The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana (2024)

band lites words ot by estended S. so our for so LA 15. 30- THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR -WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1954 Statistics Official Records Weather Data United, States for The Weather Indianapolis Bureau Star Special Sun rises 5:17 A.m. Sun sets 8:15 p.m. Moon rises 8:45 p.m.

Moon sets (tomorrow 6:06 a.m. AIRPORT DATA YESTERDAY Precipitation. 24 hours. to 7:30 p.m. 0.00 Total amount since Jan 14.24 Accumulated departure from normal since Jan.

1 (deficiency) 4.49 -Barometer Readings1 p.m. 29.08 p.m. 29.03 11 p.m. 29,07 -Temperatures73 p.m. a.m.

77 p.m. 73 3 p.m. 70 p.m. 1233 A.m. 85 p.m.

80 11 a.m, 90 11 p.m. 75 Maximum 93 Minimum 70 Record. 94 119521 Record. -For the Same Date Last YearMaximum 83 Minimum Central Daylight Timer Weather at- 7:30 p.m. High Low Amarillo, Tex.

Clear 83 56 Atlanta. Ga. Thstrm 92 69 Bismarck. N.D. Clear 77 Brownsville.

Tex. Clear 92 Chicago. Ill. Rain 95 Cincinnati. O.

Thatri 92 Denver. Col. Cloudy Duluth. Minn. Cloudy 79 Evansville.

Ind. PICIde 93 70 Fort Wayne, Ind. PtCidy 04 70 Kansas City, Mo. Cloudy 78 63 Los Angeles. Cal Cloudy 60 Louisville.

Ky. Rain 70 Miami. Fla. Rain 70 Minneapolis. Minn.

Rain New Orleans. La. New York. N.Y. Cloudy 75 Omaha.

Neb. Rain Phoenix. Ariz. Clear 97 66 Pittsburgh. Pa.

Cloudy 6 8 St. Louis. Mo. Rain 90 San Francisco. Cal.

Cloudy 70 Sault Ste. Marie. Mich. Cloudy 80 South Bend. Ind.

Spokane, Wash. PtCide 50 Tampa. Fla Rain RA Terre Haute, Ind. Cloude 71 Washington. D.C.

87 69 Vital Statistics BIRTHS Coleman Hospital Boys-John and La Vainne Collins. Kenneth and Eileen Daniels, Ralph and Patricia Geter. Jess and Dorcas Gasawas. Donald and Esther Knapp. Roy and Peggy McDonald Leonard and Margaret Marcum.

George and Rosa Self. Jack and Mary Smith. Girls-Maurice and Elizabeth Harris. Charles and Anna Rose. General Hospital Boys-James and Flossie Tavior.

James and Lula Shivicy, Theodore and Audrey Ehrgott. Girls- William H. and Betty McKinney, John and Ursula Wallace, Methodist Hospital Boys- Flued and Ruth Sturges. David and Constance Moxley, Albert and Evelyn Wallace. Girls-Marlow and Virginia Brannagan.

Francis and Phyllis Lineback RAv and Doris Morgan, Jesse and Betty Jean HandIon. Werner and Mary Berger, Allen and Edna Atkinson. Robert and Montrew Dunham. Jerry and Virzinia Stringer. Raymond and Joyce Edgar.

Twin Boys-Eugene and Maxine Bront82wski st. Francis Hospital Boys-John and Marv Pasteur, Basil end Edi Oakes. Richard and Dorte Nachand. Alvin and Jean French. Giris-Richard and Edith Ross.

William and Winnie Piper, Don and Barbara Myers, Dorsey and Lois McDonald, Richard and Hallie Fatout. Lloyd and Ruby White. Lee and Geneva Swindle. St. Vincent's Hospital Bogs--Charles and Mary Shank.

Melvin and Mary Chestnut. Ernest and Lucy Worth. Louts and Christine Chaplin. William and Orpha Harris, William and Letha Davis. Girls--Donald and Edna Mason.

Robert and Jean Wier, Wendell and Pegas Gibbs. Frank and Anna Squillace. MARRIAGE LICENSES Myron 2641 North Butler: Dixie L. Shoulders. 39 South LaSalle Raymond K.

Miller. Greenfield; Carolyn Collins. 6450 North Michigan Road. Charles O. Paddock.

United States Navy: Janet McLaren, 825 East 78th. Hubert Polen. 1309 Wade: Alberta L. Hawkins, 2124 Langley. Charles R.

Speer, Acton: Arlene Wampner. Wanamaker. Herman Schalk. 3815 Caroline: Marcia Wilder R.R. 1.

Box 484. New Auzusta. Roland C. Ahlbrand. 34 North Temple; Marilyn Weber.

960 North Graham. Danton Keesee, 143 West 40th: Ruth A. Hampton, 0471 North Beville. Kerman E. Waskom.

22 South Myron: Beverly J. Titus. 15 South Myron. Ralph E. Caruthers 2055 North Keystone; Helen J.

Pirtle. 2914 North Denny. Preston Roney Jr. 3138 Kenwood: Gwendolyn T. Hurth.

Wilmington, Dela Olin Hardy West Mary Mason. Indianapolis. William R. Earnhart. Marion: Nance Schnitzius.

R.R. 17, Box 358. IndianAnolis, Denis E. Rihordv. United States Army: Carlyn A.

McClure. 3961 Gutlford. John I. Sauer. 1729 South Delaware: Bernice L.

Younger. 4609 East Washinston. George C. Frazier. 101 South Elder: Joan Brosnan.

3321 West Michigan. Warren Maves. 1300 West Michigan: Barbara J. Kingery, 3505 Guilford. Charles M.

Gober. 1117 South Tremont: Mary A GUman. 1117 South Tremont Frederick L. Tielkinz. 2119 South Emerson: Joyce A.

Troncin. 2435 South Ritter. Anthony J. Plothow. Peru: Diane Hale.

180 Pennridge Richard A. Coates 2060 Caroline: Carole Ginsberg 2001 North Tacoma. Emet C. Taller. 3667 South Meridian: Marie T.

Keach. 4311 Broadwey Walter Dininger. 1046 Albans: Helen Clark. 1709 North Meridian. Charles Terry.

210 South Trowhridge: Sievia L. Welch. 210 South Trowbridge Nile Weber. R. R.

Whiteland: Marzers Welcott. R.R. Box 388. Virgil Rittlet. 2236.

South St. Peter: Bette J. Osborn. 1921 South Meridian. Eugene E.

Butler. 1710 North New Jersey: Julia A Wolfzan: R.R 2 Carmel. Lawrence Kale. 1561 North Illinois: Marilyn A. Potter.

Army Jack N. Dodd. 1852 Gent: Alma Shetfield. 6331 Ferguson. Norman W.

Clint. 1030 West 334: Barbara P. Harris 1032 West 334. Dale C. Shepard Oak Park.

Ann Campbell. 6248 North Meridian. Paul Pinkus, 4033 Gullford: Shirley M. Steinberz. 7599 North Meridian.

Gene L. Attebere. Houston. Nancy S. Cunnincham.

1826 North Hawthorne Robert B. Sharn. Grosse Pointe. Carol Rogers 2927 North Tihhs. David F.

Bucy. Navy: Frances M. Kipp. 132 Johnson. Erwin Flowers, 115 West 23d: Gladys Rankins.

115 West 23d. John Milligan. 237 Cumberland: Martha A Tandy. 3608 West 16th. Glenn E.

Ehrhardt. 8764 East 46th: Paula J. Muench. 4017 Graceland. BURIAL.

PERMITS Charles L. Clinton. 80. years old 606 Woodlawn arteriosclerosis. John E.

Dean. 65 sears old. 373 Holmes. carcinoma Bowman Elder. 44 years old, Methodist, hypertension.

Corley Charles Gilbert. 63 years old. Gencral. carcinoma. Anna T.

