The Knoxville News-Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

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The Knoxville News-Sentineli

Knoxville, Tennessee

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B4 Tho Knoxville News-Sentinel Tuesday December 12 1089 PEOPLEADVICE Rest prescribed for Nobel winner Magazine selects actor as 'sexiest' Wi? rV if Mather Teresa was given strict orders to get total rest when she was released from a hospital in Calcutta India Monday after being fitted with a fttccnukif "We thank everyone who prayed for her during the crucial days" said Slater Priscilla after the 79-year-okl Roman Catholic nun returned to her mission "Doctors have advised her complete Mother Teresa who won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her work with the poor suffered a heart attack on Sept Doctors attributed her illness to her hectic schedule at the Missionaries of Charity The Yugoslavian-born nun founded the mission in 1959 magazine with be-sexagenarian Seaa Cannery la the "Sexiest Man Alive 1989" "For once Im speechless" Connery said after being in- formed of the honor an be downhill from here" "He waa sexy at 28 and at 60 even more so" actress Shelley Winters said of Connery "He makes a woman feel sexual chemistry To be his leading laity rd lose 50 pounds and get my free lifted As a matter of fact Td get everything lifted" Connery's movie roles include James Bond More recently he starred in "The Untouchables" for which he won an Oscar and in the new movie Mother Teresa 8ean Connery i' Actor changes mind about helmets Decked out (or Christmas Actress panned with Apple' prim Kim West Mt of Wheeling Va shows off the Christmas handiwork of Barbara Fritz right an instructor at Wheeling Beauty College West and Fritz decided to get Into the swing of the season with a special holiday hairdo Gymnast accused of ruining marriage Actor Gary Busey recovering from a severe head injury he suffered in a motorcycle accident says he now advocates wearing helmets "Next time doing 45 mph look at the curb and think about slam-dandng with it once and youH start thinking about helmets" Busey said recently on the "Arseale Hall Show" Busey was bareheaded a year ago when his motorcycle struck a curb in Culver City Calif Before the accident Busey and others helped defeat a proposed California law that would have forced motorcyclists to wear helmets But during the appearance on the syndicated television show Busey tokl Hall he had had a change of heart loaesMe Barr has gone from Golden Apple to Sour Apple in just one year courtesy of the Hollywood Women's Press Clubi Barr waa singled out Saturday at the 49th annual presentations The Sour Apple token ii awarded to "the individual deemed the least newsworthy andor most taken with Ida or her own publicity" Last year Barr received a Golden Apple aa female discovery of the year This year's winners included Candice Bergen female star of the year young Fred Savage male discovery of the year Billy Crystal male star of the yean and Panllae CeUias and Meg Ryan who tied for female discovery of the year Censtastln Panait appeared together at a news conference and announced their illicit relationship Panait said Comaneci has ruined her marriage and that she heard from her husband since the escape "1 didn't sleep for five days loot 10 pounds been very hard" said Panait When Comaneci was asked last week about Panaifa marriage she said "So what?" The wife of the man who helped Olympic gold medalist Nadia Comaneci escape from Romania says she didn't sleep for days after she learned of her affair with the famous gymnast Maria Panait 25 who lives in Hallandale Fla with her four children said when she first learned of her husband's role in defection she waa proud But her pride turned to dev-astatioa when Comaneci and RoseanneBarr Gary Busey Younger heavily on mind or sheen ns to count socking counseling would be expecting a deep wound to heal without thoroughly cleansing it I wish you well and admits your tiona he or she coukl be Thank Abby for all of ua to count our building a my family to give i to do oh what to do dear abby SjL Abigail Van Buren reminding medications especially narcotics and barH-tuates The implications could go frr beyond monev DeumlSr RJL Atlanta Csafldeatlal to heartbrekea parents Please equip your child to be and said with her right now" and he gave me her ad- advice which would probabty be to throw him out What should Idd? Brokenhearted Dear Brokenhearted: You were very wise to suggest counseling Insist upon it If your husband refuses to go for counsel- ing go without him at first You need to learn how to resolve your hurt and anger in order to truly forgive him And he needs to forgive himself if you both sincerely want to save your marriage Because your husband had been seeing this woman before he married you there obviously still was a strong bond between them Counseling is the way to go Not home in separate cars That night we had a long talk and he promised he would never see her again pie had been seeing her since before we were married) I gave him another chance and so far when he comes home he stays home He says he loves me and me alone but I still don't trust him and my heart is heavy When he makes love to me I think bet thinking of her I guess I really haven't forgiven him I suggested we get counseling He said it would be a waste of time and money because he has no intention of seeing this woman again 1 am going crazy with this on my mind I've kept this battled up inside me because I don't want mature attitude Dear Abby: Being a registered nurse I read with interest about the lady who was short one pill (barbi-tuate) twice in a row at the same pharmacy When she counted the pOla and found she had been shorted she complained and was told "The pill-counting machine must have been acting While pill-counting machines can "act up" and most professionals are honest the thought occurred to me that if someone chose to "short" many praecrty- Dear Abby: Two years ago I married a 24-year-old man I was 34 The age difference didn't matter because he seemed so mature and I loved him We had a baby a year after we were married because we both loved children He winked for a company 84 miles away and I know he could have worked closer to home a well-trained professional but he stayed on that Job commuting every day He didn't even try to get a Job closer to home I got a phone call one evening that explained everything An unidentified man called and told me my husband was having an affair with a woman he worked with wisely said 1 not miserable to be blind it it miserable to be incapable of enduring blindness" AMgaB Vaa am la a aoimM tar IM I bundled im the baby got into my car and drove to the "other house Sure enough my husband's car was parked in front! I rang the doorbell but she wouldn't open the door I waited outside end 30 minutes later my husband came out with his head down We drove MUlaiMk Bant To Own 18 pvi vnvnpanmo imnsviav '2498 gw week Fountain City Florist ftGretnlwBst Christmas Beta on Selected Items 5410 Broadway Hr4i-tt44 ComputerMart 9843778 This year Americans will produce more fitter and pollution than ever before 20 off- Entire Stock Dresses One Week Only Designer Sales Floor bridge James Jacoby NORTH a VKQIIl KU AMI74 as WATS AJS7IM EAST Q7SI vjiea ii Kais SpeciaLOccasioris 8-9 of spades he decided to read that as a doubleton So he led the dub queen East won the king and returned the heart Jade West took the ace and played a second heart the king winning in dummy South now ruffed a heart and led the dub Jack overtaking with ace aa West showed out He ruffed another heart and got back to dummy with a dub That left the lead in dummy with East holding the Q-7 of spades But South held the K-J and had to win the last two tricks It was well dime but suppose West had one less heart and the 9-8-7 of spades There is nothing immoral about his playing 8-9 of spades concealing the seven-spot In that case declarer would have gone down eHMEATlOISrfc Am New York NY mm SOUTH AKJH4S VI4 QS QJI Vulnerable: East-West Dealer West Because West was vulnerable he thought it was OK to open preemptively with two aces It was dangerous for Ninth to bid but worse to pass go he bid three hearts South would have liked to bid three spades if it waa forcing but he was not sure that North would bid again So he Jumped to four spades ending the auction After the ace of diamonds lead West saw that he coukl easily defeat the contract if East held a singleton diamond So he continued the suit playing the jack aa suit-preference to stow the heart ace aa an entry But East had to follow Declarer played a spade back to his 10 and then cashed the spade ace Noting the frU of 'Dr esses for parties ami format affairs tort Norib Emt ST PM All 4 Mon-Sat 10-6 Homberg Place 588-3546 Opening lead: A astro- graph If you do something about it who will? Bernice Bede Osol APPLEXOLIDAY BUNDLE The Apple IIGS with Color Monitor The most popular computer in schoob today Vie Apple IIGS Is also perfect lor offices In the home Easy to learn the Apple MGS aeatae graphics and apraad-sheats aa eflortaaely aa I runt gamas and aducational programs The Annta HGS Buncfio Apple IGS Color Monitor Drive ITOtakDrive The Computer Shoppe Price: $1895 SAGITTARIUS (Nov hand you'd battar ba tape may ham to be CAPRICORN (Dae 21) What you don't ham In your to ham in your tool today hoenuaa in any bum dacWons you inaka 19) You're not apt to work too wad )bi with the a time 18) Today you aro Mealy to bo judgad by your don't tot lliinga pHo up Bogin i lham out ol too way ono el a tt Today you aradkaiy to balm undar prawura today ao taughaat ioba toot and gal AQUARIUS (Jan 20-ftbTlS) 0000000 I i 0000000SS I I 0000000SS- LJ 0000000 pas scorn iis-ms by JUDD DMECnONt: Bunw mch row Wan to tana a lo 7 Mtar word To total pom at year omd uaa tearing dMcMom to rtgM ef each raw 7-tanaf wonta gal SGpoM bonua "Stanko" aa any Mtar haa no point Mfeaa wordi can ba taThoOntcMSoobbtaPloywoDIcUonwy leetunMadFMun Umuhauntt SmgPHoK S250SM Ask one of our salespeople about Apple's "Cash offer Apple wUl gtva you $150 cash allowance toward the purchase of select Apple peripherals with your Apple MS Bundle purchase- IncMntUont today to oomoono glvos you a bad dmat foouoon tMoporaon inolaad of looking lor scapogoats ARIES (March 21-Aprd 19) Earn up you And your idaaa conMct with thorn of your aaooototoa today You may bo taednod to look In mugrancani wim ano inowb gmm GornpacMDons TAURUS (April 204tay 20) potato by to awofidoM apandtag today aapacMly I II carriaa a high prtoo tag and long tvvno You might ba addng lor a prolongod annoyanoo GEMIM (May 21-Juna 20) you and your nwto ham not to bring In agrmmant today by not to bring In baiooanl byatondara Give A Hoot Dont Pollute A MBa bI ItaM n-J bbLb IfclB Maik BaaLaM mania ov aw lypa aoun imm inmui fmy aanoua CANCER (Juno 21-July 22) Oo not pramtao to do thlnga tar othara today wfiare youl know going In your might not ba abia to MHN your commhmanla Ka batfiar to ba honaat SidHySyoyaapoct aoniaono to do tor you tomywlial you raoMitly did To bo on Ihe satoafdo lower your oxpactatkMa VIRGO (Aug 2ZSopL 22) Ba on guard today whom your cawr la concomorLDonT tot your opposition draw you Into a compaMim arranganwnt where the odda are alachad agahm you UMAffiopL 23-Oct 23) Be mry cereM today to Wnk balare you op aakknoL1hwe la chance you could pul yourmHln an embor-raning position dua to SCORPIO (OcL 24-No I you're Imputalm you might 690-8636 9307 Kingston Pka SutoA lnonl fwomi neieB8j nouns MondRhFridby M0 aat to 7 piaL SakrtNy WOO ant to 4fl0 pat Hunmea Mmwpoto UBb Roc Loubyfe Munphta Pnoe good tireugh Deoendtor 29 IMS HI Tvuutjoanr Q(3002l0 oanrAflNOumosswvwo Forest Service-USDA i.

