Spiced Hot Toddy Recipe (Including an Alcohol-Free Version) (2024)

It was summertime. I was in Edinburgh, Scotland, and I had a cold. A horrible cold! I was stuffy and sneezy but, worst of all, I was deeply cold and I ached all over.

And that’s how I found myself in a liquor store at 10 in the morning.

I told the attendant, “I’ve a touch of a cold and would like some whiskey for a hot toddy. I don’t need your best and I don’t want your worst. What do you recommend?”

He nodded knowingly and replied, “Aye, no single malt for ye, ‘twould be a waste. Ye aren’t the first to come askin’ for hot toddy whiskey this morn, looks like a summer cold is making the rounds.”

He rang up a bottle for me and wished me well, “May that serve ye well, a toddy is the best of cures.”

And it is!

I can’t remember when I had my first hot toddy, but I can say it was love at first sip. The heat of the brew as well as the warming qualities of the alcohol can bring profound relief when you are feeling tense and achy. It can also open the sinuses to bring relief to stubborn congestion.

What’s a Hot Toddy?

In its simplest form, a hot toddy is a hot beverage made with water, honey, lemon, and whisky (or other spirits like brandy or vodka).

I didn’t know it at the time, but the name “hot toddy” may come from Edinburgh itself! As Barbara Rowlands writes for the Telegraph, “The word probably comes from Tod’s well, a spring located on Arthur’s seat, the hill in the heart of Edinburgh, which was one of the city’s early water supplies.”1 (There are other explanations for the origins of the term hot toddy, including an Indian drink called a toddy and an Irish physician named Robert Bently Todd who is credited for popularizing a similar hot alcohol drink.)

Rowlands also explains that the drink may have been originally invented as a way to mask unpalatable or harsh-tasting scotch that was common in the 18th century. Even though distilling methods have improved, a hot toddy is still a celebrated drink.

Hot toddies aren’t just for when you are sick. Many people use them as a way to prevent upper respiratory illnesses or simply to warm up on a cold, blustery day.

Spiced Hot Toddy Recipe (Including an Alcohol-Free Version) (1)

Why the Alcohol?

In small amounts alcohol dilates your capillaries, which can decrease sinus and lung congestion. Alcohol can also be relaxing and give an overall feeling of warmth. These are all welcome effects when you are feeling stuffed up, tense, and cold.

But beware, too much alcohol can actually clog your sinuses, impair your cognitive abilities, and give you restless sleep.

A hot toddy is an alcohol-based drink. However, for those of you who prefer not to imbibe, I recommend using vinegar as a substitute. The vinegar can give the base of this drink a bit of a kick and can also help decrease congestion. You can also simply omit the alcohol for this hot toddy recipe.

A Peek at the Spices in This Recipe

While the basic hot toddy recipe will do, I always prefer to add a variety of spices to the drink.

While I was sick in Edinburgh, I found a health food store selling fresh ginger juice shots and those definitely spiced up the drink! Goodbye congestion! Fresh ginger is always preferred when you are using it to support yourself during a cold or flu and the fresh ginger juice is an especially potent way to use it.

In addition to the ginger, I also like to add the warming and delicious spices of cinnamon and cloves.

This time of year I am in love with everything conifer, so evergreen needles also get added in. Evergreen needles are also a wonderful decongestant and can help move stagnant mucus in the lungs and sinuses.

Almost any evergreen needles can be used, but you want to avoid any that have been sprayed with chemicals. Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), and spruce (Picea spp.) are my favorites. Do not use the evergreen needles of the Yew (Taxus spp.) tree. If you aren’t sure how to ID evergreen trees, then you can omit them from this recipe.

Rose hips are a nice complement as they add a fresh flavor as well as an additional thickness to the drink, helping to soothe a sore throat.

Spiced Hot Toddy Recipe (Including an Alcohol-Free Version) (2)

Fancy Herbal Hot Toddy Recipe

Spike your internal fires with this deeply warming and penetrating brew. Hot toddies provide instant relief when you are feeling cold, stuffy, or achy. This blend of spices in this hot toddy recipe is especially chosen for its ability to open the sinuses (and tastes great!).

If you don’t have access to fresh ginger juice, then use minced fresh ginger and simmer it with the other spices.

