The Hebron Journal from Hebron, Nebraska (2024)

Historical Society Neb. A Town Known and Judged by it's Newspaper ESTABLISHED IN FEBRUARY, 1871, by ERASMUS M. CORRELA VOLUME LXIX. NO. 7.

NEW SERUM IS PROVED SUCCESSFUL Dr. 0. McFarland of Louisiana, a Producer A Former Hebronite Saves Matching Blood With That of Donor New Orleans, April 24-Discovery of a serum that produces quicker and more desirable results in transfusions than real blood was announced here today by two Louisiana physicians, one of them son-in-law of the late Huey P. Long. The serum described to in a paper by W.

Mcthe Louisiana "Medical society Farland, superintendent of the Huey Long hospital at Pineville, and Dr. John H. Connell, head of the institution's department of pathology, Mr. McFarland husband of the former Miss Rose Long. It is claimed the serum can be administered.

at once, without necessity of matching the patient's blood with that of a donor, or of taking Wasserman and other tests. In Use Already Another advantage claimed was that the serum can be kept in a refrigerator for at least a year without, loss of efficiency. The doctors said, the serum had been used for five months at Pineville with 100 results. They reported, another experimenter, working independently, had recently announced the same results in As explained by Cr. Connell, who is also assistant professor of pathology at Louisiana State univerity, the serum, or plasma, is obtained from whole blood by removal of the red cells.

The paper cited as advantages of the serum over whole blood: "The establishment and maintenance of a serum or plasma bank is not attended with great difficulty or cost. The technique 1S relatively He simple and is OIL not beset with the pitfalls of a blood bank." The paper explained that blood is drawn as in the usual manner fro an indirect transfusion, and is kept in containers for 24 hours. The serum or plasma content is then removed by suction. Kept in Refrigerator "This is then placed in the icebox and is ready for immediate use." the doctors said. "In pooled human serum, typing and matching is unnecessary, and the immediate use with the serum still cold has never given adverse reactions." The paper declared patients needing transfusions do quire red blood cells, but need "the vehicular agents to support the hemogoblin." The doctors expressed the opinion that use of blood serum "will be a potent medical instrument in times of disaster and war." Recreation Notes Winners in County Marble Contest The County Marble Tournament was held at Hebron, April 27th, with the following boys and girls competing: Adaline Kochie, Don Tridwell, Duane House, Mix Widler, Richard Forell, Walter Saxton, Meridith Forell, Dean Tridwell of Belvidere.

Duane Moore, Don Sherwood, and Dick Messman of Chester. Jim Schutz, Leo Poppe, Wayne Sykes, Earl Garrison, Kenny Clark, Dick Mittan, Duane Davenport, Dick Sutton, Orley Merritt, John Mittan, Russell Mittan, Jack Paugh, Edward Werner, Donald Clark and Bobby Hayes of Hebron. Winners were; 1st, Orley Merritt; 2nd, Duane Moore, and 3rd, Don Sherwood, These boys are eligible to attend the State Marble Tournament at Lincoln, May 4th. Handcraft at the center, this week, has consisted of Clay Modeling and May-basket construction. Hebron "Let Us See To HEBRON, THAYER COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, Mrs.

J. H. Swanson Buried at Carleton in Community Life at Hawk Springs Johanna Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Aden, was born March 5, 189.1, at Garrison, Nebr.

She was baptized in infancy and at the age of 14 was confirmed into the Lutheran church Millerton, Nebr. At the age' at, 19, she moved with her parents to Carleton, Nebr. She was a graduate of the Carleton high school and the Grand Island business college, and held positions in banks at Grand Island and Gering. On May 4, 1922, she was married to Jesse H. Swanson.

To this union was born one son, John Andrew. Immediately after their marriage, moved to a homesteal near Veteran, later moving to Yoder, and ni 1926 they moved to Hawk Springs, where she spent the remainder of her life. Mrs. Swanson was active in church and civic organizations, being a member of the Ladies' Aid oft the Hawk Springs church, Women's Civic club and American Legion Auxiliary. She passed away at her home at Hawk Springs, April 20.

