Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)

the THE EVENING NEWS, WILKES-BARRE, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1936. TWENTY DEMOCRATIC RANKS SPLIT ON NEW DEAL Congressman Young To Oppose Governor Davey Of Ohio FORMER BACKS F. D. R. Washington, March Democratic split in Ohio which may have an important bearing on how the State will go in the presidential election next November appeared today in the announcement of Congressman Stephen M.

Young that he will be candidate for the gubernatorial nomination against the Democratic incumbent, Gov. Martin L. Davey, who has been frequently at odds with the Roosevelt administration. Young's announcement made i it plain he will run as an endorser of the Roosevelt New Deal. as "Ohio." he said, "is a New Deal On the other hand, Gov.

Davey has clashed spectacularly with the national administration in some instances, and only recently was virtually ruled off the Ohio delegate slate Prohe Philadelphia convention. sent from Washington to the effect that Roosevelt leaders distinctly did not want the Ohio governor to be a delegate at large from his State. The coolness between Roosevelt leaders and Gov. Davey is of long standing. It dates.

back, in fact, to the Chicago convention. Davey was not a "FRBC" (for Roosevelt before Chicago) man. Even final ballot at Chicago, when Roosevelt's nomination was already an accomplished fact, Davey cast his vote for Al Smith. Roosevelt leaders never forgot it. Later, after his election as governor, Davey became a somewhat caustic critic of New Deal measures, and one occasion, "dared" Harry L.

Hopkins, Federal relief Ohio administrator, to come into and be arrested for some of the things Hopkins had said about him. Young's announcement of candibristled with inferences that dacy the Davey administration has been inefficient. "The day I become, governor," he said. "will favoritism in the liquor, highway and all departments. It is time to end puss*footing, inefficiency.

conduct of the public business in hypocrisy corruption in the Ohio. I will end it." While National Chairman James Farley and other Roosevelt leaders had nothing to say about Young's candidacy, it was apparent to observers that the national administration regarded it with approval. They are "off" Davey definitely, as indicated by the rejection of the proposal the governor should go to Philadelphia as a delegate at large. Taylor's Warning Harrisburg, March Harvey State Republican chairman. today issued a statement informing G.O.P.

candidates for delegate to the Republican nation :1 convention who wish to go to the sessions uninstructed "should be careful not to sign the delegates' statement at the top of the last paze of the nominating petitions now in circulation." Taylor pointed out signing of that statement would commit delegates to support the candidate for president receiving the the number of votes in primaries, "even though that number only a few hundred." PLEDGE SELVES TO ROOSEVELT Young Democrats Hold Booster Meeting Pledging allegiance to Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Young Democrats of the Fifth District, Fourteenth Ward, city, last night held a ster booster meeting at their club quarters, 500 Hazle street. The induction of the new officers for the fiscal year occupied the early part of the program which concluded with a splendid entertainment and speakers' a program in which the Roosevelt administration lauded. Thomas Dillon assumed the presiJ. McGrath, who retired dency last night, succeeding fielames successful years as the club's executive.

Evan Roberts delighted with songs and stories, as did Frank Gallagher, Frank Morio, Rudolph Nickles and William Lavelle, with Clarence Fiske delighting with accordian selections. John E. Davis, regional director of the Young Democrats, Michael Kittrick, president of the city unit, Hillard Hoffman, secretary of the Roosevelt-for-President club, Joseph Santucci and Joseph Wrijal, president and secretary, respectively of the county Young Democratic unit stressed the importance of organization in their addresses. William B. Loftus, guest speaker, complimented the club for its spirit and neighborly attitude.

Retiring President McGrath viewed the activities of the club, as did Alderman James Caverly and Daniel Gallagher was master of ceremonies. A buffet lunch was served to the scores of members. RACING PIGEON CLUB The Nantico*ke Racing Pigeon Club will hold their regular monthly meeting Sunday at 1.30 p. m. at the home of Louis Nalepka, 425 East Grand street.

Several new members will be initiated at this meeting and also a well known pigeon fancier of the United States will be the guest of honor and will speak on the subject, to form A well organized club as we have in some of our large cities. Any gnew fancier wishing to race birds against the keenest competition in the city Nantico*ke should join at this meeting, The club up date has members, their goal being 35 before the race season. New Hauptmann Reprieve Depends Upon Dr. Condon Trenton, N. March Dr.