Hanes. 80 years old. 107 South Belmont. hypertensive, heart. Ida Harper.

old. General. carcinoma. Raymond Herran. 64 years old.

Lonz. pneumonia. Elda Lovetta Hite. 74 years old. General.

carcinoma. Wawasee Blast Kills New Owner Of Restaurant Syracuse. Ind. (Spl.) -A 41- year -old Syracuse man yesterday struck a match as he inspected the basem*nt of a Lake Wawasee restaurant he bought last week and was burned fatally in a "terrific" explosion. William Langmade died four hours later in Goshen Hospital.

Doctors said he suffered third degree burns over half his body. Chief Joe Connolley of the Syracuse fire department said bottled gas from a line hooked up only yesterday morning was the cause of the blast. Connolley said the gas line from a water heater which WAS re. moved last fall "apparently was not plugged" and the gas caped through the opening. Chief Connolley said the plosion caused little fire.

The restaurant, the Mandarin Inn, was sold to Langmade last week and he took possession only last Saturday. Langmade's wife, Mrs. Ruby Langmade, operates A florist in Muncie. The body was taken to the Parson Mortuary In Muncie. Barber Paid Monthly Tokyo (AP) -Barbers in Yamaguchi, western Honshu, are selling haircuta on the in'stallment plan.

Legal Notices ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS The Board of Trustees of Purdue University will receive bids tor the Structural Framework for Union -Hair of Music Annex. Purdue University. West Lafayette, Indiana, until 10:00 A.M.. Central Standard Time 111:00 A.M. Central Daylight Time on the 30th day of June, 1954.

the attice of the Treasurer. In the Executive Building of Purdue University, West Lafayette. Indiana. at which time A11d building all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid received after the above designated time will be returned unopened, Proposals shall he properly and completely executed on proposal form 96 with non affidavit required by Statutes ot Indiana, and must be accompanied by Questionnaire Form 96-A State Board of Accounts for All bids of $5,000.00 or inore Each proposal shall be accOm panted by acceptable certified or cashier's check made payable to the Trustees of Purdue University, or acceptable bidder's bond.

for an amount of not less than of total bid price. Contractors awarded work will be required to furnish acceptable surety bond in amount of of tract sum Wage rates on this work shall not be less than the prescribed scale at Wages as determined pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 319 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Indiana of 1935 No bidder may withdraw his bid for period of thirty (30) days after date set for opening nt bids. Instructions to bidders, plans and specifications are on file at the office of: Hamilton. Director ot Physical Plant. Purdue University, Lafayette.

Indiana. State Board of Accounts. Indianapolis. Indiana, Conies of the documents may be obtained by depositing check for $20.00 with the Architect. Waiter Scholer and Associates.

1114 State Street Lafayette. Ind for each set of documents 50 obtained. The amount of the deposit for one set of documents will be refunded to each bidder who returns the plans and documents In 200d condition within 10 days after the opening of the bids. The Trustees of Purdue University reserve the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities In bidding. THE TRUSTEES OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY R.

B. Stewart. Vice- President and Treasurer. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION Notice is hereby given the taxpay. ers of the Town of Speedway, County, Indiana, that the Board of School Trustees of the School Town of Speedway at their regular meeting place 4t 8 o'clock P.M.

DST. on the 21 st day of June. 1954. will consider the following additional appropriation for the calendar year 1934. from tunds now available In or to be received during the year 1954.

v12: Post War Building Fund Addition to High 000.00 Taxpayers appearing at such meetIng shall nave right to be heard thereon. The additional appropriation AS finally made will be automatically to the State Board of Tax Commossioners, which Board will hold further hearing within fifteen day's at the County Auditor's office of Marion County, Indiana, or at such other place as may be designated. At such hearings taxpayers ohjecting to any of such additional appropriation may be heard and interested taxpayers may inquire of the County Auditor when and where such hearing will he held. ROBERT KRYTER President ROBERT McMAHON Treasurer FREEMAN D. KETRON Secretary of Redevelopment.



1954 AND FOR AN INTERPRETATION BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF INDIANA OF THE SCOPE OF AUTHORITY GRANTED BY THE COMMISSION UNDER MIT NO. TO LEO OSER. SAFE- WAY TRUCKING CO. Notice is hereby given that the Public Service Commission of Indiana will conduct public hearing In cause It Rooms of the Commission. 401 State House Indianapolis, Ind.

1:00 P.M. (CST which is 2:00 P.M. I DST) Wednesday, July 14. 1954. Public participation 18 requested.

PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF INDIANA By Paul M. Tingle. Secretary, Indianapolis. June 14, 1954, NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the Indianapolis Redevelopment Commission will up to 2:00 P.M. (CST), on Wednesday.

July 7. 1954. receive sealed written bids at their office. 230 East Ohio Street. I Room 404.

Indianapolis, Indiana, for parcel of real estate included in the Project area Commission located in Indianapolis, Marion County. Indiana, A.S follows: Lots through 8 in Thornton' West Street Addition (Plat Book Page 1831. having 145.8-foot frontage on North West Street and 240-foot frontage on West 13th Street: subject to a 12-foot by 145.8- foot utility easem*nt centered on the west line of. Lot 6 in said 9 addition: sald parcel containing approximately 35.000 square feet. The use of said real estate shall be limited to multiple dwelling units and necessary accessory buildings.

At the aforesaid time the sioners will open said bids at a public meeting and consider such written offers on said parcel of real estate. Maps are available for inspection at the office of the Commission showing the size and location of sald parcel of real estate. Offering sheets showing such parcel of real estate for sale and the offering price will be furnished on request. The Commissioners reserve the right to refect any and all bids. and to make award to the highest and best bidder.

In connection with the consideration of bids submitted for the purchase of the above-described parcel the Commission desires information from ders as to the following points: Number of dwelling units proposed. 2. Square foot area per dwelling unit. 3. Schedule of the number of bedrooms per unit.

4. Proposed general architectural appearance of structures. 5. Estimated time of construction: commencement and completion. 8.

Anticipated rental or sales schedule. 7. Plot plan of site showing posed location of buildings and service facilities, Address where bidder has erected dwelling units similar to those proposed for the above-described parcel. Certain deed restrictions and contract provisions, samples of which are on file in the offices of the Commission accompany the sale of this real estate. The Commission will furnish title Insurance on the real estate to the successful bidder.

In determining the highest and best bid. the Commissioners will take Intol consideration Items in the above list the ability of the bidder to Improve the real estate with reasonable promptness. and any other factors which will assure the Commissioners that the sale If made will furtner the carrying out of the redevelopment plan and will serve the best interests of the community. both from the standpoint of human and economic welfare. In the event that purchaser shall subsequently replat said parcel.

such replat will be subject to the Inspection and approval of the Department Death Notices RAKER-Lena Gallagher, 77 of 1318 E. St. Clair grandmother Robert Gallagher and Mrs. Muratta Van Jelgerhuis: passed Away Monday. Funeral Wednesday 1:30 p.m., from SHIRLEY BROS.

CENTRAL CHAPEL. 946 N. Illinois St. Calling anytime. BAT CHELOR-Frank age 83 of 516.

Woodlawn. father of Mrs. Edward Underwood and Carl Batchelor and Mrs. Charles L. Harris.

grandfather of Mary Elizabeth, Joan and Nancy Underwood, passed away Monday. Funeral Thursday 10 a.m. from SHIRLEY BROS. CENTRAL. CHAPEL, 946 N.

Illinois St. Calling anytime. BURGETT-T. Earl. age 63.

of 5512 Lovell husband of Eunice Burgett. brother of Paul Burgett. passed away Sunday. Funeral Wednesday. 10:30 a.m., from SHIRLEY BROS.

IRVING HILL CHAPEL 5377 Wash. Calling any time. Please omit flowers. BYRKIT- Edwin husband of Nellie father of William J. Byrkit, also survived by 3 grandchildren, passed AWAY Sunday.