1940, at the age of 49 years, 1 month and 15 days. She leaves to mourn her passing, her husband and son, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Aden of Carleton, five sisters, Mrs. Etta Bauer Rising City; Mrs.

Sente Schroeder of Ulysses, Mrs. Rose Robohm of Ong, Anna Voss and Miss Sena Aden cf Carleton; and one brother, Ichn J. Aden of Carleton. besides of host of relatives and friends. Funeral services were conducted by Rev.

A. A. Foucken at Torrington, on Monday afternoon. Musicwwas fur.nished by a trio: Mrs. Brown, Mrs.

Wilburn and Mrs2 Carter, "In the and "Nearer who sang "Abide 'With Me," My God accompanied by Elizabeth Clemens. Services at were held, on WedCarleton, afternoon, with Rev. Geo. Heitman officiating, using as his text. Rev.

14: 13. A quartet consisting of Lucile, Margery and Harold Werner and John Robohm sang "The Old Rugged "I Need Thee Every Hour" and "Nearer My God to Thee" with Miss Adeline Damm as accompanist. The casket bearers were: Wm. Leff, H.Tagler, L. Haury, Chas.

Harrison, H. Wittenberger and Wm. Lautenschlager. Burial was in the Carleton cemetery. dy and Ruskin will compete in the county track meet here next Saturday, May 5.

Carleton, Bruning and Hebron high will also be in the county meet. "Science in Action" at Hebron College Open House in Lournal It That This Government of the People, for the People MAY 2, 1940. Science at College, Friday, May 3rd Interesting Demonstrations for the Public Hebron College will hold Open House in Science at 3:30 in the afternoon, and 8 o'clock 'n the evening, at Luther Hall. A fine program, showing the work of this department will be given as follows: Induction Coil Hugh Bryan Analvsis and Synthesis of Water Jerry Graul Making Rayon Louise Young The Iodine Clock Dean Seidel Distillation of Water Erlene Hopp Copper and Brass Victor Rentschler Making Cold and Vanishing Creams Barbara Hess Mary Navis Making Corn Syrup from Starch Betty Long Photography Frederick Decker Making (Baking Powder. Susan Ferguson Beth Corliss Textiles Maurine Maple Display of Products from Coal Tar Marie Coonrod Elsie Heinrichs Etching Glass.

Geo. Helmcamp Making Ink Russell Hobbs Leonard Germer Making Bakelite Phyllis Bruning Plastic Display Dorothy Uphoff Chemical Tests for a Few Substances Walter Harris Two Mysterious Fountains Donald Cannon Chemical Gardens Ann Davenport Mount Visuvius Doyle McLaughlin Electrostatics Herman Krueger Blue Printing Walter Seidel Making Crisco Louise Brokering Evelyn Rose Air Pressure Leroy Weaver The Electric Motor Geo. Coulter Display of Drawings by the members of the Mechanical Drawing Class. A motion picture pertaining to science. DO YOU SWEAR ALLEGIANCE TO OUR LEADER, THE GOVERNOR WHAT ARE YOUR PARTY AFFILIATIONS? INTERSTATE INTERSTATE INTER- BARRIERS COMMERCE Copyright 1940 Lincoln Newspaper Inc If Ye the Journal Miss You and by the People, Shall Not High School Notes Music Students Rate Well in District Contest Over ninety students from the Hebron high school partial: pated in the district music contest held in Geneva Friday and Saturday, April 19th and 2utn.

1 hese were among approxidents, from this section Ne. mately 2,000 high school, stubraska. The soloists and quartets participated on Friday, the glee choruses and bands on Saturday. Those participating from Hebron, together with judg ratines for their work, are as follows: Soloists: Margaret Kenner, flute, good; Willa Corliss, flute good; Margaret Tibbetts, oboe, good; Marian Maple, clarinet. superior; Jean Larson, French horn, good.