John F. Condon refuse to return voluntarily to the United States from Panama for further questioning, Governor Harold Hoffman would seize upon this as sufficient excuse for granting another reprieve to Bruno Richard Hauptmann, reports current here today indicated. Although the governor has stated that Andrew W. Dutch's trip to Central America was merely a vacation, it was felt in authoritative circles that the agent of the State motor vehicle commission, who has been acting as a special investigator for Hoffman in the re-opened Lindbergh case, would interview Condon in Panama. In spite of Hoffman's statement in New York yesterday that he Bible Speaker Rev.

Charles B. Bowser, pastor of First Baptist Church, Shamokin. will be the speaker at the two-day meeting of Wilkes-Barre Monthly Bible Conference in Memorial Presbyterian Church, city, on Tues-: Wednesday of next week. There will be morning and afternoon sessions beginning at 3 and 7:45 respectively and an interesting address is promised for each session. Rev.

Dr. George C. Westberg is pastor of the host church. MINE PARLEY IS UNDER WAY Operators And Union Men Confer New York, March the anthracite wage conference resumed its daily, sittings here this afternoon, operators on the subcommittee for that side returned with a consolidated position on the demands of the U. W.

of A. Although no intimation has as yet been given on the outcome of the the meeting in this city yesterday, fact was established that the subcommittee reported detail the developments of the conference room in the first eight of negotiators. From that, it has been concluded that some definite line of procedure to govern those acting for the industry will be laid down. The day off was marked on the side of the miners by attention to piling districts. executive up on From matters the office heads that of have the quarters three been in the local hotel where they have been living considerable correspondence was sent out and other matters brought up to date.

DRIVERS MUST HAVE LICENSE Failure Of Department To Deliver No Excuse Failure to receive new operators' licenses before March 1, though renewal applications were mailed in adequate time, will not excuse motorists for driving without 1936 permits, it was announced today by the State highway patrol at Forty Fort. Fines will be imposed regardless of such circ*mstances, officers indicated as they admitted that several defendants have pointed out that they have not received their new licenses in spite of the fact they sent for them two and weeks ago. It usually takes four days from the date of mailing the application and fee to receive license by TO regular post In Wyoming Valley. No special effort has been inaugurated by the patrol to arrest motorists who failed to obtain their new licenses on time, but in course of their regular duty the officers have set up zones in various parts of the county to check vehicle code violations and whenever a driver is found without a 1936 operator's card, he is notified to appear before an alderman or justice of the peace for hearing. JR.

HOLY NAME HOLDS ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING A regular meeting of the Junior Holy Name was held last night in the Holy Rosary Church on Park avenue. The meeting began at 8:15 and was adjourned at 9:15. The Junior Holy Name will receive Holy Communion in a body at the 8 o'clock mass Sunday. The next meeting will be held April 2. All members are requested to be present as.

it is a very importunate meeting. CONVALESCING Mrs. Minnie Devens, .313 East Popular street, West Nantico*ke, is convalescing at her home, following a prolonged illness. 'Wynn's Day in Court a Mr. and Mrs.

Ruth Greenberg haled Ed Wynn (above) into New York court to collect $116,000 which they alleged they were forced to spend to. help the comedian smooth out his marital troubles. Spinal Meningitis Claims Lives Of 30 Louisville. March State board of health doctors and nurses today went to Harlan counin southeastern Kentucky, to Help combat the spread of spinal meningitis, which has claimed approximately 30 lives. There are no cases in the city of Harlan, but as a precauticnary measure city officials all theatres and churches there.

The Harlan school is still open, but in the county, where 50 cases the dread disease have been reported, 15 schools are closed. A high school basketball tournament was cancelled under a quarantine order. Dr. A. T.

McCormack, State health commissioner, reported that approximately 90 cases have been treated in the county in recent weeks. SON MURDERS MOTHER AND THEN BLOWS OFF HIS OWN HEAD Putnam, March killing his mother with a 16-guage shotgun, Herbert Marsh. 58, telephoned an undertaker today that she "died suddenly" and then blew off his own head with the shotgun, according to police. Mrs. Mary E.

