Jackson Daily News from Jackson, Mississippi (2024)

PAGE SIX. JACKSON DAILY NEWS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1915. William Hamilton and IJfrry Austin. 1'rogrnm Health Day, Yesterday being health day, as on the calendar of the State Federation, it was observed by the City Ltion and brief talks were made rn the The Treatment of Influenza or La Grippe It Is quite refreshing theae days to read a clearly defined treatment tor luflueoieaor La Orippe. In an article in the "Lancet-Cllnlo," Dr.

Jamei Bell, of New York City, says he is convinced that too much medication Is both unneceisary and Injurioui. When called to a case of la grippe, the patient Is usually seen when the fever Is present, as the chill which occasionally ushers in the disease, has generally patted away. Dr. Bell then orders that tbe bbweli be opened freely with salts, "Actolds" or citrate of magneala. For the high fever, severe headache, pain and general soreness, one Antl-samnla Tablet every three hours Is quickly followed by 1 complete relief Ask for A-K Tablets.

They are also unexcelled for beadacbe, neuralgia and all pains STATEMENT (Life) RELIANCE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. i A' OF PITTSBURGH. Condition December Stst, ltli aa Shown hr Statement Amount of Capital paid In cash 1,000,000.00 Amount of Ledger Assets (as per balance) on December 31, 11J 4.143,401.85 'C- 444l.40S.lt (Life) Premium Income, $1,581,409,897 Miscellaneous, none; (Life) Paid Policy-holders, miscellaneous, none, total (Life) Business (paid for only) outstanding at end of to year-Number of policies, Amount 60,494,401. (Life) Business Issued during the year Number, 15.17M91 LEDGER ASSETS. Boo Value of Real Estate 160,09.40 Mortgage loana on Real Estate, first liens 725.90t.S5 Loaps to policy-holders on this Company's policies assigned aa collateral S08.3O5.D1 Premium notes on policies in force 325,307.

5 Book value of Stocks, none; Bonds $2.630,758. 21 owned by this company Cash In Home Office, deposited In banks and trust companies, on interest, not on Interest, Total 127,4177 Bills receivable, Agents' balances, 136.78; credit total Due from Prussian Life Insurance Company for reinsured death claim paid by us in December, subjects named: "Child Hygiene" was eloquently discussed by Mrs. Sue Brame, superintendent of the Better Babies' contest, and at the conclusion of her little heart-to-heart talk to the club women Mrs. Brame confided the somewhat startling fact that In all the list of entries for the approaching contest Jackson physicians had entered but tw-j children' of their own households; Jackson ministers Up to date were represented by but one baby( and that the club women were not making half so good a showing either In entries or In Interest as were the non-club women of the city. With which statement she left her hearer! something to think about in connection with thig contest, which is known to UK KJEW HOW.

E. F. Mclntyre. There was aii old geezer And he had a lot of sense. He started up a business anu net accident and health policies 261,151.31 M1S.U4.2I Total Ledger Assets be directly under the care of the federation.

Mi-b. William Wilght spoke next on the Importance of VMedlcal Inspection in the Schools," and made a fine impression on the listening mothers all Drinks of all Nations NON-LKDGEH Ails UTS. Interest and Rents due and accrued 11,254.74 Market value of real estate over book value 3 1,756.14 Net amount of uncollected nnd deferred premiums 232,625.79 All other Non-Ledger Assets, as detailed In statement 16.945.13 about her. IP. Brazil Cachaca One direct result of Mrs.

Wright's talk was a call for a meeting of the mothers of the Davis school children that the circle of parent-teachers' as Total Non Ledger Assets 181,781.49 Gross Assets Less Assets not admitted When in Brazil, doing as Brazilians do, you sociations in this cit might be com 6.071.881.77 247,628.28 pleted as soon after the fair as pos Total Admitted Assets I sible. lira. Archie Gordon spoke next, her subject being "The Visiting Nurse," drink Cachaca made from the juice of sugar cane. But you always the return to and from her own wide experience Mrs. LIAUILITIES.