Quartets: Girls' vocal, composed of Emogene Grey, Orpha Lee Hiatt, Loretta Vanderhaar and Margaret Tibbetts, superior; flute quartet, composed of Willa Corliss, Mary Elizabeth Richards, Margaret Bowen and Betty Lou Edie, superior. Boys' glee club, good; girls' glee club, excellent; mixed chorus, good; band, superior. Those rating superior thereby qualified themselves to participate 1 in the National Contest, to be held in Kansas City Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 9th, 10th and 11th. An effort is being made to enable these people to avail themselves of that opportunity. Annual Band Concert County Track Field Meet The annual spring concert by the musical organizations cf the high school will be presented a at the gymnasium on Friday, evening, May 3rd, at 8:00 o'clock.

Those participating will include: The girls vocal quartet, boys' glee club, girls' glee club, mixed chorus. band. Contrary to the usual custom, a charge of 15c and 25c is being made for this concert, the money to be used to help defray the expenses of those qualified to the National Music Contest in Kansas City next week. Miss Nelson is in charge of the vocal organizations, Mr. Chatelain in charge of the instrumental.

Friday Evening, May 3rd to be Held Saturday The Thayer county track meet will be held at Hebron, Saturday afternoon at one o'clock. This meet is the big meet of the year for the county high school track squads and one in which many of the boys will win letters. Carleton is the defending champion. This meet will also be a qual1fying meet for the state meet to be held in Lincoln next week-end. COUNTY TRACK RECORDS 100 yd.

dash, 10.3 Ellis, Chester, 1937. 0220 yd. dash, 23.4 Wagner, 1939. 440 yd. dash, 54.49 Lamb, Hubbell, 1936.

880 yd. run, 2:12.9 Zuehlsdorf, Carleton, 1939. Mile run, 4:50.5 Bohling, Davenport, 1935, 60 yd. high hurdles, 8.4 Lieton, Carleton, y939. 100 yd.

low hurdles, 11.7 Francis, Hebron, and Kettlehut, Chester, 1936. Pole Vault, 11 feet, Dutcher. Hebron, 1936. High jump. 6 feet, Cory, Alexandria, 1937.

Broad jump, 19 Lamb, Hubbell, 1936. Shot, 50 ft. 10 Francis, Hebron, 1936. Jaelin, 145 Sloey, Belvidere, 1935. Discus, 121 ft.

3 in. (old), Francis, Hebron, 1936. Discus, 127 ft. (new), Zinmerman, Carleton, 1939. Relay, 1:39.8 Carleton, 1939.

New Editor of the Chester Herald Mr. Milo Klima of Tyndall, S.D., is the capable new editor and publisher of the Chester Herald. We welcome him 10 the ranks of Thayer county's millionaire editors. Will Miss 111 Perish From the WHOLE NUMBER 4349. Annual Fathers-and-Sons' Banquet Group Sponsors a Fine Program Under auspices of the Hi-Y, the annual Father and Son banquet was held last evening Catholic dining hall.

All entered into the jolly spirit of the pep songs, led by Gordon Axford, with Prof. Youngberg at the piano. An excellent menu was served by the high school girls, and a splendid program was rendered as foilows: Toastmaster Ralph Poppe Invocation Rev. Allwardt Song Fest Toast to a Son Mr. Kenner Toast to a Father Jim Kenner Instrumental Solo Jeanne Larson Hobbies: Mr.

Cain Reading Mr. Vance Introduction of Speaker Mr. Chatelain Address Mr. R. V.

Tye Benediction Rev. Monkman The following Hi-Y officers were in charge of arrangements for this year's banquet: President Ralph Poppe Vice-president Jerry Powell Secretary Clark Newman Treasurer Edwin Bryson The officers elected for 1940- 41, are: President Clark Newman Vice president Jim Paysen Secretary Bob Clarke Treasurer Raymond Bancroft Sponsor Gordon Axford Spellers from Thayer County in Inter-State. Contsst On Thursday evening of last week Supt, and Mrs. H. E.