Marsh, 82, was found by the undertaker in a pool of blood at the side of a sewing machine. Marsh was found nearby with the shotgun beneath his body. Police said he apparently leaned over it and pushed the trigger. NEWS BULLETINS STATE Philadelphia, March policemen today subdued John Faust, 55-year-old butcher who ran amuck in a restaurant, threatening the proprietor and a woman customer with a carving knife. Philadelphia, March in a locked freight car, an unidentified was burned to death today when flames boxcar on a Pennsylvania Railroad storage siding in South Philadelphia.

Philadelphia. March terrier, the leg on a one to two with a gruesome mystery in a Harrisburg, March emphasis a published report that a Commission with a Public Service considered by the Earle administration. York. March unusual normal fever and pains, today was have caused the death of Helen store here. Philadelphia.

March bustion, fire early today destroyed Mossman and Company, processors Harrisburg. March George several men under consideration of the State Highway Patrol to cently retired. in the jaws of a little mongrel years old child today presented police Philadelphia "band-box" area. authorities today denied with plan to supplant the Public Service Court of nine lawyers was being form of "brain flu" causing abEisenhour, 22, in a local believed by, medical, authorities to the factory of Philip started, by spontaneous comof raw materials for paper mills. H.

Earle today revealed he hrs for appointment as superintende succeed Capt. Wilson C. Price, who re- Philadelphia, March Kaenfield, 26, of this city, whose car struck and killed Mrs. Bertha Noufeld, 60, near her home here last night, was held on a technical charge of involuntary manslaughter today." Philadelphia, March 200 indignant Republican committeemen, demanding jobs in return for their help in "getting out the vote" last Fall. today milled about the corridors outside Mayor S.

Davis Wilson's office in City Hall. NATIONAL Washington, March of the treasury's new financing program was strikingly illustrated today as subscriptions for the 000,000 note and bond offering aggregated $8,459,000,000. Albany, N. March 6. Seeking to unravel "the unexplored mystery" of the disparity between production and consumption prices for milk, Senator John T.

New York Democrat, today proposed a sweeping legislative investigation of this State's two-billion-dollar milk industry. Montrose, March school children, 13 boys and 12 were girls, miraculously escaped death today when a bus in which they being transported to school plunged over a 25-foot mountain cliff near here. Two of the children were slightly hurt but the others scrambled out of the demolished bus unharmed. Washington, March delegation from Minnesota which in the forthcoming national elections works of the administration. Roosevelt today, was visited by a and assured him addition State's support in praised highly the Topeka, March Alfred M.

Landon today announced that he had been in conference with Kansas authorities to determine "what legislative action the State can take within the bounds of its constitution to meet requirements set by the federal adminisration's Social Security Board in Washington." Washington. March 6. -Sweeping revision of the bankruptcy laws to protect small investors who, he declared, have been defrauded of $20,000,000,000 in the last few years through abuses of present laws, was urged today by Rep. Adolph J. Sabath (D) of Illinois, before a House judiciary sub-committee.

Akron, March deliveries were suspended in this striketroubled city today as producers carried out their threat to withhold milk deliveries to consumers. FOREIGN London, March Reuter dispatch from Rome tonight stated that the Italian Chamber of Deputies will hold a meeting Monday at. which Premier Mussolini may reveal his attitude toward peace with Ethiopia, Many Attend Funeral Of Mrs. E. H.

Gaughan The funeral of Mrs. Edith Hall Gaughan took place this afternoon from the home, 341 East Poplar street, West Nantico*ke, with many friends and relatives in attendance. There were many floral offerings. Services were in charge of Rev. C.

Voltz, pastor of the West Nar.tico*ke M. E. Church. Pall bearers were: L. Patten, Kenneh Patten, E.

Patten, Daniel Grout, Gilbert Grout and Ray Haus. Flower car- New Franco-Soviet Pact Nullifies The Treaty Of Locarno Berlin, March, Hitler has made mind to tell the world that the Franco-Soviet pact nullifies the treaty of Locarno, one a of the highest Nazi officials told International News Service today. and the fuehrer has summoned the Nazi Reichstag for next Friday. March 13, make his statement that will blast Europe's "security" set-up. Friday the 13th comes at the end of a week, when, according to all expectations the French Senate will follow the Chamber of Deputies in ratifying the Soviet mutual aid alliance; and it comes three days before the first anniversary of Germany's conscription and destruction of the Versailles Treaty, Hitler, according to the Nazi informant, will review for his picked Reichstag his offers of a friendly understanding with France, and his warnings to France that communist Russia constitutes a menace to Germany.