Funeral Wednesday June 16th, 10 at the GEORGE W. USHER MORTUARY. 2313 Wash. St. Friends invited.

Burial Holy Cross Cemetery. Friends may call at mortuary. CONOVER-Harold 3328 Grace land husband of Esther father of Mrs. Delores Cox. Sandra K.

and Harold Leo Conover, grandfather of live. son of Mr. and Mrs. Berlew H. Conover.

brother of Mrs. Eunice Owens. departed this life Monday, age 46. Services Thursday. June 17.

at the MOORE KIRK NORTHEAST CHAPEL. 2530 tion 2 p.m. Burial Anderson Cemetery. Friends invited. COOK -William 4262 Guilford, husband of Mrs.

Corena Cook, brother of Jesse D. Cook, passed away Sunday. Services, Wednesday, 11 A.m FLANNER BUCHANAN FALL CREEK MORTUARY. Friends invited. CRAFT -Ralph beloved husband of Helen Craft, father of Betty Wright and Jane Corder, son of Otto Craft.

also survived by eight grandchildren. Friends may call at the ROBERT W. STIRLING FUNERAL HOME. 1420 Prospect St. Funeral services Friday, 10:30 At the funeral home.

Friends invited Burial Greenwood. Want. Ad Service, AT. 2411 Funeral Announcements 2 Card of Thanks Services COOK, William ELLIOTT. Wilbur A.

Jr. GUSTAFSON, Dr. Gerald W. IRVING. MIss Anna A.

Beth Ann MACINTIRE, Mrs. Rosa STOSSMEISTER, Mrs. Margaret FLANNER, BUCHANAN Mortuaries 1 Shirley Services BAKER, Lena Gallagher BATCHELOR. Frank BURGETT, T. Earl LLOYD, OrVis 1 Death Notices ELLIOTT- A Jr.

3925 Watson husband of Margaret Ottinger Elliott, father of Sherry Ellen, son of Mrs. Wilbur A. Elliott St brother of Mrs. Freq J. Behning, Miss Rosalle, John Q.

A. and Carl E. Eillott, passed away June Services Thursday, p.m. FLANNER CHANAN FALL CREEK MORTUARY, Friends invited. FRITZ-Austin 3509 Gale.

husband of Wilma. father of Joan and Nancy Fritz, brother of Mrs. Robert Huber: Andrea, Harold and Hobart Fritz, died suddenly Saturday, Services Wednesday 2 p.m at the KIRBY MORTUARY, Meridian at 19th St. Entombment Crown Hill Mausoleum. Friends may call at the mortuary, -Dr.

Gerald 5768 Penn. husband of Nina, father of Gloria, son of Mrs. Emma Gustafson. passed away Monday. Services Wednesday, 3 p.m., at the North Methodist Church and 11 a In Thursday at Chesterton (Ind.

Methodist Church. Friends Invited. Friends may call at FLANNER BUCHANAN FALL CREEK MORTUARY till 2 p.m. Wednesday. Please omit flowers and make donations to the American Medical Education Foundation.

Send to Indianapolis Medical Society, HAGAMAN-Ardy, age 75. 1418 Witliams, mother of Corwaln. grandmother of Glenda and David. sister of Mrs. Nora Haugh.

passed AWAY Friends may call at the DORSEY FUNERAL HOME 3925 E. New York St. Funeral 1:30 p.m. Thursday funeral home. Burial Riverside cemetery.

Spencer. Ind. KARCH-Herman 1127 Riley. husband of Blanch M. Karch, father of Mrs.

Earl Johnston, also 3 grandchildren. 1 great -grandchild uncle of Doris Stern. Betty Lemon. Patti Evans, Eileen Owen, passed away Sunday. Friends may call at the JORDAN FUNERAL HOME.

2428 E. 10th St. Funeral Wednesday, June 16th. 10:30 m. Friends Invited.

KINDLER-Charles 1430 S. High School Ben Davis. husband of May. father of Carl. Claremont.

Ind. and Martin of Indianapolis. passed away Monday p.m. Services Thursday. 1:30 p.m at the restdenre.

Friends Invited. Burial Maple Hill Cemetery, Plainfield. Ind. Friends may call at the residence. JONES AND MATHEWS SERVICE.

KLEINSMITH-Alice (nee Pattisoni. age 82, sister of George C. Pattison, also survived by several nieces and nephews, passed Away Monday Funeral GRINSTEINER FUNERAL HOME. 1601 E. New York St.

Wednesday, 2 p.m. Burial Crown Hill. Friends invited. LLOYD-Orvis. age 71.

of 105 Sherman husband of Mary Lloyd, brother of Otto. Thomas W. Hilbert, Frank and Helen Lloyd. passed away Monday, Funeral Wednesday, 3 p.m.. from SHIRLEY BROS.

IRVING HILL, CHAPEL. 5377 E. Wash. Calling anytime. MacINTIRE Mrs.

Rosa 411 Bosart sister of Della Dunbar Oran C. Trautwein, aunt of Mrs. Witliam Brown. passed away Monday. Services Wednesday, 10:30 a.m FLANNER BUCHANAN BROAD RIPPLE MORTUARY.

Friends invited. McGARVEY-Beth Ann. 3855 E. 56th St. daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel M. McGarvey, sister of Deanna. Michael, Samuel, Mark, and Rebecca: granddaughter of Charles W. McGarvey Sr.

and Mrs. Clara E. I Wednesday, 9 a.m., at Christ the passed away Monday; services Church. 1827 Kesseler Blvd. E.

Dr. Friends may call at FLANNER AND BUCHANAN BROAD RIPPLE MORTUARY, MANN-Leona. of Birch Ave Thursday, passed away Monday Services 10 a.m. at the BEANBLOSSOM MORTUARY 1321 Ray St. Burial Whitesville, Ind.

Friends invited. MILLER- James Byron, age 62. passed away last night at his residence in Morgantown: survived by his beloved wife Pearl. sons. Durward D.

of Morzantown Daryl M. of Scottsburg. Ind daughters. Mrs Noah (Ernestine) Beck of Speedway and Mrs. William (Gretchen) Roberts Rushville, four grandchildren, brothers.

of Morgantown. Fritz. Franklin Ind. stepsisters, Stella Brown of Morgantown. Mable Thomas of Morgantown.

Funeral Thursday, 2 p.m., Morgantown Methodist Church. Burial East Hill. Friends may call at the residence. MILLER- -Lester E. of 1065 N.

Vinewood. husband of Josephine M. Miller. son of Mrs. Barbara Miller.

brother of Atlee. Harold and Clayton Miller and Mrs. Nettle Thomas, passed AWAY Monday. Services Thursday 2 p.m. CONKLE FUNERAL HOME.

4925 W. 16th. Friends invited. ial Floral Park. Friends mag call tuneral home.

MILLER- Oscar Grey, age 70. husband of Mary Miller, father of Mrs. Elizabeth McCall. Henry, Robert and Oscar J. Miller.

brother of W11- liam Miller. passed away at residence, 738 N. Somerset. Services Wednesday, 2 p.m., Tabernacle Baptist Church. Friends Invited.

Burial, Floral Park. Friends mAY call at the CONKLE FUNERAL HOME. 1934 W. Mich. St.

and at the church after p.m. Wednesday, until the hour of service. RAGSDALE-William 2156 Winter husband of Beatrice. father of Mrs. Catherine Walter, brother of Leonard Rarsdale, grandfather of Charles Harry Walter.

departed this Itte Monday, age 74. Services Thursday. June 17 at the MOORE AND KIRK NORTHEAST CHAPPI 2530 Station 3 p.m. Burial Sutherland Park. Friends invited.

STEINKF-Blanche 65. vears. loved mother of Mrs. William Burnett. Mrs.

William P. Sweeney and Mrs. Carl P. Cooney. sister of Mrs.

Caroline Balers and Alex Brenner, passed away Tuesday. Funeral Thursday. MANN 11 a.m. at the HOME H. 1503 HERRFUNERAL East St.