Net Reserve 3,127,010.00 Total Follcy Claims 10,131.34 Premiums paid in advance. Including surrender values so applied 3,708.18 Dividends payable to Policy holders during 1915.. 1,108.78 Gordon gave many good reasons for the establishment of this branch of the city's assistance to her needy ones. Miss Emily Butt gave a very helpful talk on "Nervous Children," and though her text was, "There is nothing so contagious as healtji," she On a dollar eighty cents. The dollar for stock, And the eighty for an ad.

Brought him three lovely dollars In a day, by dad! Well, he bought more s.iods And a little more space, And he played that system With a smile on his fare. The customers Hocked To his two-by-four And soon he had to hustle For a regular store. L'p on the square, Where the people pass lie gobbled up a corner That was all plate glass. Me fixed up the windows With the best that he had, And told them all about it In a half-page ad. He soon had 'em coming; Ami he never, never quit, And he wouldn't cut down On his ads.

one jit. And he's kept things humping in the town ever since. And everybody calls him The Merchant Prince. Some say it's luck, Hut that's all hunk Why, he was doing misiness When the times were punk. People have to purchase mid geezer was wise For he knew the way to get 'em was to advertise.

Capital Stock Unasslgned Funds (SurpIuB) 1,000,000.90 279,853.10 Total Liabilities M31.00S.4t quickly proved her faith that one other thing is quite as contagious, that being "nerves." In her Important field of effort for humanity, the school room, Miss Butt has hourly proof of the harmfulnesg of. "nerves" ns held before the mental vision of the young, and that her own serenity and poise SI i -J a DC3 BI SIXESS 1J( TUB STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Dt RIC, 1914, (Life) Policies In force December list of previous year Number 464; Amount 1,081,101.98 (Life) Policies written and revived in 1914 No. 91; Amount 161,109,00 (Life) Policies in force Dec 11, 1914 Number 469. munt (Life) Losses and Claims Incurred during the year Number Amount 10,000.08 (Life) Losses and paid during the yeat Ko. 4.

Amount 10,000.00 (Life) Total Premiums collected and secured Number. Amount 3ti449.lt President, James 11. Keedj Secretary, O. Scott Home Office, Pittsburgh, Penna. (ieneral Agent for Service, Thompson A Todd, Jackson, Miss.

Business Manager for Mississippi. W. L. Wilholte. State of Mississippi, Insurance Jackson.JulyIt.191l.

T. M. HENRT, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify tbat the above Is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the KEL1ANCK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PITTSL'BCnO, filed with thla department, ahowlng the condition of said Company on tha 31st day of December, 1914. Witness my hand and official seal, the dar and date above written.

T. M. HENRY. Insurance Commissioner. Thompson Todd, State Agents, Jackson, Miss.

Away Above Everything the peer of all the national drinks and the favorite with most discriminating drinkers. Case of Four Full Quarts $5.00. Express Prepaid. For sale by all leading mail order houses and cafes. Never sold in balk.

Sold only in glass direct from distillery The Strauss, Pritz Co.DtitillQrj, Cincinnati. have done much to abate this danger her co-workers know. Mrs. J. Fox was to have concluded the program with a plea for the home for feeble-minded children, but the hour was too late for more than a brief presentation of the need, and a promise to give a more extended talk at a later One of the pleasing -incidents of the afternoon was Mrs.

Crisler's presentation to the federation of Misg Sadie The National Rat Killer Gober, recently of Atlanta, who has come to Jackson to have charge of the Associated Charities, and who will be a great force in, the federation work. Miss Gober acknowledged the pre THE DARK JAIL CELL sentation, briefly expressing her pleas ure in being allied with the federation and the people of Jackson. Stearns9 Electric Rat and Roach Paslo Ready for use, economical, reliable. Have you ever been in the local Jail i The principle needs yet to be extended I Dircctioniilnlolaninip.ges in every pekge. (o St.

I.outs. Miss Dorothy Poyer, leaves tomorrow for St. where she "will be a guest in the home "otl-ber uncle, Mr. Xuma Truly, of the Jrfisses Marie and Josephine Burr, fori "visit of some wo sizes: and Il 'Ki. Sold by druggUU everywhere.