By entering an alliance with the Soviet Union Hitler is expected to say, France has violated the Locarno Treaty, thereby forcing the SALES EXPERT PLANS SERIES OF LECTURES Merchants' Association Engages! E. C. House For Three Talks WELL KNOWN HERE Establishing himself here as a constructive thinker and dynamic speaker by recent addresses before the local Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs and widely known as a sales training expert. E. C.

House been engaged by the local Mieas chants' Association a series three addresses for the special benefit of all local salespeople, office employees, merchants and professional men. The time and place of these meetings has not been definitely fixed although the tentative dates are March 23 and 30 and April 6th. In announcing the program, Carl Fissell, secretary of the association said: "Many of our local business and professional men have heard E. C. House in one or more of his dynamic addresses.

He has long been established as an expert in helping clerks, office people, salespeople and business professional men analyse themselves and make improvements which increase their individual earning capacity increase the volume of business of their employers; and increase their efficiency inanextending courtesy and better sed to the public. These improveme.p6 contribute a great deal also to pleasure of local people in dealifig with their home merchants and otherwise make for a better community. "All outstanding executives and leading professional people deem it wise, even necessary, to frequently take the instruction under experts in their respective lines. We are sure that any wide-awake merchant and any ambitious sales person would profit by hearing a specialist like Mr. House.

Looking at their problems through his eyes and getting his instruction through a personality new to our sales people is deemed by our directors to be well worth while. House's reputation as a popular, inspirational, lecturer, inour people that his addresses will be interesting in addition to having a real money value to anyone in any way related to a business or profession. "His long and successful experisales people gives him a backence in training and managing ground of good hard, common sense, and practical knowledge which makes his thought and instruction very valuable. The series is open to all our business and professional people and they may secure tickets for all their employes." 2. FILE SUITS FOR DIVORCE Court Grants Decree To Hazleton Woman Grace Young of South Franklin street.

Wilkes Barre, today filed divorce proceedings against Hamilton Young of 223 East Main street, Plymouth, charging cruel treatment. They were married at Binghamton, N. June 28, 1934 and resided together at Plymouth until February 18, 1936. Hazel Goode. by her mother, Etta Laubach, of Beach Haven, today filed divorce proceedings against David Goode, of Berwick, R.

D. 1, charging desertion. The parties were married at Beach Haven June 27, 1933 and resided together at Beach Haven until October 30, 1933, a period of four months. They have one child. Marie Carelli Yamona of 949 West First street, Hazleton, was granted a divorce by a decree of Judge C.

D. Coughlin today from Anthony Yamona of 217 South Cedar street, Hazleton, on grounds of cruel treatment. They were married at Hazleton September 3, Hazleton 1928 and resided together in until February, 1935. They have two children. FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENT The funeral of Harvey, Cragle will take place tomorrow afternoon at 1.30 from the home, West Poplar street, West Nantico*ke, with additional services in the West Side M.

E. Church at 2. Rev. C. Voltz, pastor, assisted by Rev.

John L. Thomas, of Trucksville, will officiate. Interment will be in the Edgehill cemetery. TODAY'S MARKET PRICES Received by direct Wire and furnished by J. H.

Brooks Member of the New York Stock Exchange, 15 S. Franklin Wilkes-Barre, Pa. would not grant Hauptmann a further reprieve unless new evidence develops between and the week of March 30, when the baby convicted is slayer scheduled of to the die Lindberfle electric chair, defense attorneys appeared extremely confident today. the governor's investigators It was significant that dozenwere still at large today hunting for evidence. nexn aide of the governor was quoted as saying: "I know very well the governor said there would be no further reprieve for Hauptmann unless evidence warrants it, but it seems no one took the trouble to ask the governor if any new evidence has developed or is expected to velop." AIDES LISTED BY RED CROSS IN CAMPAIGN Chairman And Committees Of Units Made Public Here ADMIRAL IS COMING Chairmen and committees for the various industrial and civic units supporting the annual roll call of the Wyoming Valley Chapter, American Red Cross were announced today.

The roll call will open here next week. Committees follow: Industrial Chairman, Eugene Lazarus: Woodlawn Farm Dairy, Horn Dairy, American Stores Bakery, Carr Biscuit F. W. Baking Glendale Farms. Henry German Baking Hitchner Biscuit Kingston Cake Kutz Bakery, National Biscuit Purvin Dairy, Spaulding Baking Williams Bakery, Public Employees Chairman, Roland Grover: Allen E.