What you’ll need…

  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup cherry juice
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 3 whole cloves
  • 5 whole rose hips (or 1 teaspoon dried and seeded rose hips)
  • 2 pinches evergreen needles (about 2 grams)
  • 1/2 ounce fresh ginger juice (or 1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger)
  • 1 slice lemon
  • 1 teaspoon honey (or to taste)
  • 1 ounce spirits (whisky, scotch, brandy, vodka) or 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

Spiced Hot Toddy Recipe (Including an Alcohol-Free Version) (3)

  1. Add the water, cherry juice, cinnamon, cloves, rose hips, and evergreen needles to a small saucepan. Simmer, covered, on low heat for 10 minutes.

Spiced Hot Toddy Recipe (Including an Alcohol-Free Version) (4)

Spiced Hot Toddy Recipe (Including an Alcohol-Free Version) (5)

  1. In a small glass (or mug) add the fresh ginger juice, slice of lemon, honey, and spirits (or vinegar).
  2. Strain the herbs from the simmering mixture.

Spiced Hot Toddy Recipe (Including an Alcohol-Free Version) (6)

Spiced Hot Toddy Recipe (Including an Alcohol-Free Version) (7)

  1. Pour the hot liquid into the glass or mug. If using a glass, then pour the hot liquid onto a metal spoon to prevent the glass from cracking. Stir well.
  2. Enjoy while warm.

Yield: 1 serving

Simply Spiced Hot Toddy Recipe

Here’s a simpler version of an herbal hot toddy recipe. These ingredients can be easily found at your local grocery store.

What you’ll need…

  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 3 cloves
  • 1 teaspoon minced fresh ginger
  • 1 slice lemon
  • 1 teaspoon honey (or to taste)
  • 1 ounce spirits (whisky, scotch, brandy, vodka) or 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  1. Add the water, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger to a small saucepan. Simmer, covered, on low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. In a large mug add the slice of lemon, honey, and spirits (or vinegar).
  3. Strain the herbs from the simmering mixture.
  4. Pour the hot liquid into the glass or mug. If using a glass, then pour the hot liquid onto a metal spoon to prevent the glass from cracking. Stir well.
  5. Enjoy while warm.

Yield: 1 serving


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We Wish You a Happy & Healthy 2020!

Spiced Hot Toddy Recipe (Including an Alcohol-Free Version) (8)

As LearningHerbs’ 15th year comes to a close, I want to express my gratitude for trusting us to be part of your herbal learning journey. It was this exact week, in December 2004, that I was putting the final touches on the Herbal Remedy Kit and our first web pages. Back then, there was no Facebook or iPhones, and online video was still years away from being perfected.

Kimberly and I used to put the herbal kits together on the floor of our tiny one-bedroom apartment after the kids fell asleep. I borrowed a computer and Wi-Fi from the library to create the first LearningHerbs site. Neither of us had any idea what was ahead, and I never would have believed you if you time travelled to my beat-up Subaru and told me.

Besides our incredible community of tens of thousands of herbal learners, I am also grateful for our team that has grown to 12 people this year!

The photo above is of the very team that brings you LearningHerbs, including HerbMentor, Herb Fairies, the Kit, Wildcraft!, Alchemy of Herbs, and our many video courses. From left to right is Van, Nahanni, Li, Jan, Jenny, Deb, Kimberly, me, Kat, Rosalee, and Karin. Not pictured is Emily.

Speaking of Emily, 2020 will see the release of Emily Han’s brand-new course, as well as a supersecret project developed by Emily and Rosalee. This is coming in February, so you won’t have to wait too much longer.

On behalf of everyone at LearningHerbs, I wish you and your families a season of joy, love, and peace.

In health,

John Gallagher
LearningHerbs co-founder

Spiced Hot Toddy Recipe (Including an Alcohol-Free Version) (9)

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Spiced Hot Toddy Recipe (Including an Alcohol-Free Version) (2024)


Does a hot toddy actually help a cold? ›

Can Hot Toddies Really Cure Colds? While Hot Toddies have been used for generations as a natural way to combat cold symptoms, there is no definite research to prove that they can replace that bottle of cold medicine once and for all. They do, however, certainly provide comfort.