STATEMENT (Klr7. The Prudential Insurance Company of America. Xewark, Xew Jersey. Condition December Slat, 1914, aa Shown by Statement Tiled. Amount of Capital paid In cash 9 2.000,OUO.

00 Amount of Ledger Assets (aa per balance) Dec Sls- 153 33S.73l.741. 40 Increase of Capital during' tbe year 1814 f3Z3.731.741 .40 Extended at 323,731,741. 4 Ordinary (Life) Premium Income. 32,62 7, 1 S. 69 Miscellaneous, I7.SSS.730.S3; Total.

40 41S 913 3 (Industrial) Premium Income, 35t.5G.HS.S5; Mioellanou Total 63,810,091, Cl Ordinary (Life) Paid Policy-holders Miacellaneoua, Total It (Industrial) Paid Pollry-holders, Miscellaneoua. Total 44.0E35I4 31 Ordinary (Life) Business (paid for only) outsanding at end of year Number of policies, Amount 1,024 935 117 00 (Industrial) Hunim-so (paid for only) outstanding at end of year Number of policies. Amount 1.6S7.54J.431.O0 Ordinary (Life) Business Issued and revived during the year a) Psychopathic Study Iteoent IV. Improvement in the pneess preliminary to conviction. studies of the feebleminded delinquent, the establishment of bureaus of psychopathic research in connection with courts and penal institutions, with such results as the production of Dr.

William Healy's revolutionary work, "The Individual Delinquent," may he regarded as heralds of the ultimate establishment of the principle of psychopathic study as a basis of judgment and treatment of criminals. (li) Reforms In Legal Procedure an 1 Police Administration The report of the so-called Merriain crime commission in Chicago this year depicts in a convincing way the almost hopeless tangle of out-grown legal forms and bad police practices at the basis of the crime that heads up in the local jails. The Springfield Survey revealed the fact that only 34 per cent of those arrested finally paid penalties. V. Supervision.

la) State Supervision ami Control The principle of state control of the treatment of misdemeanants is clear, for crimes are committed against the state. Our best prospect lies in the to the misdemeanant class. (d) Habitual Offender Acts A recent study at Springfield, 111., shows that 45 per cent of those convicted in the city courts are repeaters. The desirability of a plan of sentence and treatment which takes intj consideration Die repetition of offenses is generally conceded. (e) Educational Work and Mental Examination A school operated successfully for several years at the Haiti-more city jail cannot he ignored, lioth school w-irk and classification within the institution should he based on thorough mental examination of every prisoner.

Method Involving Supervision. or lock-up hi your community? it not, make it a visit the next time you huve an hour -ir two to spare. A you stand before the dark, unsanitary cells arid the prisoners Idling their minds away, you will be lookitiR lit the whole process of treatment ot the man who breaks the petty laws of the slate. Tile jail is the misdemeanant's place of temporary detention, hia abode, while awaiting trial, his prison after sentence. It is his mlio.il, the haunt of his leisure hours, the place where most of his thinking is done, and loo often it is his church.

The jail is still doing a big business. The labst figures show that 32 per rent of the population of penal institutions are in county and municipal THE Farmers Are Building We help them do it by furnishing them with Good Lumber. Right now we are letting some very choice stock go at VERY LOW PRICES for residences, barns, stables, gin houses, sheds, etc. Also a very high grade Rubber Roofing which Is economical. CENTRAL LUMBER CO.

days' length. Mm. F.iv.iig ailed to Memphis. Mrs. S.

C. Kwing, district secretary, who has worked so tirelessly for the success of the district conference be- ing held today In Bolton, was called yesterday to Memphis, where her father, Mr. Held, a man of prominence and a Confederate veteran of distlnc- i tlon, lies desperately ill. Mrs. J.

C. Wood, former secretary, will preside in Mrs. Ewing's place, i The program as given In these columns Sunday will be presented with but one change, this being- in the talk on "Social Service," which will be given by Miss Gober, secretary of the Associated Charities, who kindly II. -Methods Involving supervision under conditional liberation. (a) Adult Probation Adult probation laws have been adopted in twenty-three states.