Friends may call after 11 A.m. Wednesday. SWAIN-Gernie. age 70. DAsSed away Monday.

survived by his wife. Massilene Hester Swain. two sons. Walter Lee and Joseph Franklin, one brother. Roy Swain all of Rush Co.

Services 10:30 a.m Thursday, the CARMONY FUNERAL HOME In Manilla. Burial Little Blue River Wesleyan Methodist Cemetery. Friends call afternoon Wednesday and Wednesday evening At the late home near Gwynnville and At the funeral home after 9:30 a.m. Thursday. WALKER-Lillian, age 76 years, wife of Charles mother of Mrs Mary Moss: passed away Monday.

Funeral Thursday. June 17th. 2 p.m at the GEORGE W. USHER MORTUARY. 2313 W.

Wash. St. Friends Invited Burial. Floral Park Cemetery. Friends may call at mortuary.

WHITE-Grace Fern, 2059 N. Tacoma, wife of Elbert Ardent White. mother of Mrs. Marie Bragdon, Ruth 200k, Mrs. Clara Anton.

Mrs. Mrs. Anna Moots. Mrs. Martha Crawford.

Elbert F. White. Mrs. Kate Woods, Stella Showalter of Coldwater, sister of Birt Apple, 43 grandchildren. 47 -grandchlidren.

departed this life Monday, aze 76. Services Thursday, June 17, at the MOORE KIRK NORTHEAST, CHAPEL, 2530 Station 10 A.m. Burial Oaklandon. Friends invited. WILKINSON-FIlle sister of Mrs.

Fred G. Phillips, passed away Mondav. June 14. Funeral services at All Saints Episcopal Church Wednesday 11 a.m No flowers please, Burial Crown HIT. HISEY A TITUS SERV.

Card of Thanks ALLEN -We wish to thank our kind neighbors, friends and relatives for expressions of sympathy. lovely floral offerings and other courtesies extended at the passing of our devoted husband and father, HULON ALL.EN. We also wish to thank Rev. T. J.

Edwards for his comforting message, the singers, organist, Fidelity Ma sonic Lodge No. 55 and the Peoples Funeral Home for tactful and derstanding service. -Wife and Children. ARCHER -We wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation the kindfloral tributes extended by our ness, sympathy and many beautiful tives, friends and neighbors At the loss of our beloved wife and mother, INA ARCHER We especially thank Dr John Mortarty, Rev. Donald Dunkin.

the pallbearers and Harry W. Moore Peace Chapel, all for kind, thoughtful Ices. -Husband and Family, ELLIOTT-1 am deeply grateful and appreciate the kindness, sympathy and many beautiful floral tributes extended by our good neighbors, relatives and friends at the passing of my beloved husband. WILLIAM (BILL ELLIOTT. especially wish to thank Rev.

Ralph Wade, Harry Moore Peace Chapel Indianapolis, American Legion Post of Little York and Odon. Ind. Also DES of Ordon, Ind. kind understanding service rendered Hazel R. Elliott.

15 Business Services BAsem*nT BRICK BLOCK CEMENT dug, finished under houses, water proofing houses raised floors leveled, foundations rep. Chimneys, fireplaces, walks. triveways. PITA terms Free est. Ins IR.3701 Mod.

Equip. IR.3701 BLOCK AND BRICK Masonry, Stone, Cement Wk. Free ests. AT. 8977 or AT.

7131. BRICK and block work. Free est Work guaranteed. GL. 5400 eves BRICK.

cement and block work veneers, fireplaces spec. CH. 3657 BRICK WORK BRICK REPAIRS Porches. Foundations, Chimneys. -RESIDENTIAL- INDUS Guaranteed Work, GA.

1926 BRICK STONE BLOCK FIREPLACE CHIMNEYS BAsem*nT VENEERS TE. 1480 TE 1480 Brick, Tile, Stone, Block Veneers, fireplaces and basem*nts Free estimates. AN. 5930 after Expert Chimney Work J. L.


Kitchen cabinets, Driveways and foundation work Painting. New aluminum siding. Garages. LOWEST PRICES ESTATE REMODELING CO. NATIONALLY ADV.

MATERIAL. 2965 N. Sherman TE. 1338 TE. 1339 guttering block laving etc.


plumbing. sinks, in cement work. Large or small fobs Guar. work. Monthly payments.


insulation. gutters and windows. 10x10 $995 12:12 $1,250 LEMON CONSTRUCTION CO. (Builder of tine homes IR. 8385 Ever HU.

5443 REMODELING Rooms added, attics finished: kitchens, baths. furnaces, rooting siding. painting. Do the complete job now and save money. All work guaranteed NO PYMT.

TILL AUG 5541 days: MARTIN CONSTRUCTION CO Schafer Construction Co. Building and remodeling. Lowest prices. Work guaranteed. Free est.

No down 36 mos. to pay. First pymt. In Aug. BL.

9708. HOMES built and remodeling; gutters. roofing. cement work. patch plastering.

Call HY. 1632 for all your building needs, No down pay ment. 36 mos. to pay. BUILDING and REMODELING 40 YRS.

EXPERIENCE Lt. 7434 BR. 7655 Remodeling--Gen. Repair HOME SERVICE AND REMODELING WA. 1334 Free Est.

CH. 6876 CARPENTER work: remodeling of ant kind. We have expert carpenters times. Plumbers, dav. night HI.

8153 days, AT. 8590 eves. REMODELING ID. $224 GA. 1942 GEN, house repair and remodeling.

cement porches. walka, drives. gaTa Free est. GA. 6605.

ID. 7089. Home RemodelingGood job. Ins. J.

C. Lewis, CA. 1719. REMODELING. cabinet work First class work.

White. TA. 0324. CABINET WORK CABINET TOP REPAIRS OR NEW tops installed. CA.

4406. AT. 5652 CARPENTRY GARAGES BLOCK AND FRAME ID. 3224 PORCHES screened, Jalousie windows. floor tile.

Remodeling. tions, Free est. WA. CARPENTER work or small. 25 Yrs.

Eves, GA. 1042 Inclosed with plastic wall or repair, addl8608. remodeling large exp. Quick serv Reas. BE.


PORCHES-DRIVES CHORDED WALKS. FLOORS GA. 5547 PATIOS CEMENT WALKS--STEPS Drives, porches. garages, bamts. soll, fill dirt.

MA, 3326. BR. 0306. NORTHSIDE CEMENT CO. Immediate service: walks, driver porches.

etc. BR. 2023. CH. 6222.

PORCHES, PATIOS, DRIVES WALKS. STEPS. FLOORS, CURBS BONDED---FREE -MA. 3379 CEMENT work, block laying, base. ments specialty; driveways.

porches. ID. 5478. Cement Walks, Porches, Steps Driveways. Free est.


CONCRETE WORK CONCRETE work of all kinds. 20 Yes. exp. Barney Pittard. ID.

2407. CONTRACTING BULLDOZING. earth- moving equip. crane service. yard grading, streets.

roads house wrecking. parking lots levees. ponds: top fIll dirt. cinders. Stewart Sand and Gravel Co.

GA. 6605. Free est. ID. 7089.

TOP SOIL, $3 PER LOAD Fill Dirt $2 Per Load Crushed Stone ID. 5555 DUMP truck service. Bulldozing and highshift work, yard grading and finishing, Top types and sand till dirt, and crushed gravel. Trees removed. CY.

1465. SELL TO TRUCKERS $1.00 Per load top soil--gravel. Gambel Farm Mars Hill Road WANTED: Dragline Operator Top Soil or Fill Merlin Elmore Trucking. BR. 2224 DUMP TRUCKS.

light bulldozing. high- -lift service: top fill dirt, pit gravel. washed sand. gravel, stone. cinders, 4941 W.