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The Knoxville News-Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)


What is the main newspaper in Knoxville, Tennessee? ›

"Knoxville News-Sentinel".

Where is the Knoxville News Sentinel? ›

Driving directions to Knoxville News Sentinel, 2332 News Sentinel Dr, Knoxville - Waze.

What is the phone number for the Knoxville News Sentinel obituary? ›

For information on how to place an obituary notice, call 865-342-6510 or visit us here.

What is the phone number for the Knoxville news? ›

How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-844-900-7097 or chat online here.

Who owns Knoxville News Sentinel? ›

Get in touch with us about stories happening in your community, questions or concerns, and how to purchase our content for personal or professional use. This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

How do I cancel Knoxville News Sentinel? ›

How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-844-900-7097.

Why retire in Knoxville? ›

East Tennessee Lifestyle

Abundant healthcare resources, a comfortable climate, good air quality, a robust local economy, and the absence of state income or estate tax further solidify Knoxville and Maryville reputation as perfect destinations in east Tennessee for retirees seeking the best of both worlds.

What is Knoxville news Channel? ›

WBIR is a TEGNA station. For news, weather and sports Straight From The Heart, head to www. wbir. com.

Who is the investigative reporter in Knoxville? ›

Tyler is an investigative and public accountability reporter focused on Knoxville, Knox County and East Tennessee.

How much does it cost to put an obituary in the Knoxville News Sentinel? ›

Placing an obituary in the Knoxville News Sentinel starts at $26.00. Package prices can vary depending on the edition of the paper (weekday, weekend, or Sunday editions) and other factors such as the length of the obituary. Where do obituaries placed with appear?

What happened to Dr. Bob Overholt? ›

Bob quickly developed a great relationship with WBIR, thanks to his dependability and eagerness to help the community. Dr. Robert "Bob" Overholt, a local physician who appeared bi-weekly on WBIR's "Live at Five at Four" show, has passed. Overholt passed peacefully at his house at the age of 85 on Monday, June 10.

What is the largest obituary website? ›

The Web site hosts obituaries and memorials for more than 70 percent of all U.S. deaths. hosts obituaries for more than three-quarters of the 100 largest newspapers in the U.S., by circulation.

Does Knoxville have a newspaper? ›

The Knoxville News Sentinel is a daily newspaper founded in Knoxville, Tennessee. It covers the news in Knoxville and the surrounding area from the 1880s to today.

How do I contact WBIR news? ›

Contact Us
  1. General Manager. David Hunt. Phone: (865) 637-1010.
  2. News Director. Corey Presley. Phone: (865) 541-5378.
  3. Community Relations. Phone: (865) 637-1010. Fax: (865) 637-6559.
  4. Sales. Tara Midkiff. Phone: 865-541-5395.
  5. Heartland Sales. Phone: (865) 637-1010. ...
  6. Promotions. Phone: (865) 637-1010. ...
  7. WBIR TV-10 News. Phone: (865) 637-1272.

What is the phone number for the Knoxville Crisis? ›

This service is free! Call 855-CRISIS-1 (855-274-7471).

What is the circulation of the Knox news today? ›

Hours. The Knoxville News-Sentinel is a daily newspaper that provides news and information to residents of Knoxville, Tenn., and surrounding area. It has a circulation of more than 122,000 for its daily morning edition and 157,000 for its Sunday newspaper.

Does Maryville TN have a newspaper? ›

The Daily Times serves Maryville and Alcoa in Blount County, Tennessee. The newspaper is published in Maryville, near Knoxville, and features local news, opinion, obituaries, and sports.

What is the name of the Chattanooga newspaper? ›

The Chattanooga Times Free Press is a daily broadsheet newspaper published in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and is distributed in the metropolitan Chattanooga region of southeastern Tennessee and northwestern Georgia.

What is the main newspaper in Nashville? ›

The Tennessean is a daily newspaper published in Nashville, Tenn. The paper is owned by Gannett, which publishes The Tennessean as part of its USA Today network.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.