In Cook county, 111., jails and workhouses. Worse still, 91. A per cent of all prisoners committed during a year are sent to these local institutions. iNumner, Amount 173,111,431.00 (Industrial Business isssued and revived during the year Number 2.35,034; Amount 3 4 41.733.340. 00 l.I-:U(.KK ASSETS.

Book Value of Real Estate 17,791,942.34 Mortgage loans on Real Estate, first llena 101,396,068. Loans secured by pledge of Bonds, Stocks and other collaterals 3,629,500.00 Loasn to policy-holders on this Company's policies assigned as collateral 39 063 078 21 Book value of Stocks, Bonds. US4.S47.1S2.54 owned by thla 187,480,957.84 Cash In Home Office, Deposited in Bunks and Trust Companies, cash in transit from Branch Offices, Interest. Not on Interest, JS25.936.47 Total 22,584,125.92 Bills Iteceivable.none; Agents' balances Credit, none; Total j(6io gi 'Phone 997. Mill St.

Jackson, Miss. (which includes Chicago) during the first three years' operation of the alult probation law the earnings of probati jners amounted to over 00 agreed to take the place of Mrs. Gordon Patton at the personal request of Mrs. Tatton and Mrs. Ewing.

YlrkftbnrK Vlnltora. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Spengler of H.M Taylor Undertaking Go, direction of improvement of state supervision and extension of direct state control of local jails. (b) Statistics The mengerness and useless quality of statistics of misdemeanants in America is notorious.

In contrast, one reviews with admiration the comprehensive and telling figures of the English prison commission and of authorities in other countries. The principle of punishment is not eliminated from the system here outlined, but rather is it made more effective. The local jail is left virtually Total Ledger Assets A gem' of Vlee. Penologists ore agreed that the Jail Is in nine cases out of ten "an agency of vice and a school of crime." Some of these f-irtress-like structures are inscribed with dales as far hack "as 136 the days of Andrew Jackson, ot the invention of the steamboat, of the pioneer stnigtle. The pasi generation has made some improvements in the jail.

These have had to do chiefly with cleanliness, fund, mora! jsupervision, i-lussihYati-m of pi Non-rji. abolition of the fee system, ins-peel ion, and standardization of $3f-l. 343.309. SI AsftRTft- and their handsome chll- dren were guests yesterday of their relatives In this city, they bavins come over for the Breard-Spengler wedding. Mr.

Lawsnn Spengler of the Hill i City, was also among the honor- i guests, as was Miss Ethel Wagner, and Interest and Rents due and accrued 4.231.365.11 Net amount of uncollected and deterred premiums. 6.442!36sl7 All other Notv-Ledger Assets 69,395.92 Fl'NEIlAL, DIRECTORS AND KM BALMKKS. tire. Kathrlne Bernlua, La7 Kmblamer. Prompt Sanitary Ambulance Service.

Under peraonal direction of W. W. B. Taylor and corpa of efficient assistants. 261 East Pearl.

'Phone 74 JACKSON. MISS. (b) I'arole Cojiditional pardon has lately begun to bo adopted for misdemeanants. It is not uncommon at municipal workhouses. A successful instance appears in Onondaga county, X.

Y. Out -work for Trlsiners It is quite common for local prisoners to be usej on road work. Wisconsin so employs them, turning over earnings, to the prisoner's dependents. d) Honor System Although there has not been the opportunitv to build every member of the party enjoyed the beautiful wedding and the reception which followed. I 10.74J.U4.7a 11.681.117.77 93 a place of detention only, and that elusive ideal of our penology, separate confinement for the unconvicted prisoner, is brought a step nearer.

jail rubs and of spec-ideations for const u. 'on and irs. Today we are corning to something better, William T. Cross, general Mil of the National Conference of and Correction. "We are a cciiHcious social policy in Total Non-Ledger AsseU Gross Assets Less Assets not admitted Total Admitted Assets LIAIULITlr.

