to your root where the tape lies, which can loosen the adhesive over time. Other than that, however, as long as you're taking care of your hair with a heat protectant, they can be washed, blowdried, and heat styled as usual.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.