Raymond BE. 3307 TOP SOIL AND FILL DIRT Must be removed. Del. ID, 4776. wh.

stone, grading. Bulldozing, ditch digging, basem*nts. 1D. 5555 CINDERS. CR.

STONE, TOP SOIL. Pit gravel. fill dirt, driveways, grading. bulldozing. GA.

7022. TOP SOIL-HY. 1906 White stone. Yard grading. TOP SOIL.

FILL DIRT. ID. 3153. Must be removed. Del, reas.

Flagstone. gravel, driveways excavated. BULLDOZING -EXCAVATING Prices right. CH. 4794 TOP SOIL WI.

0189 RIVER- -BOTTOM top soil. Delivered. Reasonable. Ferguson. ID.

6595. RICH TOP Rear. SOIL, dirt. driveway gral GA. 4687.


gravel, top moll and fill dirt. Reasonable. ID. 7077. IM.

7133 Grading, Cinders. GA. 0523 FREE SAWDUST 3724 13TH AT. 2326 RICH TOP SOIL, FILL DIRT. REAS.

LIGHT BULLDOZING. GA. 6822. Top soil, $5 up. ID.

0956 TOP ID. SOIL. 5518. $6 GA. up.

7451. Fill dirt. up. CRUSHED ROCK and stone. sand gravel, top fill dirt.

ID. 3007. TOP SOIL OR FILL DIRT PROMPT DELIVERY. FR DITCH DIGGING DITCHING, septic tanka, finger ID. tems 3818, installed GA and 7451.

repaired. a 15 Business Services LOW U.S. WEATHER BUREAU MAP Department of Commerce CooL 65 HIGH 65 73 COLD 30.27 68 COOL COLD 72 68 71 90 75 1 High Temperatures and Areas of Precipitation Expected Wednesday 80 Temperature Figures Show Average for Area Arraws Denote Wind Flow Weather Conditions 40 P.M EST Rain Snow 90 A. Of 1:30 90 June 15, 1954 Highs and Lows in Inches FORECAST WEATHER BUREAU FORECAST- -Scattered showers and thunderstorms are forecast for today from the Mississippi Valley and Texas eastward to the Atlantic seaboard. Scattered showers also are expected in the northwest Pacific states.

Generally fair weather will prevail elsewher. It will I become warmer i in the northern and central Plains; continue warm in the Midwest and Ohio Valley and hot in the south Atlantic states. It will be slightly cooler in the upper Great Lakes and Missouri Valley. (AP photo Map) Josephine Moreland. 74 years old.

333 North Delaware, coronary thrombosis. a Frances Edna Oglesby, 63 years old. Lons carcinoma. Mary V. Robinson.

77 gears old. General. Cerebral thrombosis. Daisy D. Rousch, 62 years nld, 1309 South Beimont.

carcinoma. Porter Charles Rutland. 63 years old. General. arteriosclerosis.

Letha Sanders, 73 ears old. cerebral thrombosis. Fred L. Steinmetz. 68 years old.

1038 Churchman, arteriosclerosis. Wilson Travis. 64 years old, 1404 Cornell. arteriosclerotic heart. Cora VanLandingham.

87 old. 1939 West Vermont, coronary thrombosis, years. News Of The Courts SUPREME COURT 20169. Snider vs. State.

Warrich Appelice's petition for time granted to and including July 12. 1954. 29183. Doughty, et al vs. State Department of Public Welfare, etc.

Madison C.C Appellant's reply brief And receipt for conies. 29100. State ex rel Keating vs. Bingham Judge, etc. Original action.

Relator' petition for writ of mandate. Alternative writ Issued And respondent ordered to show CAtISe on or before June 30. 1954. 29191. Young ve.

Trierweller, sheriff. etc. Vigo S.C. Record. Assignment of tors.

Submitted under Rule 2-14 20137. Pond vs. State. Marion Cr. C.

motion to strike and amend portions of brief and receipt for cops. 29113. Major. et al vs. Welch.

et al St. Joseph S.C. Appellant's reply brief and receipt for copy. 39125. Ray vs.

State. Marion Cr.C Judgment affirmed. Draper J. 20102. Taylor vs.

State. Marion Cr Judgment reversed. Flanagan. C.J mert And Gilkison. J.

J. concur. Draper and Bobbett. J. J.

dissent (separate opinions). 28987. Randolph Ve. State. Hanco*ck C.C.

Appellant's brief. 20164. Bell vs. State. Noble C.C.

Appellant's petition for time to tile brief. granted to and including Sept .29, 1954. SUPREME COURT OPINIONS June 15. 1954 fore, nothing te presented for consideration. APPELLATE COURT 29107.

Taylor vs. State. Marion C.C. Judgment reversed. Flanagan.

C.J. Emmert and Gilkison. J.J.. concur with separate opinions. Bobbitt.

and Draper. J.J, dissent with separate opinions. Appellant was convicted of first degree burglary. Appellant pleaded not guilty and not guilty by reasor nt insanity. After Indictment returned the court appointed sanity commission.

and result was finding that anpellant was of unsound mind. and court ordered that he be committed to IndiADR Hospital for Insane Criminals. Afterward, on' being notitied by warden of tegaining sanity, court ordered appellant returned to Marion County jail. Appellant appeared in court. waived arraignment and pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity, and later the cause was set for trial and at end of state's evidence.

a pr pellant moved for finding of not guilty and discharge, upon which court withheld ruling. and trial resumed. and evidence of two physicians appointed by court was neard. rebuttal heard. and hearing of evidence concluded.

and cause taken under advisem*nt. Appellant's mother had filed application for commitment of appellant to epileptic village, and court entered judgment that matter would be continued under advisem*nt as long as appellant remained in village. The prosecuting attorney later filed information as to escape and appreheusion of appellant, and the court thereupon entered judgment of guilty. The court reaffirms the theory set forth in Warner vs. State.

194 Ind. 426. that a defendant is entitled to have sentenor pronounced with reasonable promptness and unusual delay must be for some recognized legal purpose, and then termination of delay must be fixed. Judge F.mmert states the unusual facts warrant concurring opinion. The mental condition nt appellant presented a difficult probiem for trial judge and while mistaken.

he acted in an enlightened manner. When there is an unreasonable delay in court making finding. the finding is void. and rights of accused cannot be pretudiced by fact that court neglected to make finding. rather than enter Judgment on finding made 1n reasonable time The delas war not due to mentally de.

fective appellant. There was no statutory authority for trial court to proceed under Sec. 9-1203 Burns, since the section applies only where accused under 21 has pleaded guilty 9.1402 and 9.1404 safeguard rights of accused to speeds trial. and Rule 1-13 WAS not adopted to supersede these tion: As record now stands. appellant should he returned to custody of superintendent En-leptics Village.

and 'it security proaision there are not adequate, such is not responsibility nt judiciary. The criminal court cannot have jurisdiction of him while he is ward of state by reason of such committments. Judge Gilkison states that after a crim inal case Is tried. speedy rendition of finding And final tudzment je essential part of due course of law. and A court cannot keep the finding and Judgment in fierl longer than 'last day of term of court at which trial is had.

By withholding judgment in this PA the trial court forfeited jurisdiction of appellant. Judge Bobbitt stater that the Warner case does not attempt to say when court shall render finding of guilty or not guilty when trial had by court upon plea of not guilty, It cannot be said anconstitutional right to speedy trial has been viloated. since he had trial without delay, and acquiesced in action of court wherein cause was held under advisem*nt practically one year. and he cannot claim his rights were violated. In the absence of rule of court the matter of time when Judge may decide, 1s AS much a matter of Judicial discretion.

how he decides. If appellant had felt there was an undue delay, he should have taken advantage of Rule 1-13. which applicable to criminal cases. Judge Draner poses the question of how long is too lone? Some yardstick must he furnished to the courts. and the legendArE sword of Democles instead of hanging over culprits now dangles over heads of trial fudges, 29125.