Net Reserve Total I'olicy Claims Premiums paid in advance, including surrender values so applied Commissions to Agents, due and accrued Unpaid Dividends to Stockholders Dividends and other profits due Policy-holders. Dividends payable to Policy-holders during 1915.. Apportioned to the credit of participating policlea payable after 1915 Other Reserves and Special Funds All other Liabilities, as detailed in Total Liabilities as to Policy-holders Capital Stock Unasslgned Funds (Surplus) tie upon the trustworthiness of prisoners in case of misdemeanants that there has been in case of felons, occasions for it seem' to increase with the employment of prisoners in larger numbers, as on municipal or state farms. (e) Change In System of Commitment for Fines One of the most abhorrent features persisting In our system of treatment of petty criminals is 2S8.812.S65. 00 1.326.440.25 1.012,836.81 400,000.00 242.s08.8O 7,930,574.

OS 20.1S4.4C7.24 3.736,979.04 It Saved 111k ltiit.v' ife. Some years ago, in a letter to the manufacturers, 11. G. Vines, Arispe, Iowa, stated that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy had saved his baby from dying with the croup. This is a favorite remedy for croup with many mothers, and Is pleasant and safe to take.

Obtainable everywhere. TOM E. TAYLOR Funeral Director and Embalmer. Efficient Ambnlanre Servient 121 Sooth State Street, Jaekaoa, Mia Office 'Phone 871. Res.

$24. MRS. TOM E. TAYLOR, Prop. BEN T.

ETH RIDGE, Mgr. ueatoient of the misdemeanant, ideals have come into il ref-iiin is but one aspect of the petty offender. Mr. i -seniles these newer ideals as tier i fc'OTK'K OF SVI.K I'M) Ell John L. Richmond, W.

L. "Watson, R. C. Wells trustee, principals, and V. Otis Robertson and Thos.

S. Bratton, sureties. No. 16H12. vs.

I. Enochs. Cost $109.85 Total I'nder and by virtue of the above stated execution to me directed by Geo. ('. Myers, clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of Mississippi, I will on the First Monday of December, the same being the 6th day of December, within legral hours, in of the courthouse door of said county and State at Jackson, expose to sale and will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash all the rlfrht, title, interest and claim the defendants, John L.

Richmond, W. L. Watson, It. V. Wells and V.

Otis Robertson and M. inorts involving a change in SOCIETY i Mate I'ern era lion, i I-'arms I' -chaps the 1324.667,021. tt 2.000,000.09 34.437,296.41 I361.10U16.9I Total Liabilities mat or imprisonment in lieu of pay-mint of fines. Unless graded according to the ability of the offender to pay, fining is a pior means of attaining-justice; and in case of certain classes, like prostitutes, it serves merely as a licensing system. The International I'rison Congress has advocated that fines he made payable In Installments or on public work.

Iteliiihllitntlon. III. Rehabilitation of the offender. a) special Treatment for Special Classes In most communities it is still common find the Jail the chief means oT handling inebriates, vagrants, cases of wife desertion and non-support, prostitutes, and even the feebleminded. Thos.

S. Bratton and each of them have in and to the following described land and property, to-wit: Lots 5, 6, 8, 10, 11. 13, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21. 22, Matthews subdivision, 3-4 lots .13 34.

35. 36. Ben Whit Mississippi Alabama Fair Meridian, Miss, OcfoDer 18th-23rd, 1915 ni SI.XKSS I MISSISSIPPI is 1014. I Ordinary (Life.) Policies in force December 31st of pr'vious year --Number, Amount Ordinary (Life) Policies written and revived In 1914 Number 97-Amount I Ordinary (Life) Policies in force December' Vla't! 1914 Number. Amount i Ordinary (Life) Losses and Claims unpaid December Slst, 1913 Number Amount Ordinary (Life) Losses and Claims Incurred during the' year-Number.

29; Amount I Ordinary (Life) Losses and Claims paid during' 'the year I Number. 29: Amount (Continued From Page 8.) to give, but a part of his time to this most important work of conserving the health of the people of Hinds Delegnten to State Federation. The election of delegates t-i the State Federation of Woman's Ciubs to be held in McComb Nov. 16-19, resulted as Mestlames Julius Crisler, J. H.