Bacon. Robert Casper, John Conlan, Wesley Davies, Henry Disque, E. J. Quinn, Tom Williams. Fifth Ward of BarreChairmen.

Mrs. X. K. Collmann and Mrs. William Goode; Mrs.

C. J. Schmitt, Mrs. Jerry Vickers, Mrs. Harry May, Mrs.

Thomas P. Thomas, Mrs. E. Poletti, Mrs. Edith Gutendorf, Miss Thelma Miller and Mrs.

F. T. O'Donnell. Eighth Ward Chairman, Mrs. Michael McLaughlin.

Mrs. Raymond Whalen. Miss Elizabeth Brown, Mrs. Pickwell, Mrs. Charles Conlon, Miss Mary Keilty, Miss Mary Whalen and Miss Kitty Griffin.

Tenth Ward -Chairmen, Mrs. C. B. Crittenden and Lillian Eley, Miss Olivia Brader, Mrs. Miss Dorothy Shelley, Miss Marie Joseph Murphy, Mrs.

Edgar Shelley. Kocyan. Mrs. H. A.

Smith, Mrs. Robert Miner, Mrs. Mire, Laning. Miss Jane Bennett and A. R.

Heinberg. Business group--Harold Ramsey, chairman; Mrs. Edward Ellsworth. John Mackenraw. Robert Rinehimer, Griffith Powell, Walter Williams, Charles Wood and John Dana, R.

A. Davis, Herman. George Weer and Patrick Russell. Edwardsville -First ward, chairman, Mrs. Anna Konsavage; Mrs.

Goriciek, Catherine Miss Margaret Miss second ward, chairman, Ryan M. Bell, H. Mrs. Hoffman, Mrs. Mary Peter Yeraka, Miss Margaret Frances.

Miss Betsy Edwards, Mrs. Adam Gober, Ann Sloan, third ward, chairman, Mrs. Miss Evan Whitby. Mrs. John McGuire, Catherine McGroarty, Mrs.

W. List. Miss Mrs. iGlski, Mrs. Leona Jones.

Helen Jones. Mrs. Charles Mrs. Tucker, Edward Mrs. George Bloomburg, Miles.

Fourth ward, chairman, Mrs. Lewis Edwards; Mrs. Hobart Mrs. Lillian Morgan, Mrs. Verna Perry, Baltus, Bennett, Mrs.

Williams, Mrs. Mary Hanna Court, Mrs. Hannah Rolands; fifth ward, chairman. Mrs. Jessie Walters; Mrs.

Bert Smith, Mrs. Mrs. Lovallie, Mrs. C. Williams, Yorwerth James; sixth ward, chairman, Mrs.

Evan Williams; Mrs. Edward Edwards, Mrs. Glen Wilkin, Mrs. Louis Thomas, Mrs. Dan Mrs.

Jones, Mrs. William Smith, James Connor. Mrs. Elmer Lyons, Mrs. Sarah James; seventh ward, chairman, Mrs.

Maude Williams; Mrs. William Martin. Mrs. Morgan Beech and Thomas Wilson. The drive will be officially ened on Sunday afternoon at 3 op- at Irem Temple with an address by Admiral Percival S.

Rossiter, surgeon general of the U. S. Navy. Edwin M. Kerstetter, Former Resident, Dies Elwin M.

Kerstetter, 58, of Williamstown, former resident of Nantico*ke and a brother of Oliver Kerstetter, East Main street, died suddenly yesterday in the GeisMemorial hospital, Danville, according to word received here. He was a patient at the hospital one day and the exact cause of death could not be learned this morning. Mr. Kerstetter resided in. this city about twenty five years ago and was well known.

He was engaged in farming at Williamstown. Besides his wife, Mary, one daughter, Mrs. Howard Kramer, of Williamstown, survives also the following; and sisters Oliver of Nantico*ke; Mrs. Sara Snyder, Mrs. Lucy Reichenbach, Cora Shotzberger, of Sunbury; Mrs.