Barbee drove to Omaha, taking with them Ila Lu Friedline, Thayer county champion speller, her teacher, Miss Gilletta Doll of Davenport, and Lucille Dankenbring, Thayer county runner-up, of Bruning. On Friday, April 26th, both contestants participated in the Inter at Spelling Contest held in the large ball room of the Hotel Chiefton in Council Bluffs. There were 119 spellers entered there from Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Minnesota and Missouri. While neither one of the girls placed, they made an excellent showing and both spelled up to the final round. The following day, Saturday, April 27th, Ila Lu Friedline of rural district number 43.

three miles south of Davenport, represented Thayer county in the sord by the Omaha State Spelling Beta sponald. This contest was held in the City Hall in Omaha. There were 104 county champions from Nebraska entered in this contest. Ila Lu came within one word of making the "money round." These two girls will represent Thayer county in the State Fair. Spelling Contest on Tuesday, Septmeber 3rd.

The contest will be held at Woman's Building on the Nebraska State Fair Grounds. Hebron Lions Battle Deshler Lions, on Donkeys The Hebron Lions went to Deshler last night for a bitter contest with the Deshler Lions in a game of Donkey (Basket Ball. The players rode burros that wore rubber shoes, the game being played on the auditorium floor. Hebron players, included Liions Voss, Hansen, Livingston and Pierson. Interest in the game reached such a point, that the scorekeepers forgot to keep score! The county seat had hysterical wives and friends awaiting bulletins and lists of casualties, -while the hospital was prepared with physicians and nurses on a tension, ready with anaesthetics and surgical instruments, anxious to do their durndest.

Patronize Journal Advertisers. NEW OFFICIALS IN CITY OF HEBRON Mayor Day's Appointments are Confirmed The new city organization was perfected Monday evening, with Mayor C. E. Day in the chair, and the following councilmen: First ward- John Bethscheider and F. W.

McKenzie; Second ward E. A. Elder and W. W. Korff; Third ward-A.

H. Records and W. C. Tripp. Jchn Bethscheider was elected president of the A decision was made to reduce the summer water rates, beginning in May, which is a month earlier than last year.

The mayor made the following appointments: Light Water Commissioner, Gordon M. Wilson. Electrician, Lloyd M. Cannon. City Attorney, Melvin Moss Traffic Police, Claude L.

Young. Night Watchman, Robt. Geisler. Street Commissioner, G. City Physician, Dr.

S. G. Panter. Member Park (Board, Leo Saschewsky. Member Library Board, H.

W. Hess. Members Cemetery Board Dr. S. G.

Panter and H. W. Hess. Chief Fire Department, J. H.

Stewart. The appointments were all confirmed by the council. Alexandria Emerges Victorious Wins Little Blue Track Meet Alexandria emerged victorrious after the last event of the meet, namely, the javlin. Yoachim and Renken took first and second to win 8 points for Alexadria and cinch the meet. Alexadria score 39.7-10 points Deshler second with points, Chester third with 35 1-10 points, Hardy fourth with 12 3-5 points, Hubbell fifth with 12 1-10 points, Ruskin sixth with 6 points, and Belvidere failed to score.

Hardy won relay and was awarded the trophy for this event. Alexandria received the fine trophy emblematic of school championship. The only record lowered was the 880 held by Eickmann of Chester in 1938. C. Hale ran the half mile in 2 min.

10.5 sec. while the old record was 2 min. 14.8 sec. All these schools except Har- A CHARGE OF ASSAULT AND KIDNAPPING 0 Four Belleville Youths Charged with a Serious Offense K.Nelsen Recovering Suffered Many Beatings Contest at College E.H.Beckmann, with his oration on "Preserving Our Constitution" and Robert Simpson with his oration on "Our Birthright Threatened" were unanimous winners in the opinion of judges, the Messrs. Hess, Correll and Livingston, in the Curtis Oratorical Contest.

They will go to Hastings and represent 'Hebron Junior College in the District Contest, May 16th. The natural science classes are busy preparing for the Science Department Open House on Friday, May 3. See the program in this issue. President Weltner occupied the pulpit of the Hubbell Lutheran church, last Sunday. This church is vacant since the passing of the pastor, I.

A. Mueller, on Easter Sunday. The Budget Committee met Monday evening to care for the routine monthly business of the college. Miss Crain has selected the cast which will stage the allschool play," "Marcheta" on May 31st, and practice has. begun.