What's the difference between a hot toddy and a hot whiskey? ›

A hot toddy, also known as hot whiskey in Ireland, and occasionally called southern cough syrup within the Southern United States, is typically a mixed drink made of liquor and water with honey (or in some recipes, sugar), lemon, herbs (such as tea) and spices, and served hot.

What is an alternative for Toddy? ›

Agave nectar is the same consistency as honey; it is sweeter than sugar but has a more neutral flavor than honey. Simple syrup is a nice alternative to straight sugar, and you can add extra flavor in it. Two homemade options that are amazing in a toddy are cinnamon simple syrup and brown sugar spice syrup.

What is the best whiskey for a cough? ›

Irish whiskey, known for its gentle, fruity notes, or wheated bourbons like Maker's Mark, which are milder and sweeter, are ideal choices. These types of whiskey, combined with honey's natural soothing properties and lemon's refreshing tang, create a hot toddy that's both comforting and kind to a sore throat.

Which hot drink is best for a cold? ›

Drinks That Help

Plus, a warm cup of tea is comforting when you're feeling rough. If you choose one with herbs like ginger, your immune system may get a small boost, too. For an extra benefit, try adding a small dollop of honey to your cup: It can calm a cough and help you sleep. Water with lemon.

Can you drink hot toddy everyday? ›

Best consumed in small doses and infrequently, Hot Toddies can only be served as as medicine to those 21 and over, should not replace a medical professional's advice, and are best followed by a tall glass of water, some herbal tea, and plenty of rest and TLC.

Is Scotch or bourbon better for hot toddy? ›

But for many Americans, the Hot Toddy is primarily a bourbon drink, which makes sense given its generally sweeter character. Yet as with all things whiskey-related, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to which one is best in any given context.

How often can you drink a hot toddy? ›

Furthermore, there's evidence that suggests drinking two hot toddies per day can help relieve cold symptoms such as sore throats and congestion when paired with restful sleep.

Does toddy damage liver? ›

Neera, also known as palm toddy, is an alcoholic beverage that can damage the liver if consumed excessively. Since palm toddy includes ethanol, it could negatively affect a pregnant woman's lipid metabolism. It causes the liver to store fat, disrupting its normal operation.

How to make artificial toddy? ›

Artificial toddy is made by adding sugar syrup, urea (ammonia) as a fermenting agent, and any kind of cheap starch to produce alcohol to a small amount of coconut toddy.

What does a hot toddy do to your body? ›

The alcohol can help clear mucus by dilating blood vessels in the upper body. The steam from the hot water might also help to clear congestion. Whiskey might also cause drowsiness, helping you to get more rest.

What is natural toddy? ›

Palm wine (or toddy) is produced from the sap of the palm tree. It is common in various locations in Asia and Africa, and is referred to by diverse names. Fermentation is through the action of endogenous yeasts for a few hours, leading to sweet products of up to 4% ABV (Steinkraus, 1996).

Can hot toddies get you drunk? ›

The hot toddy is not one of those drinks that you down simply to get drunk. It is more of an experience and a way to relax, so its alcohol content may be irrelevant for the most part. However, for the curious drinker, you can expect it to weigh in around 6 percent ABV (12 proof).

Does Whisky really help a cold? ›

Myth: Alcohol's decongestant properties can help treat cold symptoms. Alcohol is rumored to work as a decongestant, but actually, the reverse is true. Small amounts of alcohol can cause vasodilation — a widening of blood vessels — which can worsen a runny nose or congestion.

Does drinking hot drinks help colds? ›

Hot drinks are a good choice as the hot steam may help relieve nasal congestion. When it comes to warm fluids, consider drinking: Herbal teas. Honey and lemon tea.

Does a shot of whiskey help a cold? ›

Alcohol is not a treatment or cure for colds, and it does not act as a decongestant. Generally, health authorities do not recommend consuming alcohol during a cold. Some older research suggests that moderate alcohol consumption may reduce the frequency of colds.

What is the benefit of whiskey in a hot toddy? ›

Whiskey – Because it dilates blood vessels and capillaries and helps with circulation, whiskey can make it easier for mucus membranes to fight infection; it serves as an excellent decongestant when not overindulged. It's an antiseptic and numbing agent on tonsils which will help soothe a sore throat.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.