Emma Wall of Auburn, N. and Mrs. Jane Hoffer, of Kansas. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon at 2 the home at Williamstown. Services, will be in charge of Rev.

pastor of the Evangelical Church of that place and interment will be in the Williamstown cemetery. Reich fuehrer to declare that many must regard that instrument as invalidated. The Locarno Treaty provides for mutuel assistance by major Western and Central European nations against unprovoked aggr.sion. It remains the strict secret of only half a dozen of Germany's highest military leaders as to whether the Reich army has been ordered to march into the Rhineland, demilitarization of which remains the only important vestige of Versailles remaining. Official German quarters continue to insist that the demilitarized zone will be respected.

Hitler is not expected to take any hasty action in this respect, especially since Paris and London reports say France will, in that case, call upon Great Britain for aid under the Locarno Treaty. In any event, remilitarization of the Rhineland buffer zone means little, inasmuch as the present socalled police forces in the Rhine area could be turned into soldiers and other defensive preparations could be made overnight. ARREST TWO IN RELIEF TILT Argument At Office In City An argument started in headquarters of the Emergency Relief Board on North Franklin street this afternoon and developed into a fist fight on the street in front of the building resulted in the arrest of Stanley Linsky, 33, of 841 North Washington, street, Calvin and street, Paul Parsons, two, Patrolmen relief seekers. Anthony Bertram and Harry Toole came upon the pair pummeling each other on the sidewalk and collared them. Within a few minutes they had been placed in the patrol, which had been called, and were on their way to jail.

They were docketed on a charge of fighting hearing in police court tomorrow morning. FRANK LOHMAN LEAVES $11,000 ESTATE TO CHURCH AND FAMILY By the will of Frank Lohman, late of Hanover Township, filed for probate today, he leaves $100 to St. Aloysius Church congregation for church purposes, and $50 to his daughter, Christine, (now Sister Gorgonis). He leaves property at 61 Wyoming street, Lee Park. to son, Herbert Lohman, subject the payment of two notes.

He Lea leaves Mundy, $300 and to directs daughter. that the Elizabeth remainder of his estate be converted into cash, and the proceeds of the sale be divided into six parts. He leaves one part each to Mary King. Anna L. Mott.

Elizabeth L. Mundy, Agnes L. Cosgrove and Herbert Lohman, and one part among William, David and Robert Lohman. The estate is valued at $11,000, and his daughters, Mary L. Klug and Anna L.

Mott, are named executrixes. Bessie M. Beynon was named today to administer the estate of Walter H. Beynon, late of WilkesBarre, valued at $2.000. By the will of Frank J.

McNeal, late of Wilkes-Barre, filed for probate today. he leaves an estate valued at $5,000, to his wife, Lena T. McNeal. and names her executrix. Letters of administration were granted today to Thomas F.

Farrell, in the estate of Nellie E. Yocum, late of Fairview Township, valued at $5.000. and to Charles E. Harris in the estate of Manie E. Harris, late of Dallas, valued at $26.

HANOVER TEACHERS HEAR J. S. WILLIAMS "Pupils Failure with Special Attention to the Marks and Grades," was the topic of an address this afternoon by Prof. J. Stuart Williams, supervising principal of the Luzerne borough schools at an institute of Hanover Township teachers.

Prof. Edward S. Williams, supervising principal of the Hanover Township schools, was the chairman. Mr. Williams said that all students could not be judged by their marks and explained the general trend of students toward certain subjects.

An appeal for assistance on behalf of the roll call of Wyoming Valley Chapter, American Red Cross, was made by Hale Coughlin, general chairman. Our Old Timer Gets His Time Piece Back Billie Burke, the Old Timer, who delights readers of the sports page of The Evening News his oldtime memoirs, was rather, jubiliant yesterday afternoon, in fact he was as happy as the night was long last night, while at work at the Austin Tavern. Last week, burglars broke into the Burke residence on Main street, Port Griffith, and made off with a gold watch which the Old Timer's father gave him when he reached the age of twenty-one. The watch was the only thing missing from Burke's home, and had they taken Billie's home and left the watch behind he would have been better pleased. But the State police arrested the burglars and recovered the watch.

So the Old Timer once again his time piece. Hanover Unemployed To Hold Bingo Party Hanover Branch, No. 75, Luzerne County Unemployed League, Inc. will hold a card and bingo party tomorrow night at the wown Tavern Hotel on Front street, Railroad Stocks Open High Low Close AT SF co 80 80 7912 Balt Ohio. 2212 Can Pac 1412 Ches Ohio.