Ras State, Marion Cr.C. Judgment. affirmed. Draper. J.

Appellant WAS found zuilty of involuntary manslaughter. Appellant had zone to visit his girl friend and engaged in drinking party, which he left in drunken condition. As he left. he struck curb and parked car. While in 30-mile none.

he drove 70.80 miles An hour through stop light. with his motor wide open. and driving on wrong side of road. was driving with his wife and child and in the collision. M's CAT was demolished and M.

died shortly afterward. Appellant contends that evidence not sufficient to disclose infuriee were Incurred in collision, nor to show such injuries were mortal in nature The fury could logically inter that lawful conduct of appellant was proximate cause of death and it would be difficult to reach any other conclusion. An tion tendered by appellant and given ade. quately covered situation presented by sence of phosician. The record shows that aopellant freele and voluntarily consented to drunkometer test.

under conditions where he WAS mentally and phesicalle able and tree to make choice. The cuestion At to admitsion of evidence of police officer, presents no question. since none of an wort nt witness made in response to questions are set forth in brief. It nermissible for the statute to put hypothetical question to Dr. Harder.

which question conformed to state's theory. and which it contended was supported by evidence and inferences. and called for oninion of witness on scientific sublect. The value to he given the doctor's mans war for furs and there was no error In nverruling oblection to anestion. The onlv grounds on motion to quash that grand fury had no legal authority to Into offense, and that indictment does not state offense with sufficient certainty And Aid not assert that facts not constitute nuthlic oftener.

There. 18425. Harvey by next friend. etc. ve.

Johnson School Townshin. etc. Hamilton C.C. brief on petition to fer and receipt for cops 18595. Poore vs.

Poore. Jackson C.C. Record Assignment of errors, Submitted under Rule 2-14. 18506 Universal J.T. Corporation Hacker.

et al. Hendricks C.C. Record. As: signment of errors. Submitted under Rule 2-14.

18597. Ritman, receiver, etc. vs. WARS. Industrial Board.

Record. Assignment of errors. Submitted under Rule 2-14. 18598. Mendenhall.

executor. etc. Mendenhall. Marion Pr.C, Record. ment of errors.

Submitted under Rule 2- 14. 18540. Stagell, Lester. Allen Appellant's petition for time granted to and including July 14. 1954.

an. Morgan C.C. Appellant's 18581. Darby. et al vs.

Schoolcraft. DEAN- AIL acts of kindness and wym pathy, helpfulness and floral tribin the loss of our father And MILLARD C. DEAN, are more deeply appreciated than any thanks can express- Mrs. Millard C. Dean and Family.

FERGUSON We thank the many churches, friends, doctors and who were kind to father during his declining years, recent Illness and death: also the beautiful flowers tributes graciously given. THE REV U. FERGUSON FAMILY, MORAN-We are deeply grateful and appreciate the kindness, sympathy floral and many beautiful tributes extended good neighbors. relatives and friends AT the passing of our beloved wife and mother. ROSELLE VERN MORAN We especially thank Bro Bruce F.

Miller. the pallbearers. the vocalist. organist and Usher Mortuary for their kind services. Husband and Children.

WALLACE-We deeply appreciate the courtesy, sympathy relatives. and beautiful friends flowers extended by and neighbors at the loss of our dear father WILLIAM WALLACE To Rev, Lester Abel. the singers and Beanblossom Mortuary We are especially grateful -The Family 3 In Memoriam -In loving memory of our wife and mother. NETTIE BROADSTREET who passed away June 1952 Remembrance golden chain Death tries to break but all in vain: To have. to love and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart.

The years may wipe out many things. But this they wipe out neverThe memory of those happy days When we were all together. -Husband. Son and Family, PICKERFLL-In loving memory of NANCY ANN PICKERELL. who passed away June 16, 1953.

She was too pure for this cold earth Too beautiful to stay And so God's holy angel bore Our darling one AWAY, -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pickerell and Family, SHAW-In loving memory of JOHN PAUL SHAW who passed away June 15, 1952. -Dad. VAUGHN-In loving memory ot ETHEL VAUGHN.

who passed away June 16, 1952, She was too pure for this cold earth, Too beautiful to stay. And so God's holy angel bore Our darling one away. -Patty Ann Vaughn. Brothers and Sisters 4 Funeral Directors CONKLE FUNERAL HOME 1934 W. MICHICAN FR.



4304 2428 F. 10th IM. 4304 KIRBY MORTUARY MERIDIAN AT 19TH WA. 3331 MOORE KIRK-4 CHAPELS CH 1564 IR.1159 1A.6056 BE.4774 ROYSTEP. ASKIN 2310 WASHINGTON FR.


Flower Shop 2457 MADISON AVE GA. 4446 8 Lost and Found PLEASE GIVE Clothes. dishes, jewelry, etc. Home for Friendless Animals, Inc. TO BUY FOOD BR.

1523 FOUND- Young brown female hound. Has rabies shots and spayed. Owner identity or good home wanted. BOx 2627. Star -News.

LOST -Blue Schwinn bicyele, lightweight. English -style, at Longacre Park Wed $5 reward. 5525 Madison or call GA. 7618. -MAN'S DIAMOND RING Sm.

Masonic emb. on eA. side. Vic. 72d and Sprg Mill Rd.

Big reward. PL 7526. LOST -White, platinum, lady's watch. 8 small atones. Reward.

WA. 6500 oF TA. 4571. LOST -Single strand pearl beads Sun. a.m.

16 Talbot. Keepsake. Please call BR. 0170 LOST -Rew. Cat.

gray, bik stripe, blind; from 3964 Park. HU. 8403, It found alive or dead. LOST -June 5. blue parakeet, silver hand on leg.

J. Freed. 1304 N. Del. Apt.

801. Rew LI 7857. LOST -Red Irish setter wear stainless steel chain collar. Rew. IR.

2583. TA. 1500 LOST -Red leather coin purse, initials MGM. containing $75. Rew.

GL 0126. LOST -Pale blue parakeet. Vicinity BL. 0295. LOST -Black short -haired med.

size male dog, white feet. Rew. CH. 3044 LOST -Parakeet. says "pretty boy 'o boy, "cutie boy.

GL. 0819 LOST -Man's wallet. vic. Shadeland Drive- In. Rew CH.

9646. LOST-Larze yellow 1928 Penn. $25 reward. LOST blue, white cap. "Pretty Boy." Rew.

FR. 8509. LOST-Lt. blue parakeet. "Rebel Lee' pretty boy, and WA.

6309. rex LOST. pr. glasses bet. Stand, gro.

-24th. In alley. TA. 0781. LOST.

Parakeet, vic. Leland and 10th. IR. 0296. LOST -Yellow cat, male, answers to "Tiger." PO.

7594. 9 Personals UNMARRIED women needing help in planning for your baby -confidential services available through licensed children's agency. Call or write Chitdren's Bureau. 615 N. Ala.

LI. 6481. ALL electrical appliances that have been heid over 30 days will be sold for repair charges on or before June 20. 1954. Harris Repair Shop, TA 9103.

9-A Business Personals BUDGET MANAGERS Will group all your bills in one payment you can afford. Our systematic plan will answer your debt problems Bonded and nstired. 309 Lemoke Bldg, CA. 0691 106 F. Market H.

Bradley, Mgr. OPEN MON. EVES UNTIL P.M. REVOKED Auto and Driver's License Insurance, S.R. 22 Filings 1122 E.

Washington AT. 7511 EVENINGS ID. 5068 Financial Responsibility Bonds, 533 N. Penn. LI.

6911 Revoked Auto License SR-22. filed with responsibility 533 N. Penn. LI. 6917.

MORE PEP-Relieve symptoms of constipation and dizziness with "MISSION LIVER PILLS' 24c at Hook's Dependable Drug Stores. MINIATURE fruit and flowers for making earrings. Wood fibre Grant's Hobby Shop, 717 Mass. Ave. FR.