Fox, Louise Mix Liddle and Thad Iampton; alternates, Mesdames W. H. Jlallett, W. H. Smith, i practical pro- for jail vil is i it- any hut o'lebsL tefins he sent to state A inn fiii male misde- U-Zi i of age is in pro- of i.i iii New- York.

r' ai res have been -i a institution for mis-naiits. mi (he construction of 'ti Tile institution of this eiiuracier he unanimous desire it in this tii-hl. I'ainien-x to Manmri. 5,619,524.0 266,046.00 6,393,909.00 600.00 107,360.00 100,010.00 163.67G.4I Ordinary (Life) Total Premiums collected and" secured; "Amount! "ther institutions and modes of treat field survey West Jackson, and Lot 9, block 11, northwest survey of Co-i hea estate survey and lot 13 Oil Mill survey, all of such property being in the city of Jackson, First District of i Hinds County, Mississippi. Map of each of said si bdivisioiis and surveys beinc of record in the office of the Chancery Clerk at Jackson, reference to each of which beinp here made in furtherance of this description.

The said property has been levied on as the property of said defendants or of some one of them and will be sold to satisfy the judgment of this ease and all cost. This 20th day of October. 1915. K. S.

MIDPLKTOX. Sheriff of Hinds County, Miss. O-20-27-N-3-10. ment should be used for these special classes. 'nsoners in the of this is i i of Wage Th.

b) Co-operation with Community Agencies Juvenile courts. blay- 1 ts to i-oiiv jet oitional ith rurrwi tu. uryaen; Secretary, Willard I. Hamilton. Home Office.

755 to 769 Iiroad Street, Newark, New Jersey. General A.gent for the Insurance Commissioner and all agents of the company authorized to do business In Mississippi. Business Manager for Mississippi, A. C. Crowdcr.

State of Mississippi, Insurance Department, Jackson, Aug. r. m. HE.N8T, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that tha abo la a true and correct abstract of the statement of the PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OK NEWARK, NEW JERSEY, filed with this Department, showing the oondltion of said Company on the 31st day of December. 1914.

Witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above written T. M. HENRT, Insurance Coraralaslener. i authorities in a -jt yl'-t-, are! the way seems dr.ir for tr-iurids, homes for discharged prisoners, associated charities, societies for the reformation of drunkards, boards of health, and a great number of other agencies should be as definitely focused on the problem of crime as any penal institution. c) Case Work Whatever be the One fare plus 25 cents round trip.

Tickets on sale Oct. ,17 to 23rd inclusive, limited to return Oct. 25 1 h. In addition to regular train service, special trains will be operated Oct. ISth to 23r.l inclusive, leaving- Jackson 6:30 8.

returning leave Meridian 10 p. m. Tickets good on regular or special Apply to nearest Agent for further information. S. A.

STOXK, Ticket Agent. I'hnne 30. Jackson. Ml its. Bost Medicine For the Liver- BOND'S PILLS, Intendtd solely for the Liver and Bowels, stimuiate these organs ane as an aid to Nature In the performance of her duties One BOND'S PILL at bed time, promptly relieves Headaoho, Biliousness.

Constipation, Dlsiiness. Sour Btomach and such trniiMeu that artie from a Torpid Liver or Bowels. Don't accept a utistitit. All UruKglsts, t'c. tite adoption of Die principle with re-p-'t to the misdemeanant class.

In 'he administration of the "Kansas City municipal to $1 a day may be allowed the family of any prisoner. "'I Revision of Sentences The principle of stimat ir revision uf sen -teres the basis of mere rumplete knowledge fit the criminal and of his a to conviction has All classified advertising payable strictly in advance, When you want to insert an ad 'phone 47 Daily News and messenger will call. Pay i nature the maladjustment through ADVERTISE IWT hich the offender is finally committed to prison, the prime need id for some to undertake to see through the end llie-frocess of bis rehabilitation. The penal institution ought definitely to take part in thla process. I messenger.

Kate one cent a Oee'i usbei, thn-Ui-Si the of Hit ii.detei sj' nteiice acts. word each insertion..

Jackson Daily News from Jackson, Mississippi (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.