Death of Alvin E. Barnes Chester Citizen Dies at Age of 20 Years Alvin Edward, son of Ralph and Grace M. Barnes, was born June 24th, 1919, near Chester, where he grew to manhood. Early in life he confessed his faith in Christ and plcaed his. membership with the Methodist church.

In later life, he attended Bible school in the Church of Christ. As a child he was loving and obedient, and when grown, was a hard-working son, laboring constantly for the things that would be pleasing to his parents. He was of a cheerful disposition, making friends everywhere. His sudden death not only a shock to the parents, but to the entire community. 'He passed away at the Patterson hospital at Belleville, on Saturday morning, April 27, at the age of 20 years, 10 months and 3 days.

The funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 in the Church of Christ of Chester, with Rev. Reel in charge. The sermon was delivered by his old-time friend, Rev. J. J.

Ruppert of Overton, who spoke words of comfort from II Cor. 1: 3, 4, bearers were young men of his isfying to one of the largest audiences at this church. The floral offerings pro: fuse and beautiful. There music was furnished by a male quartet and duet of his young friends, and Miss Betty June at the piano. The pall his theme on "The Satneighborhood Interment was made in the Chester cemetery.

He leaves to mourn his early death, his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. no Ralph Barnes, two brothers, Robert Dale, three sisters, Viola, Wilma Faye and Barbara, his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.

J. Barnes of Hubbell and J. E. Rieke. of Chester; twenty-nine cousins, besides many other relatives and friends.

On Tuesday, County Attorney Baldwin filed in count court, a complaint against fo.n residents of Belleville, Kansas: Harold Lee Hurt. Keith Edwards, Merlyn Jones and Paul Gene Fulcomer, charging them with assault with intent to inflict great bodily harm on the person of Kermit C. Nelsen, and also charged them in separate account with kidnapping him. Kermit Nelsen swore to tne complaint. It is alleged that the four young men and four girls were parked in a car on the highway between Byron and Chester.

Kermit Nelsen and young Vieselmeyer were driving from Deshler to Chester, when the occupants of the parked car stopped them. They- had some words, whereupon the Belleville boys took the Deshler fellows out of their car and beat them up. Nelsen's story is that Vieselmeyer got away, climbed his car and dorve off, leaving Nelsen there, and the quartet proceeded to again beat him up, and threw him on the floor of the car in front of the back seat, and drove south. Reaching the railroad, they stopped. Then Nelsen slipped out of the car and started running down the railroad track, but the quartet pursued, and caught him and administered another beating.

Nelsen became unconscious, and was put back in the car, which was driven into Kansas, but finally brought him back to the state line. Regaining consciousness, Nelsen reminded his captors that there is a Lindbergh kidnapping law. Evrey time he "opened his Nelsen was beaten until he relaxed. At the state line the captors discussed whether they should put Nelen in the roadway and run over him with the car to make it look like an accident, on whether they should throw him into the river. Finally they, dumped him on the state road, Nelsen crawled to the nearest mail box and scratched initials on it.

Then 1 he managed to get to a farm house and call help. He was in bed aon it a week, and was given varied medical attention. Officers were called. Nelsen described the car, and knew that one of the fellows was called The sheriff went to Belleville and located the fellows. County Attorney Baldwin has statements from all of them.

Transients Punished for Intoxication On April 26th, Wm. A. Cerveny and Wm. Hanson, transsients, were arrested. cn a charge of unlawful cat on.

In county court, they plead guilty. Hanson was given 10 days and costs. Cerveny was fined $10 and costs. On Saturday, April, 27, Ralph C.Jones was arraigned in coun ty court on a charge cf driving an overloaded truck. He pl aded guilty and was fined $1( and costs.

Guy Campbell Badly Cut Brings Charge Against John Bartett On Tuesday, Guy Campbell of Hebron filed in county court, complaint charging Jchn Bartlett with assaulting him with a knife. Campbell had seven stitches taken in his face, and The not.

The Hebron Journal from Hebron, Nebraska (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.