2601.00 HEARING AIDS Acousticon. 16 N. Del, FR. 1633 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS may be reached at 124 W. Georgia Indianapolis, or telephone LI.

1708. FUR RESTYLING Indiana Fur 114 E. Wash. LICENSED MATERNITY HOME Can offer cate to unmarried girls WA, 8019 for INFORMATION. 10 Cabinet Baths GLADYS HEALTH BATHS Est.

1939. cooling New oprs. Vaper, prof. massage, showers: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. 1308 E.

10th. AT. 1673. JUANITA'S Baths New operator, 10 a.m. -12 p.m.

Cooling showers And massage. 302 New York, IM. 2746. DELL'S AND JEAN'S BATHS Open 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Mon thru Sat. 1741 Meridian. TA. 1249. DELAWARE BATHS N.

No. 3. Open today. 13 Transportation WANT rider to Bloomington daily, 11 a.m. -6 p.m.

LI. 8952. LOS ANGELES- -June 18th. Take Share exp FR. 6529.

Ever 14 Special Notices EARN $10,000 YEARLY If you can sell or hanker to learn around floor. see MUTUAL of OMAHA 15 Business Services ALTERATION ALTERATION and reweaving: reas. For men and women. CA. 7980.

APPLIANCE REPAIR WASHER, sweeper, ironer repair, Work guaranteed. Free est. CA. 6403. Guar, Washer Serv.

GA. 3891 RAsem*nT CEMENT work dizzine. cutting grass, trash hauling. HI. 0246.



repairing men's and ladies' suits. Also dress: making, drapes and bedspreads, 31 East 234, till p.m, DRIVEWAYS ROAD OIL THE HIGHWAY CO. ZIONSVILLE, IND Dial 911 and ask for Enterprise 4000. No toll charge for Enterprise calla ASPHALT DRIVES, parking lots, surfacing. Hartman BR.

8682. WA. 6231 ELECTRICAL SERVICE ELECTRICAL SERVICE Lic. CH. 0646 Bonded Service changes.

Wall plugs, Switches installed Reasonable, New work county $2.50 per opening: $3 HERRING ELECTRIC CO. Bonded, New- Old Work Free Estimate 1381 HOFFMAN Electrical Service. Specialize in house wiring. IM. 3973.



2060. don for time, granted to and Including July 18. 1954. 18526. Huber vs.

Protestant Deaconess Hospital Association, etc. Warrick C.C. Appellee's petition tor time granted to and including Sept. 7. 1954.

18533. Wood vs. Wood. Marion S.C. Anpellant's brief and receipt for copy.

lant's request for oral argument. 18533. Wood Vs. Wood. Marion S.C Appellant's brief and receipt for copy.

Appellant's request for oral argument. 18506. Miladin vs. Istrate, administrator. Steuben C.C.

Appellant's petition for rehearing denied. APPELLATE COURT OPINION 18506, Miladin vs. Istrate Adm. Steu- ben C.C. Petition for rehearing denied.

Crumpacker, J. From condensed recital of evidence It 18 shown that Istrate did not have Any knowledge of mortgage assignment until 1939. It 18 further demonstrated by the evidence of Cole that he WAS forced by Miladin and his attorney to make the deed mentioned. Other matters presented by the petition are restatement of arguments previously made and considered and this court not convinced It WAR wrong. and this opinion is primarily for purpose nf refutins charge that court misstated the record.

DIVORCE SUITS CIRCUIT COURT Phellie Wallace vo. Paul Wallace. James M. Douglas vs. Trene F.

Douglas, Margaret V. Huff vs. Otto A. Huff. Doris L.

Galt vs. Charles Galt. SUPERIOR COURT Room Sarah Barlow Gitiette Baring Norma F. Dux vs. Robert H.

Dux Myrtle A. La Russa vs. Peter La James Bell vs. Ethel M. Bell.

Mildred Mahurin vs. Melvin Mahurin. Elizabeth L. Standard vs, Luther Standard Jr. Mary L.

Dalgleich vs. Davin L. Dalzletch 11. Rose M. Grei: James W.

Greiz. Room 2 Barbara Miller vs. Albert F. Miller. Betty J.

Huffman vs. Thomas P. Huffman. Ralph L. Wright Catherine W.

Wright Norma J. Eades vs. Norval D. Eades, Room 3 Charles Hendrick vs. Polly I.

Hendrick Sherman Martin vs. Lorene G. Martin. Eva M. Willoughby vs, Marvis T.

Willoughby. Lillie Jarbor ve. Samuel Jarboe. Vivian R. Dicus vs.

Virgil G. Dicus James W. Childers Vs. Helen Childers. Fern E.

barby vs. Lawrence N. Barbe. Harry E. Clampitt vs Theima Clampitt.

Martha C. Bunch vs. Prentice O. Bunch. Room Frankie M.

Rogers vs. John W. Rogers. John Quire VA. Jane H.

Quirk. Gladys R. Boatman Vs. Frank 8. Boatman.

Claude A Dixon vs. Hazel Dixon. Velma Murphy Ve. Thomas R. Murphy.

Dorothy E. Carlin vs. James H. Carlin. Gloradean Reeves vs.

Robert P. Reeves, Oral H. Wright vs Mary Wright. Noel R. Lawrence vs.

Bertha M. Law. rence. Helen Meyer Ronald Meyer. Room 5 Rosalyn J.

Bozell vs. Jerry L. Bozell. Legal Notices GENERAL ORDINANCE NO. 75, 1954 AN ORDINANCE to amend Section 11-103 al of Title 11.

Chapter 1 of the Municipal Code of lis, 1951, said Title 11, Chapter 1. being commonly known as the Zoning Code of the City of Indianapolis, diana, and fixing time when the same shall take effect. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA: Section 1. That Section 11-103(a) of Title 11.

Chapter 1 of the inal Code nt Indianapolis, 1931. said Title 11. Chapter 1 being commonly known as the Zoning Code of the City of Indianapolis, Indiana. And tn particular that the district or 7000 map and plats which are made a part of said Chapter by reference, be and the same are hereby amended. supplemented and extended As to the A3 nr 2400 Square Feet Area District, 50 AS to include the following described real estate, to wit: Beginninz at point.

said point being the intersection of the north line of 30th Street and the east line of the first alley west nt Olney Street. thence north with the cast line of sald alley to the south line of 32nd Street: thence cast with the south of 32nd Street to the west line of Gale Street: thence south with the west line of Gale Street to the north line of 30th Street: thence west with the north line of 30th Street to the place of beginning. Section 2. This ordinance shall In after Mayor. full and force passa ze, and publication effect approval according from by star law.

THE STATE OF INDIANA MARION COUNTY s9: CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS I. Grace M. Tanner, Clerk of the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, 40 hereby certify the above and foregoing 1s full, true and complete copy of General Ordinance No. 75 of 1954: that said ordinance was passed by the Common Council on the 7th day of June. 1954: and was signed by the Mayor on the 9th day of June 1934: and now remains nil file and record in my office.

WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the City of Indianapolis, Indiana this 11th day nf June. 1054. Grace M. Tanner. City Clerk (SEAL I GENERAL ORDINANCE NO.

73. 1054 AN ORDINANCE to amend the Municipal Code of Indianapolis. 1051. as adopted by General Ordinance No. 140.

1951. and as amended and more particularly Title 7. Chapter 17. Section 7-1711, sub -section 131 thereof. regulating advertising taxicabs and fixing time when the same shall take effect.

RE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON OF THE CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS. INDIANA: Section 1. That Title Chapter 17. Section 7-1711. sub -section (3, of of the Municipal Code of Indianapolis, 1951.

he and the same 1s herchy amended to read As follows. to wit: (3) taxicabs, when beinz operated. shall be kept at all times well painted and tree from any scriptions or advertising on the outside thereof other than the name under which the licensee operates. except may be otherwise authorized in accordance with Title 7. Chanter 2.