583 Ches Corp. 70 71 70 71 and 48 and Erie 1578 1578 Gr Nor Pid 42 Valley 135, 14 Cen 458 434 St 63 62 63 Nor West. 232 232 232 232 Nor Pac Pennsy 36 36 Sou Pac 3678 Sou Rail 1918 1938 191 Un Pac 1363, 1381 West Mary 1118 11 11 Public Utilities Am Fr Pr 812 81 814 Am Tel Tel 17434 1743, 17312 17342 Col Gas 1834 1834 Cons NY 361. 3612 36 361 Com So 312 338 Elec Pr Lt. 12 12 Gen Gas A 258 Int Tel-Tel 18 1878 184 Nat Pr-Lt 11 11 No American 287 Stand G- El 81 8 8 United Corp 778 778 United GImp 17 17 Pub Ser NJ 44 Tire and Rubber Goodrich Ru Goodyear 2878 US Rubber Copper Stocks Alaska Jun 1512 Am Smel-Ret 727.

Anaconda Cerro de Pas Kennecot 39 39 381 McIntyre Por 43 43 43 Steel Stocks Am Rol Mil 31 Am Stl Fdy 31 303 Beth Stl Co 59 Ludlum Stl 31 32 31 32 Rep Ir-Stl US Cast IP US Steel 67 SteelPid Vanadium Oils Atlantic Consol Oil Freeport 34 Gen Asphalt 34 Ohio Oil Phillips Pure Oil Seabrd Oil Socony Vac 16 16 Std Oil Cal 46 Std Oil Ind Std Oil NJ Texas Co 38 Motors Auburn Chrysler General Briggs 64 64 64 Houdailli 32 32 Packard 1178 Studebaker 14 14 Miscellaneous Amer Can 128 128 127 Am Cr Fdry 39 Am Alcoh 313 313 Amer Loco 331 A Radiator 223 23 225 2238 Am Stores. Am Tob A Ad Dry Gds 17 171 Aviat Corp Case Thre'h 125 125 12212 Celanese Colum Carb 103 103 Com'l Sol Congoleum 3834 3812 383; Corn Prod. 7612 Deere Dupont 150 East Kodak 167 Fox. 31 Electric 4034 Gen Fd Crp Gt Sugar 3612 Curtis 7 7a 7 Int Harvest 7534 741 7478 Int Johns Man 122 122 122 SS Kresge. Kroger Sts.

Leh Coal 3 3 3 Mont. Ward Nat'l Biscuit Cash Dairy Reg P. 30 30 33 Radio CofA 13 13 Remin Rand 23 Sears Roebk Sperry Crp Std Brands 1634 17 Timken 69 69 6978 US Ind Alco 46 46 4678 Warner Brs 123 123, Wstrn Union 9112 9112 W'house El 12024 11912 11912 Airbrake 5253 Woolworth NEW YORK CURB MARKES Quotations furnished by J. S. Bache and Company, Market and Franklin streets.

Members of New York Stock Exchange, New York Curb Market and all' other principal exchanges. Stocks- Opening Close Coals Glen Alden 1534 Oils Cities Service Com Gulf Oil 94 Int Pet Humble Oil 71 7212- Ky 21 Utilities Gas and Elec Am Light Trac 2058 United Gas Corp 63 Arkansas A 634 Niagara Hud Power 978 Amer Super Power Elec Bond and Share Miscl. Canadian Marconi Selected, Mines Ind 1 Cord Corp Ford Ltd Pennroad 5 5 Hudson Bay Teck Hughes 5 5 Wright Hargreaves Atlas Corp Am Cyanamid 36 Carrier Corp Cleveland Tractor MOTORMAN INJURED Theodore Levandowski, 31, of 252 River street, Honey Pot, a motorman at the Loomis colliery of the Glen Alden Coal Company, suffer-, ed injuries to the left foot while at work early today when struck by a bumper of a motor. He was admitted to the Nantico*ke State Hospital at 1.15 and his condition is fair. riers were: Catherine Mack, R.

Connolly, Mary Walsh. Virginia Weiss, Margaret Leed and Catherine Grout. Interment was in the Nantico*ke cemetery. Lawrence Stackhouse Dies At Local Hospital Lawrence Stackhouse, 12, son of Mrs. Ada Stackhouse, 180 East Grand 'street, died at 12.10 this morning in the Nantico*ke State Hospital following an illness of complications.

He was admitted to the hospital at 10 last. night,.

Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.