Section 7-202. sub -section (21, paragraph of the Municipal Code of Indianapolis, 1951. Provided, that Ang such authorized advertising shall he limited to the rear part of Ang such taxicah and shall be so affixed to permit the driver thereof to have at all times clear and unobstructed view of the pubile WAY behind such taxicab. and of the vehicles traveling thereon. Such taxicabs shall be maintained at all times in good mechanical and zeneral condition and repair.

including all tires and taximeters, and other mechanical devices, bodies and parts, They shall also he kept at all times in clean and tars condition. both Inside and outside. and tree from any known or discoverable contamination or conditions likels to communicate disease to any occupants, or to offensive to them. The Board of Public Safety shall enforce compliAnce with the provisions of this section. and hereby empowered to suspend any license until such "Ticensee has complied with the provisions herein.

Section 2. This ordinance shall be In full force and effect from and after its passage. approval by the Mayor. and compliance with all laws nertaining thereto. THE STATE OF INDIANA MARION COUNTY SS: CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS Grace M.

Tanner, Clerk of the City of Indianapolis, Indiana, do hereby certify the above and foregoing 18 full, true and complete copy of General Ordinance No. 73 of 1954: that said ordinance was passed the Common Counell on the 7th dry of June, 1954: and signed hr the Mayor on the 9th day of June, 1954: and now remaina on file and record in my office. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the City of Indianapolis, IndiAna, this 11th das of June, 1954. (SEAL GRACE M. TANNER.

Cit: Clerk FENCING LAWN FENCE $15 PER 100 FT SQUARE RED CEDAR POSTS 55c eA HOOSIER FENCE CO. TA. 2434 FENCE erection. Best deal in town. TA.

6163. FLOOR REFINISHING JESSEE BALLARD Hardwood Floors Laid and finished. Old floors refin. BE. 4880 If no ans BE 5650.

FLOOR sanding, finishing. Old floors made like new. One-day serv. Wm G. Ingley, 3411 Broadway TA.

7424. FURNACES CLEAN EXPERT FURNACE WORK WA. 3808 Clean. repair all makes. New and used fura.

and con, burners installed Bonded Ins. Free est. cen start In Nov Miles, WA. FURNACE Installed gAS or of! conv. Lic.

Bonded. CA. 5656 ANY FURNACE vacuum cleaned $5 Repair and install. IR 2289 0 ALL TYPES FURNACE WORK AND GUTTER. BL.

5860. FURNACE REPAIRING: cleaning set V- ice. WA. 1563. ALL.

TYPES FURNACE WORK GUTTER. Free estimates. BL. 5860. FURNACE CLEANING FURNACE and stoker cleaning and repairing.

Work guar. IM 2779 GUTTERING Roofing New or repaired. No down payment, THREE YEARS TO PAY REA BEA AT 0071. GUTTERS--DOWN SPOUTS Free est. Sturgeon.

IM. 5249 GUTTERING-ROOF REPAIRS Gutters installed. 40c, 50c 60c per ft. Mr. White HY.

2128 NEW gutters. roots, and repairs. Call anytime. GUTTERING AND ROOFING. Guaranteed work.

H. Spichler. WI. 2024. NEW GUTTERS spouts and repairs.

Mills. MA. 2806. MAULING TRASH HAULING from basem*nts, yards, stores and factories, quick service, any time. Vet.



MOVING1 CALL US Pianos -refriz Complete households Insured. Prices reasonable Li. 7193 Trash, Ashes, Tree Limbs trk. White. $3 up.

CA 2565 HAULING, ANYTHING. ANY TIME Moving furniture, baggage, trash. Bsmt, cleaning. IM. 2029.

Hauling Trash, Brush Basem*nts Cleaned CA. 7606. LIGHT hauling. any time, anywhere, ANY place. Also deal in scrap iron.

MA 1783. White, vet. HAULING. MOVING. ODD JOBS TA.

3698. $3 UP. TA. 0412. LIGHT HAULING.


5413, GENERAL HAULING Small trees cut. White, FR. 9703. TRASH HAULING FROM PREMISES. BAsem*nTS.

ETC. IM. 8912. GEN. HAUL Clean truck.

up. White. CA 0084: HI. 7766. DISSATISFIED with your trashman.

Try me. $1.50 up. HI. 2734. serv.

FR. HAULING any time. day or night. All day Sat. and Sun.

FR. 9673. GEN. baggage, refr. Covered trk.

Ins. White, HI. 8402. GEN. hauling.

specialize in refrig and stoves. $3 up. White, AT 3595. HAULING and cleaning up. Anywhere, any time.

WI. 0871. HEATING RESIDENTIAL hot water and steam heating systems. O11 burners. New installation and service.


grading bamt. digging. driveways. mowing weeds. ID 7132.

TREES removed. sodding grading gen. yard work. HI. 7748.



ROTARY MOWER. BL. 6608. SPEEDY. economical crew.

with tools and power mower. TA. 8739 LOT CLEARING TREE Removal IM. 1141 Power equip. Ins.

Free est. Reas, PAINTING JOHN J. CROOK Complete Housecleaning Serv. Interior- -Exterior Painting STEAMING AND PLASTERING THE WORLD'S STRAIGHTEST CROOK Off. WI.


6494 ID. 6077 PAINTING Call IM. 5829 for the lowest prices available. Best of ref. PAINTING -Paper bungalow.

hanging $100 Int. and 1 Nothing yrs. to pay. Papering. $5 up.

14 Yrs. exp. HI. 4616. BEFORE YOU PAINT Call us.

ID. 3224, even. GA. 1942 PAINTING. steam, wall rooting.

carpentry, etc. Complete home service. Est. Terms. MA.

2083. EXT. PAINTING. Gutters cleanedWeatherproofed. Reas.

FR. 2808. WILL PAINT average house with good paint. $150. IM.


0310. OUTSIDE painting, wall washing and paper cleanine. CH. 7535. PAINTING.

floor sanding. finishing. Free est. Call aft. 3:30.

BL. 6421. LEAD Get the best. 20 exp. BL.


FREE EST. HI. 7950 AFTER 4 P.M. RELIARLE paint contractor. Insured workmen.

Earl S. Cox. IM. 2316. EXT.

painting. rooting. cement work Free estimate, WI. 0435. PAINTING, ext.

and and paperhanging. Waldo Poland. MA. 1665. INT.

and ext. painting. wall wash. Quick service. HI.

4044. PAPER CLEANING. WALl. washing. paper, floors cleaned.

waxed. polished: cial work: exp. G. Brown. PL.

9194. PAPER clean, $2.50 up. Wall wAsh. steam. Eves.

-wk. enda. Exp. CH. 7133.

PAPER clean. $3 rm. Washing. Cox Son. GA.

6900. IM. 0672. COLORED- Paper cleaning. wall washing.

Painting. WA. 6382. WI. 0407.

PAPER HANGING PAPER HANGING, samples, $6 up. Steaming. hauling, roofing. Ing. painting.

ID. 4030. PAPER furn. and hung. $12.50 rm.

and up. Immediate service. Vernon Lee. CA. 7989.

GUAR. paperhangine, steaming, paintins. plastering. wall washing. est prices.

J. Duncan. GA. 8479. WE DO IT.

CA. 1137. Paper hanging. steaming. painting.

plaster repair. Guar. Rel. White. PAPERING.

$6 rm and up; painting. plastering steaming. remodeling Easy terms. PL. 7851.

PAPER HANGING -Painting. steaming. White. Insured. Condiff.

TA, 6042. PAPER hanging and painting. Free estimates. BL. 4138 GOOD paper hanging.

Priced Crowe. CA. 5257. PAPER $12.50 rm. up.

Patch plaster. Quick serv FR. 5783 Rm. up. 17 eXP.

Patch plaster. Quick serv. FR. 3222. LITTLE ADS WITH FARREACHING RESULTS.


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Article information

Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Views: 5554

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.